The 12-12 From Seed Thread

LOL, so glad I read that last post of yours even though you are on my ignore list. I NEVER said I was a veteran. Reading comprehension ownz jooooo.

No pics, no care
LOL, so glad I removed you from my ignore list! You are far too entertaining.
You have NO IDEA who I am. Yet, you are a superior grower to me and everyone else? LOL.
I think YOU need to move out from your parent's basement.

I am through replying to you and will now add you back to the ignore list. Now PLEASE stop cluttering up this great thread with all your bullshit claims.
If you were really growing for patients you'd be growing In soil.
maybe you should try selling crack or something.. I'm sure there's plenty of young mums around who want their babies to turn out just like you.. lol

How the hell are u a vet and an amateur at the same time.... None of you kno nothing about real grows... You guys only grow for your consumption which is such a low life to live Lolol I have patients depending on me with the best of the best all of the time... Never weak ass grows... If its not yielding I'm not in it... Maybe all of you new to find another hobby becuz growing isn't it for you premature bastards.. Have a great day and even a greater time watering each plant one by one every three days lol I'm lmao at u right now. So pathetic
omg.. I didn't say it was my idea u idiot lol i put my own ideas into it to get these results. And of u can't show a pic of ur grow i advise u to zip it and respect a real grower. I never had a yellow leaf or a deficiency in my room ever. I'm 100 percent sure u can't say the same. I'm also 100% sure hydroponics is to hard for you lol how could i be arrogant when i'm tryin to give advice. Give credit when it's due. That's probably the reason why your thumbs are cursed to grow good marajuana. Like i said i did not create this method but however i built my own system that should be getting pattened in about 3 more months. Made for small or big grows.. Since ur a garbage grower u might as well purchase one becuz its basically growing for dummies and i'm pretty sure ur in that category

pics or it didnt happen
LOL, so glad I removed you from my ignore list! You are far too entertaining.
You have NO IDEA who I am. Yet, you are a superior grower to me and everyone else? LOL.
I think YOU need to move out from your parent's basement.

I am through replying to you and will now add you back to the ignore list. Now PLEASE stop cluttering up this great thread with all your bullshit claims.

I will do so master grower.. I'm sorry I under estimated u now i shall go back to my parents basement and rethink my plan. That's should have been your reply.. Never said I was better until I felt ppl wanted to belittle my way of growing ... All I said was I have a faster cleaner more efficient way to grow for all those ppl out there that aren't nerds and just want a good quick harvest instead of tryna study the fucking plant lol. But oh we'll I guess there's nothing wrong with me being the only person to get two pounds from one thousand watt but yea everyone disregard everything I said about anything and just wait for my system to hit the market Lolol I never have to work again a day in my life and I own two houses and three cars. Imagine what I will own when it's own the market lolololol my life is a dream. Ok everyone it's been nice sharing ideas or GIVING ideas to the middle and low class now back up to hi class where I belong
Lol....Billy Idol.......anyway I can pull a k/2 pounds from 1000w. 36 plants in a SOG. Its all about genetics and I got them. Rant
M8 its simples. Coco, nice water, a+b, decent enviroment, little love and most important quality genetics......booster r a Bit of treacle is just as good as anything. The more scientific u make it the harder it becomes and lesser results
Going buy ur name u r 25 but act like a 5 year old. Im by arguing. Good luck and i hope your next shite is a hedgehog
Wwwwoooow you are soo smart! Would you like a weed cookie for figuring out my age when it's right fucking there lol ur right I'm 25 and I'm more established than your parents. Join the illuminati and sell your soul becuz there is no hope at all for you my friend
haha .. looks like there's a mod busy in here...
his posts are dropping.. hopefully the scum will be gone soon..

EDIT (last): few small things doucheblue87.. no one asked for your help.. no one wants it.
the reason everyone is "hating" on you is because you are an arrogant egotistical know it it all who has shown us 1 picture of a shitty little plant claiming that you are the best grower in the world..
and now for something completely different..
