Fat people are gross

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My entire family isn't 1000 pounds each, but they are obese(200-300lbs for women and 300-400lbs for men).

They do get made fun of a lot and I think they are ashamed everyday of their bodies. My dad alone is also on 5 different prescribed meds just to battle his obesity.

I dont know what the point of this thread is, but fat people have to live in their bodies everyday and it is punishment enough sometimes.
The obvious point of this thread is to ridicule the less fortunate to feel better about themselves. Obese people are easy targets. The ignorance on this topic is ENORMOUS. I tried awhile back to explain it but was immediately attacked from all sides. Even from obese people on this site. So I gave up. Making fun of fat people is a long cherished tradition. Question it at your peril.


Well-Known Member
Why are they mean? It is the truth. It is reality. Americans were thin until the fast food boom of the 80's. I understand that some people have thyroid issues and others are on medications that make them put on weight. I feel badly for them because I know it is a hard life. By far, the vast majority of obese people in the US have done it to themselves. Anyone who does not agree has their head in the sand.



Active Member
People are so dependant on fast food now it's disgusting. Besides the fact that it's terrible for you, most people don't even know what they're eating. Don't flip if you guys love tacobell but I can't see how people eat that shit. It's one class above dog food. I prefer a nice home cooked meal but what's food without a ton of lard and grease?....Oh yea FOOD!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Riiiight... let's not blame the food industry for swapping cheaply made and storage friendly HFCS with natural sugars and sweeteners or for increasing the fat content in food to make it "more palatable". Or the fact that healthy food is extremely expensive and people living from paycheck to paycheck really can't afford to eat healthier foods. But I'm not going to get into this again. Not the fact that HFCS tricks your body into thinking it's starving therefore you crave more food (by design, not by accident) or what it does to your blood sugar and messes with fat storage and metabolism. Nope. I've had enough screaming and yelling about this topic.


Active Member
Lol the point of this thread was to just show you guys that vid, I thought it was crazy how she killed her nephew and she's nearly 1100 pounds. I just happened to make a title that seems to be refering to all fattys. Yes I make fun of them so I feel better about my physically fit body i'll admit.


Well-Known Member
Video games and computers, chips and sodas, energy drinks!, etc. have changed our country. Almost everyone born before 1980 will tell you as children they played outside EVERY day, all day. Every kid had a bike, many of them also had a skateboard, baseball gloves, footballs, basketballs, etc. and an army of neighborhood kids who wanted to play too. Now, kids have XBox, and the friends they play with are their homes on their Xbox. This is the truth, but young people do nto understand it because it is all they have known. Eat right, and exercise, and you will not be obese without a medical condition.


Well-Known Member
Carne, fats food is way more expensive than healthy food. That's why they are there, to make a profit. They feed you barely food for an exhorbitant price. Go buy your family a fast food dinner. It's at least $20 bucks. Go to the grocery store and buy chicken breast (avg $2.30 lb, so counting protein per lb, you need about $7 worth), a couple crowns of broccoli ($1.5), and some wild rice ($1). Now which cost the most, both monetarily AND healthwise?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Lol the point of this thread was to just show you guys that vid, I thought it was crazy how she killed her nephew and she's nearly 1100 pounds. I just happened to make a title that seems to be refering to all fattys. Yes I make fun of them so I feel better about my physically fit body i'll admit.
No you make fun of them because of whatever internal issue you have going on that makes you feel inferior or lacking. As with bullies. What they lack is courage. So they attack weaker individuals to cover up thier own deficit. People who are secure, balanced individuals don't feel the need to ridicule or debase.


Active Member
Lmfao your right i'm all sorts of fucked up inside :,( gonna have to go on a fatty bashing spree now. As I said it wasn't intented for all fattys just the one in the video but the title made seem otherwise.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Carne, fats food is way more expensive than healthy food. That's why they are there, to make a profit. They feed you barely food for an exhorbitant price. Go buy your family a fast food dinner. It's at least $20 bucks. Go to the grocery store and buy chicken breast (avg $2.30 lb, so counting protein per lb, you need about $7 worth), a couple crowns of broccoli ($1.5), and some wild rice ($1). Now which cost the most, both monetarily AND healthwise?
I only buy healthy food. You all know that. I haven't touched fast food in years. Go buy a bucket of chicken w/ mashed taters and gravy and biscuits which is a lot cheaper than buying the materials for the same meal and cooking it yourself. I don't know where you get that idea from Clayton but you're wrong. Next time, when you're in the supermarket, look at the prepackaged foods (boxed meals, cereals, etc.) and you'll see one of the main ingredients as HFCS or one of it's other names. Our food in the U.S. is loaded with it. Compare that with natural foods and you'll see the disparity between the two.

Anyway, I'm not going through this again. I've done my time on Maple Drive. I will never convince any of you. I tried. Ya'll have a blind spot where fat peope are concerned.


Well-Known Member
No you make fun of them because of whatever internal issue you have going on that makes you feel inferior or lacking. As with bullies. What they lack is courage. So they attack weaker individuals to cover up thier own deficit. People who are secure, balanced individuals don't feel the need to ridicule or debase.
The dilemma, almost a crisis, calls for more education, more understanding of mental and physical issues that involve obesity and far less bullying. I have some sympathy but not like I do for those with cancer or inherited diabetes. Sympathy does little anyway. The definition can be found in any dictionary between "shit" and "syphilis". Most ER staff is well balanced but good laughs are necessary at times to prevent all out bawling at others. Seriously.


Well-Known Member
I do not know about HFCS and will look into it; thank you. I believe we had a similar talk a while back. Like you, I too am sickened by the food industry. Food Inc. and Supersize me should be mandatory viewing for high school kids. Having said that, they are not solely to blame. If I was 300 lbs you would never see me eating candy, ice cream, fats food, or anything high in fat, or sugar. At some point people have to be accountable and take responsibility for their actions. I would love to eat Wendy's spicy chicken sammiches all of the time, washed down with copius amounts of soda, and follow it with cake and ice cream, but I choose not too. I watch my calories (and type) and work out 5 days a week. So, I can say I am sick of paying for the healthcare of those who choose to do nothing but eat shit all day.

Oh, and I love those GD flamin hot Cheetos. I eat one bag a year.


Active Member
BTW carne I love how you try to go to the phsycological approach of somthings wrong with me. I'll tell you why I think they're gross, because modern day media portrays them as gross and I just happen to agree. Have you ever seen a beautiful fat women? I havn't...."ohh but she's pretty on the inside" lol no, not at all.


Well-Known Member
Check this heavy child molester out. Holy crap!



Active Member
Is there not such thing as fat Europeans or Asains? Was gonna say africans but I know there aint any of those. There are a FEW who are skinny believe me!