Fuck the human race.


Active Member
Yes, I understand that I am a human. So my topic title just said fuck my self. But really ....

Last night, I cut my hand open while driving.... I know you guys are thinking wtf? Well I am a chef, and I have a lot of knives in my car. When I cut my self, I was pulling into a gas station. I have a first aid kit and all in my car. I got a box of gloves. I cut my right hand open good. I was thinking of going to the er, but I really don't have money for that. Even if I was going to the er, I need to wrap my hand up to stop the bleeding. I grab the first aid kit, and gloves with my left hand. I lay them out and start trying to wrap my hand while holding down the cut to stop the bleeding. I am using my mouth, my chin, any thing to hold it down on my cut to stop the bleeding.

Now here comes the fuck you world. I am at a gas station, wear my chef clothing. I have gloves and all. Humans just walk by and look at me, and walk the other way. People just look at me and step a few steps to the left, and keep on going. Over 20 people I counted walked by me and didn't do shit. Just keep on going. Didn't even say do you Need help. One guy even walked by me and said hi. Really hi? I hope you die by fire you prick.

When I got my self taped up, after 25 mins, blood all over the ground and on me. Some guy walks up to me, and says "you got a zig zag I could have?" this guy sat in his car, and watched me the whole time. I know because when I pulled up, I saw his lowered caddy. White, gold rims, black windows .....
I walked in side, bought him a pack of zig zag, and gave it to him. Then said fuck you.

/end rant.


Ursus marijanus
Is it possible that they were intimidated by a bleeding guy in a Dahmer suit who had a lot of knives in his car? cn


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't help some random person that's bleeding all over the place. You could have herpes. Nor would I take a pack of zig zags from you, they could be infected as well.


Active Member
not really .... The knives where put back into my bag....
What ever happened to helping a person in need? I had all the stuff to make sure they wouldn't get blood on them.


Well-Known Member
You had one of those surgeons aprons, a face mask, latex gloves, and a place for me to wash up after (I'm not doing it in the gas station bathroom either, no thank you.)?


Ursus marijanus
not really .... The knives where put back into my bag....
What ever happened to helping a person in need? I had all the stuff to make sure they wouldn't get blood on them.
I will try to give this a serious answer.
You almost certainly looked intimidating. Wounded means the wounder could still be near. Logical? No. Human instinct, esp. in an urban environment? You betcha. How many times did you ask for help? cn


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of a time my car broke down and cell was dead... Walked to gas station asked if I could use a phone and they said they didn't have a pay phone...wouldn't let use one of their cell phones...so I asked if any of them knew anything about cars they said no and called the cops on me for smelling like beer...yeah sometimes people suck.


Active Member
Yes, I bought him zig-zags ..... I figured if every one around me is sucking peoples cock, I could be the nice person around....


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that, but try parked in front of the hospital emergency doors, with the wheelchair that you just went in and basically stole from the two lazy fuck nurses sitting at the front desk bullshitting, trying to get your father in law out of the backseat and into the wheelchair and be ignored by a nurse walking by in a hurry because her ass is late and she wants to punch the clock.
What made it even more irritating, is he was returning for chest pain after being released after surgery 2 days prior.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Yes, I bought him zig-zags ..... I figured if every one around me is sucking peoples cock, I could be the nice person around....
Did you really tell him to fuck off after buying him that, or did you add that for the sake of the story?


Well-Known Member
I once cut my arm at a factory I was working at. Went to the restroom got the first aid kit and started to wash my arm off. A guy came in and ask can I help you, I said yea put this butterfly stich on for me. The bastard fainted and I got one of those glass things and broke it and stuck under his nose he jumped up and hauled ass out of there. I got 2 stiches on and wraped up and all of a suden there were 10 people in there. Funny as hell.