enjoying your three day weekend?


New Member
You mentioned most plants are hybrids. Mine is a 90%+ indica hybrid Afghani Kush. Look, what I'm saying is this, back when I started growing there was no such thing as seed banks. The seed stock we used was from our own breeding or from other trusted growers. We knew exactly what mom and pops were and didn't have to worry about what unknown pheno would pop up. When buying seeds or cuts today, we all have to rely on the breeders word that what we are getting is what they claim it is. If you say your plant is 90% indica, then it is, I'm not going to argue with you because I have no idea who it came from. But if you claim that the "tall sativa genetics kicked in" one could make an argument that genotype is perhaps more than 10% sativa, would you agree?

It had nothing to do with the root system. The problem is the tall sativa genetics was kicking in those two weeks but the stem was only strong enough for indica growth. The plant has now slowed down. The leaves are bigger and bushier.

There was no grower error with lack of knowledge. It was unstable genetics. You are probably right Canna but as you know, there are many reasons why a 2 week old seeding would need to be propped up, I don't know all the particulars in your case but the stem and root system not being established along with stretching from inferior lighting is usually the cause, now yours may be different.

But you have to ask yourself, would you rather have a completely stable strain, or one that sacrifices it for yield and potency? To be honest, there a plenty of stable strains with great yield and potency, I have to grow what is in demand at the time and believe it or not, aroma, taste and bag appeal trump potency for these knucklheads in the Bay Area. You can say you're an expert all you want, This is not a fair statement Canna, I don't make claims to being an expert, that's you and UB talking, I've just been growing for years, now i will say that I have probably made more mistakes than anyone on this forum, but not adding nitrogen isn't one of them! LOL but these days of hybriding plants to death, what you know goes out the window Well I pick and choose the strains I'll grow, the only time I find myself scratching my head is when I'm experimenting with something I'm unfamiliar with and that includes my own gear but I rely on my experience that tells me I can't do this on a large scale until it becomes stable. Does this mean I think of myself as a master grower, not at all. I just pick the path of least resistance bro. and each strain has it's own oddities, you can't blame problems or differences with lack of knowledge. Agreed!
Hey Canna, the last thing I want is bad feelings between you and I. This thing started when you jumped in the middle of a little battle between Bucky and I telling me I didn't know what I was talking about, like anyone else on this forum, I'm going to give some back. Prior to that, I never had a problem with you, I'd prefer it that way.


Well-Known Member
Minimum wage; covered by state and federal labor laws.
Safety glasses; covered by state and federal labor laws.
Respirators; covered by state and federal labor laws.
14yr old son working on an assembly line: covered by state and federal labor laws.

Sleeping on the job; covered by union protection.
Slow and lazy workers; covered by union protection.
Working while under the influence; covered by union protection.
Faking injuries for workers comp claims; covered by union protection.
Anti union much? Like everybody else you will then ask under your breath where do I sign up. Nothing wrong with benefits, fair wages, a little control over your life. If it wasn't for ORGANIZED LABOR we would all be a little poorer and life not so good. "The weekend brought to you by Unions".


New Member
Anti union much? Like everybody else you will then ask under your breath where do I sign up. Nothing wrong with benefits, fair wages, a little control over your life. If it wasn't for ORGANIZED LABOR we would all be a little poorer and life not so good. "The weekend brought to you by Unions".
Sorry pal, the only unions I am against are public unions. I see nothing wrong with employees and companies belonging to private unions, as long as neither are forced into it.

Take with a grain of salt everything your union brainwashes you into believing, because you can thank the Jews and Henry Ford (who despised labor unions for) weekends my friend.


Well-Known Member
you can thank the Jews and Henry Ford (who despised labor unions for) weekends my friend.
oh, my bad. i started this thread under the misconception that unions brought us the weekend, but apparently, and without any citation whatsoever, it was us jews who brought you the weekend.

you're welcome!


Well-Known Member
It hasn't yet, why would you presume it will?
Oh I dunno, probably because the labor competition now includes people in other countries who are willing to work 12 hours for $2. See how that whole supply / demand thing works yet?


Well-Known Member
oh, my bad. i started this thread under the misconception that unions brought us the weekend, but apparently, and without any citation whatsoever, it was us jews who brought you the weekend.

you're welcome!
I thought you said unions were responsible for the middle class.

That and the fact that everyone is a racist, you said that more than Dukeanothony/chesus has.


Well-Known Member
oh, my bad. i started this thread under the misconception that unions brought us the weekend, but apparently, and without any citation whatsoever, it was us jews who brought you the weekend.

you're welcome!
You're a joo too?
I thought it was just your wife.


Well-Known Member
So, you don't believe in a higher power, yet have to celebrate their religion?
That sucks.
why is this religion different from all other religions?

because most of the holidays are more like memorial services that serve as great excuses to gather and drink excessively.


Well-Known Member
Supply and demand. Anytime there is competition amongst producers...prices usually drop don't they?

Many times yes, but not always and as I said in the Jim Crow era, what you claim was incorrect. It only began working when government took action.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

Kinda like every other law. Isn't that what they all do, regulate our behavior and interactions?
Exactly. So if people that want to interact and don't need or want a 3rd party butting in....what is that then? Is it freedom or something else?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Many times yes, but not always and as I said in the Jim Crow era, what you claim was incorrect. It only began working when government took action.
Wasn't it "government" that instituted jim crow laws in the first place? That also perpetuated slavery ?