lol you're such a joke. I have never supported "old world socialism" or any other RIGHT WING form of statist socialism. That is why I said to quit with the tired cold war era bs. That is another assumption you have assigned to me and another reason I dismiss your birther nonsense. You single me out for the ideas you assign to me. You don't know me.
Yes, I destroyed your arguments on economy. Obama, the tax and spend liberal, is cleaning up after Dubya, the trickle down conservative. Please explain how we are headed the way of Greece. Or if you wish to continue on the birther debate, as was stated before, the burden of proof is yours to bear, along with the burden of lol.
FYI the economy is fucked because of war, social welfare programs are FIXING the economy by reviving aggregate demand.
You can put lipstick on a pig, my forum mate. That doesn't make it new. And what is new? National Socialism is a mind trap for the Left.
It is what Marx had in mind, pehaps in his comfortable middle class mind, but not Lenin. I go to Russia quite a bit on business. The story
is very different there, of course.
So, tell me, is the Stalinist view, the totalitarian view, any different from the actuality of Hitler's view, the totalitarian view? Don't all of these political theories, including unfettered Capitalism, lead straight to tyranny? Let's ask Robespierre's head...woops. No answer given.
It's camo is New. This is New. Evil fuckers on all sides are trying to take it all apart. At least, we our own fucker, but he's not near evil enough
for me. And what you are buying is the pig in poke. The wolf in sheeps cloths. You can wink and blink for a New World Order, but it is
the iron tread of Social Fascists that will easy roll over it. It was never more than a prop. The 5th Reich. You'll see.