First Grow CFL Shed


Well-Known Member
Yea, you can flower whenever you want. I guess the yield depends on how well you have taken care of them and how well you continue to take care of them.

So a plant that is flowered at 4.5 inches and has had no stress along the way, will turn out better then a plant that was grown to 12 inches and took a beating. I've never seen any of his videos, what was the purpose for flowering that small?


Well-Known Member
just trying to follow the book on the first grow, he yields 3 oz off one plant that starts flowering at 4.5 inch


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty impressive...

Seems like you would get even more if you let it grow bigger. But I guess if you got 20 @ 4.5" compared to 3 @ 12" then it all works out. I'm probably going to flower starting tomorrow.

I'm so excited!



Well-Known Member
he just states the CFL's grow a lot more effieciant when the plants are shorter, he only grows 3 in the book not 20


Well-Known Member
oh just wondering... still my first time i have no clue, a buddy that grows says he didnt expect to see me even get this far...


Well-Known Member
Yea man...always worth the shot...since it's your first time it's a good idea to get as much experience as possible.

Does the one with bad nute burn seem to be getting worse as the days pass?


Well-Known Member
Hey Cheesy, I just started the Flowering on my Growlog lastnight. So we are in the same boat, we both have a short fat plant, very simiair grow.

I agree, I think we are ready for Flower, our plants are very 'Low Ryder' status, I think they will explode with growth during the 12/12 and atleast gain some height between the nodes for some nice sticky buds :)

Goodluck friend! Keep us updated! Especially me lol


Well-Known Member
shit i've been away for awhile. I assume you flushed the shit out of that after it got burned?


Well-Known Member
Well i have the lights on from 9PM-9AM so the lights are off during the day due to the heat. it gets around 85-90 during a sunny day, and the lowest it gets at night is 70. i Just feel as if they look real bad but thats hopefully is just me.

I'm in, thanks for the invite!!

i love pictures :)
Thank you so much. I greatly appreciate you joining this, how does everything look to you?