camera you use.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, lately ive been thinking about going out and getting a camera, all i use is my phone and its not that great of quality, i was looking on amazon for some cameras but i have no idea whats good for a growing enviroment like to help with the black lines and all. and something thats got good picture quality and everything. price range i guess would be no more then 150-175.

what have you guys use when you get a good pic of your strain. i kinda want to start a scrap book of all the grows i do just so i have soemthing to look back on. if i wanted to grow that strain again or just remind me of that strain idk im high grilling burgers. and i juts thought i would looks at cameras. and maybe even something that has a decent video setting.


Well-Known Member
well if it can also do a good quality on videos then i guess i could bump the range up to 350-375. im a novic at best with photogrophy but it does seem to have a calming effect when i get high and go down and take osme pics of my current grow,
The one i linked to above takes pretty sharp HD video, and under bright grow lights the video will almost be TV quality... You cant go wrong with a Canon.


Well-Known Member
Pro photographer by trade.

5D + a ton of "L" lenses, not to mention strobes, etc.

Wish I could show you guys my website and facebook page, but I will save it until weed is legal.

My recommendation, if you are thinking of a DSLR, get any kind of Rebel like a T2i and up and skip the kit lens stuff, get either the 17-55 2.8 if you can afford it, if not the 50mm 1.8 is a great prime for starting out. Low light plus nice DOF for around $100. Plus shoot RAW or white balance your pics for the type of lighting in your grow, seeing a lot of orange grows around ;)


Well-Known Member
Pro photographer by trade.

5D + a ton of "L" lenses, not to mention strobes, etc.

Wish I could show you guys my website and facebook page, but I will save it until weed is legal.

My recommendation, if you are thinking of a DSLR, get any kind of Rebel like a T2i and up and skip the kit lens stuff, get either the 17-55 2.8 if you can afford it, if not the 50mm 1.8 is a great prime for starting out. Low light plus nice DOF for around $100. Plus shoot RAW or white balance your pics for the type of lighting in your grow, seeing a lot of orange grows around ;)

i dont know camera talk. this is like chinese for me.


Ursus marijanus
Iphone 4s

Canon 5D

Canon 5D here as well! A last crazy purchase before my marriage ended. :(
I have a 24x70 and a 70x200 zoom for it. Had I enough money still, I'd like one longer ... and that wicked 180mm macro.

But the camera I use for my shots here is a small Canon that i use for little else. cn


Well-Known Member
i guess i would want something that can get a good shot of the thc structure and very fine close up on the buds, while also be able to take good video, price range would be under 350-400


Well-Known Member
hey guys, lately ive been thinking about going out and getting a camera, all i use is my phone and its not that great of quality, i was looking on amazon for some cameras but i have no idea whats good for a growing enviroment like to help with the black lines and all. and something thats got good picture quality and everything. price range i guess would be no more then 150-175.

what have you guys use when you get a good pic of your strain. i kinda want to start a scrap book of all the grows i do just so i have soemthing to look back on. if i wanted to grow that strain again or just remind me of that strain idk im high grilling burgers. and i juts thought i would looks at cameras. and maybe even something that has a decent video setting.
I use a plain jane Nikon S205 and it does fine for the occasional use, with bunches of different settings, and I think it might do short video too, but never tried it.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Pro photographer by trade.

5D + a ton of "L" lenses, not to mention strobes, etc.

Wish I could show you guys my website and facebook page, but I will save it until weed is legal.

My recommendation, if you are thinking of a DSLR, get any kind of Rebel like a T2i and up and skip the kit lens stuff, get either the 17-55 2.8 if you can afford it, if not the 50mm 1.8 is a great prime for starting out. Low light plus nice DOF for around $100. Plus shoot RAW or white balance your pics for the type of lighting in your grow, seeing a lot of orange grows around ;)
i dont know camera talk. this is like chinese for me.
He is talking about the canon line of rebel cameras. These are the lowest priced digital slr cameras canon carries. They are also extremely user friendly. The other stuff he's talking about are lenses. Mine came with the camera and it works great for me. it's an 18-55 EFS with motion stabilizing capability. RAW is a file format that doesn't compress the image. You get a very high quality photo. Which allows you to adjust the lighting and brightness during editing without losing quality. Colors are more accurate, etc., etc.. As for the white balance. Your camera should have an auto-white balance setting. If it doesn't then just google how to adjust your white balance. It's fairly simple. The only difficulty will be in finding the white balance setting on your camera.


Well-Known Member
Also I cant stress this enough, but make sure most of your money is going into your lenses and not a camera body. Camera bodies get outdated very quickly, while good lenses can last 20+ years before needing an update. I personally still use lenses that were first introduced in the late 90's. Good lenses are also a great investment since they hold their value very well.

Here are 2 sites that are great for comparing camera lenses if you are unsure what to buy.

And if you are in Canada, use this site for price matching.