All My Pictures!!!


Weed Modifier
i meant thread sorry new to this
do you have a link to your thread? and you can ask questions here too if you like...i don't mind at all :bigjoint:

once again....I created this thread for everyone...not just me, without everyone posting and helping.... it would not be what it is now :clap:

Awesome to see you all posting pics...and i don't mind the conversations, it can bring about very interesting topics to discuss. ;)

:joint: You all Rock! :joint:


Active Member
pft, no one comments on my break down of growing kush?!

do you all realize how many years i said i would never once fucking grow kush, not even if you payed me to
Why did you say that. I'm unfamiliar with kush. Is papaya, from nirvana, basically mango kush?


Active Member
Current grow?
I have one just like that, funny thing tho, when it sprouted from the seed it had 3 seedling leafs. im growing a batch of regular leebaneese this time around :) would give you a pic of the little one, but havent got a camera anymore :(


Well-Known Member
I have one just like that, funny thing tho, when it sprouted from the seed it had 3 seedling leafs. im growing a batch of regular leebaneese this time around :) would give you a pic of the little one, but havent got a camera anymore :(
i belive this phenomena is called whorled phyllotaxy :). Most plants start growing normaly after a while, some dont. doesnt have to be bad because of that. its not a genetic trait but more of a mutation from my understanding. meaning a clone wouldnt necessarely have to grow in the same way. got a couple of theese but they never really gave me any issues :)


Well-Known Member
i 'like' a lot of pictures straight jacket... but those look f-ing awesome.
Thanks, after this batch I'm gonna do some experimenting with light and organics. might not see buds like these for awhile. lol Edit:::
I think I'll grow a few like these and a few experiments at the same time.


Active Member
I just ordered 5 fem Super Lemon Haze from attitude... and I got 5 freebies: og kush, og kush #18, cantaloupe kush, kandy kush, and sour kush/headband... all feminized as well. Fucking awesome. Anybody know anything useful about any of these? flowering time? awesomeness? whatever?