Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012


Well-Known Member
Fuck man, looking spendid! Situation seems to be developing nicely! Man, don't you love those frosty little white haired nuglets! Hehe...thinking "You're gonna make someone REEEEAAAL happy...hehe"

Fuck yeah, look at that sexy bitch raising the roof! haha...wonderful stuff, man!

I got free rooms in Vegas(state line, actually) that I can redeem any 2 weekdays before Oct 31st...Just let me know what's up, bro!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Meta. :) I will let you know whats up for Vegas. Gotta check with the Mrs. LOL

Dan I plan on bracing what gets too heavy. I have enough room to let them flop but I also have the room to brace. I have bamboo stakes standing by but I am waiting to see who flops first and where.

Thanks for the likes guys. :)

I hate that I can't rep you guys again yet. LOL


Well-Known Member
Good stuff! Now I can't get this Xmas song out of my head,"it's the most wonderful time of the year"

...although it may be even more appropriate come October.


Well-Known Member
i wonder how much weed snoop had to smoke to think he is Bob Marley reincarnated ...
nice AVI lol


Active Member
Angrys' SnoopLion pic is the SHIT! LOL! And you got some fly ass lookin rides in that carport! BOH!


Well-Known Member
LOL Snoooooooooooooooooop Lion.. LOL

Looks like the first finisher is going to be the Medi which I will pull net week. It's just a small thing so I won't even be posting the chop and results. I am not happy with it and it's my fault for messing with it so much.

Next will be the bagseed.. I don't know what it is but I hope it drops a survival seed or two! It's looking like some dank though! Look at this shit!

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The OG Truth is gonna have some huge golfball sized nugs. I will break out the Nike Mojo's for a few cameos when they get bigger. :) Right now they are the size of the top part of my thumb.

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If you guys have any questions please ask. :)


Well-Known Member
what up angryblackman? meta, kush, my bros. grows looking great. i'm gonna start a thread soon with my first outdoor grow in progress -- girls are in 2nd week of flowering! peace mo-fos.


Well-Known Member
what up angryblackman? meta, kush, my bros. grows looking great. i'm gonna start a thread soon with my first outdoor grow in progress -- girls are in 2nd week of flowering! peace mo-fos.
i was just looking at your avi the other day wondering where you went ...
welcome back bro


Well-Known Member
what up angryblackman? meta, kush, my bros. grows looking great. i'm gonna start a thread soon with my first outdoor grow in progress -- girls are in 2nd week of flowering! peace mo-fos.

What's up homer! It wouldn't be a thread without your loupe! :D I need to do a few of those next time I update. Make sure to let us know when you put up that thread. :)


Well-Known Member
September update.

You will never see Alice the same. ;)


Thought I would get up this morning and take a couple pics for you all. Enjoy!



Well-Known Member
just awesome ABM! They are all beautiful, but when I got to 26 I was like OH! the sun was so pretty. Then 27 was even more OH! And 28? OH! OH! Bu 29? It was just like a beam from heaben was shining down upon it ;)


Well-Known Member
Black Man, looking good but I hope you don't pull that little one too early. Made that mistake all ready this year and it wasn't worth it at all. You seem gram size nugs on them and you think ahh it's just a shitty plant might as well pull it for some early smoke. Well I'll tell you those gram size nugs are going to dry into shitty .2/.3 size nugs with hardly no taste or potency. It's way to early to sample, trust me even that shitty plant will put on at least 5x the size nugs it has now in another month or so. Do yourself a favor brotha, and let her go to the end, you'll be glad you did.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate that but I already pulled it. I will cure the bigger buds and the rest will go into tincures are D.I.E. :)


Well-Known Member
When do u plan on putting the plastic on the roof of your greenhouse ?

I'm planning making something that I can pull out and cover mine with when needed...better to do it before its needed than me looking like chicken with its head cut off in the rain trying to cover my plants lol