Bulletproof Glass Collection

Oh yeah verde, speaking of burns a huge hot chunk of glass landed in my pocket and melted my shorts to my thigh. Fuckin sucked. I burned my hand trying to pull it out and ended up dropping my shorts in front of 3 dudes and 4 girls. I even burned my boxers. Was funny yet scary at the same time. So yes I would like some burn cream. This was yesterday btw. Now I have a big orange burn on my outer thigh. And my new volcom shorts are fucked. 2nd time wearing em and never washed. Burned up good. And I still made another rig in my boxers. Lol.

Your week is still going wayyyy way better than mine dude LOL.. even with third degree burns I think your in first!

Anyway... sickkkkkkkk riggggg... would you do clear of one like exactly like that, for me? I'm thinking clear with slyme accents? Nothing too crazy, just a nice colored accent ! How much you chargin for these things anyway? We can discuss exact price on PM if ya want..
I owe you one. I told you that. And the feet are hella welded on this time. I swear. Like one piece.
Slyme/clear. As you wish.
Actually I think you use two flat round 4" discs. Like this.

========= - solid rod
[] - 4" disc
••••••• - milli sticks

============[] <--- draw your image a couple times on top of itself. So it's THICK

Add your other disc

melt together

once it's molten and evenly heated

pull it down EVENLY

========= &#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226; ==========
cut the milli stick off

&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226; &#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226; &#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;
chop millis down by size
I saw a milli being made at AGE and they started with a solid color rod, that was going to be the center of the image, then started laying down color rod on it, building the image from the center out. Looked tedious and hard. Once you have it all built up from color rods you attach big thick puntys to the front and back, heat and pull out to picture cane. In this video from gnosy, he is doing what I saw done, hard to see what he is making though.

I seen it at age also but was 2010 and they had pucks on fat rod they draw on.

yup, there is many ways im sure. Someone was telling me I could take one of my wag balls, implode it, then pull it down into a wig wag milli? I was curious to try, but have SO many things I want to try, and not enough time.
Quick Question: I have a Glass whip for my vape. I'm wondeing if you could apply a small bead of glass around it where the screen goes in. It just wants to fall through and into the chamber of the whip.
I can show a pic or 2 if it helps (I'm sure it would)
Yes! Could you do that for me? I will thoroughly clean it and send it out to you in a few days. Dimple it all the way around the edge if you can. I'll mark where I would like it done with a marker before I send it. PM me a price please.
If you pay shipping both ways and all you want are some dimples I'll only charge you like 5$. A pic would help me picture where @ you want these dimples.
Also this was brought to my attention by 8)
a Maggie milli being made
Here's a pic of the whip that needs a little doctoring up.
I'd like to place the dimples right above where the whitish color starts on the whip. Currently, the screen slides all the way down to where all the other colors start. This forces me to pack A LOT of herb in there to get the vape to work.
The red dots show where I would like all the dimples (please make a bunch so the screen deosnt fall through!). The blue line is where the screen rests now, which is waaaay too deep in the chamber.

Awesome bro. I'll send you a screen so you can test fit it, sound cool?
I'll send it out next Monday. Just shoot me your paypal and addy for me to send to. Shipping plus the $5 you said. So $15 via paypal should be cool right? It will be less than $5 to ship no doubt
Can't wait to see the results cuz this thing is pissing me off right now.
The dish showed up today, thanks. It looks great, but it is a bit smaller than I asked for. It's 2 1/4 inches instead of 3 so it slides around on my hot pad. I still like, I just still need to find one that is 3" to fit the warmer.
Heres a idea of how these are made. My first set of Rigs I'm happy with. They are two pieces to cut down on costs and time. People in my area can't buy 200$ rigs. So I used a grommet. You never pull the swing out so I figure it doesn't matter and I don't have to seal a downstem or a fitting on them. Plus they are easier to clean.

mouthpiece shaped

base (can) shaped

bridged and welded together
from there you add feet and mibs.

Here is the complete rig (just missing the grommet)

Whats the ticket? I have a buddy who just started dabbin and is currently looking for a fair priced rig. He like the nail n dome better so price that for me please.