I live in Santa Barbara, last year we passed a local bill making marijuana the lowest priority for cops. If you get caught in possession here as long as you have less than an ounce on you its only a $50-75 ticket. Not even a misdemeanor. That's no card. If you have a card you're allowed to carry up to 8 ounces. I go to UCSB and we have a joint rolling competition in our local park. If you have your card, you can roll weed and smoke it. The cops are there too. There are 12 clubs here in SB where you can buy herb, seeds, clones, and various edibles and stuff shipped in from europe. It's awesome. You have your choice of a hundred strains that you can inspect before you buy, and you can buy hash, oils and all sorts of stuff there. The DEA is cracking down on them though, as all this is still illegal on the federal level. I don't know if you heard, but the DEA hit San Diego Hard. Most of the clubs were shut down, their owners are stuck in court and some are ending up in jail. Even the smoke shops are getting shut down or discontinuing to sell bongs and paraphernalia. It's a huge grey area that needs reform bad. If you're just looking to do a small scale personal consumption grow, if you have your card you won't even need to worry about cops.