Well-Known Member
If that's the case then stay the fuck off the road. Seriously, you're playing with people's lives. Who has that right?sometimes hit and running is a necessity though like if you REALLY!! dont need to be talking to the police at that given point in time![]()
Oh! Alright, we see. It's just "your turn" to give some of that love to someone else? But, if she's the one who rear-ended you, then why are YOU the one doing the hit-and-run? That just doesn't fucking jive, does it?LOL..Say all u want..but one I was High. Two her dumbass couldnt brake on time...and she hit me..but I have a truck so my bumper took care of that.Basically her car got fucked up not mine. And trust me ive been on the wrong side of hit and runs 5 times.!
So, when you come back here to whine about something bad happening to you and boo-hoo-hoo, mind if we bust your chops with this shit?
Wikid, I did something similar once a few years ago. I was taking my grandparents out to lunch to Marie Calender's (sp?). I'm looking for a parking spot, and as I come around I see this little truck just SMACK this nice motorcycle that was parked and knocked it over. The guy in the truck backs up and takes OFF!

Papaya, you're one of "those people". You're one of those people who gives _________________________ a bad name (fill in your blank). You make people who smoke pot look like losers, users and abusers. Your excuse for not doing the right thing was even that you were high! Ya know what? I wish to HELL I could distance myself from the likes of you. There are only a few things that bind us, one being that we're both human, another that we (sort of) speak the same language, and another being that we enjoy herb. That's where the similarities end. Unfortunately, try telling that to people like the woman you ran from (which still doesn't make any sense because if she hit you then you wouldn't have had to run, would you?). Try telling that to police and the Moral Majority, the people who make the laws and enforce them. I do my best to state that, just as with alcohol and cigarettes, marijuana can be enjoyed RESPONSIBLY. And then you come along.
And while I'm on this little tear, I've gotta wonder and ask: Why is that there is always someone who seems to think that because we're breaking this one set of use/cultivation laws that we're completely down with breaking all sorts of other laws? Why does smoking weed, a victimless crime, make one more prone to accepting crimes with very real and identifiable victims? IT DOESN'T! Some people, including some people here, just should not fucking smoke. They can't keep their shit tight and they have no sense of responsibility, either to themselves or the society that must bear the burden of their actions.