I would be an asshole

Is she on antidepressants? They'll kill a sex drive like nothing else. One of the reasons I'm here on this forum is my decision to move away from chemical treatments and narcotics. It's amazing how something so seemingly benign as a drug that's supposed to take your pain away can completely fuck over the rest of your life. I'm 37 and have been living with a 24 year old for coming up on 5 years. The sex has always been awesome except when I was on the antidepressants for pain. Knowing what cocktail of drugs she's taking for her illness and pain may help pinpoint the issue you guys have.
That is a horrible situation to be in. I would highly recommend counseling. If you can't afford counseling, you both need to start reading marriage books and talking ALOT more openly.

If she doesnt want to have sex because it is painful for her to move, that is a legitimate reason. If she is just tired most of the time, and you dont have sex for a month or two, THAT IS NOT OKAY.

Sex is very important in a marriage. It connects the two people physically and emotionally in a way that nothing else can duplicate. All people need that closeness.

disregard the xanax statement... try MDMA. 0.2 of some good shards will have both yall banging out like there's no tomorrow.
I told mine to go to the Doc. and get herself checked out and started taking an extra 1/2 -1 hour getting home from work..
fuck not being a dick. i dont know how many times ive acted so nice to anyone and everyone bent over back wards and still gotten the sort end of the stick, fuck them all. when i get my chance its a smile with the thought in my head that youll never fuck me over. fresh air and clean forests trees as far as i can see and a fuck you to them
It's called 10 years.
Spice things up if ya can. Toys a special get away...
Maybe it's become too routine? Also what's her skin disorder and how long has she had it?
That might be making her feel depressed or just grossed out with herself.
I have psoriasis and before I got on enbrel that shit started getting bad and would not even want to go out in public.
Best of luck to ya.
I've been with girls that didn't like to have sex because they had an inch of flab on their belly.. women are really touchy when it comes to self image.

She might not feel sexy anymore.
suprise her every once in a while
do something nice for her
cook her favorite meal for dinner...
run her bath water...
slip a e pill in her drink and pop in a movie (preferably porn)

you 2 will be on your way to pound town in no time ....

Thank me later
yeah a skin disorder could seriously make her feel self conscious, like that she feels gross and un sexy,
do you often tell her shes beautiful?
I comming from the other hand of the relationship have some imput, i had this boyfriend and i mean like clock work EVERY fucking night would wanna have sex and at first it was great but it got so routine, and if i didnt have sex with him he would get sooooooooooooooo mad and pissy about it and then he would freak out ends up i guess i said no too many times to him and he ended up cheating...now it wasnt that i had any physical problems there were some days after working 15 hours i just felt like going to get a good nights rest
yeah a skin disorder could seriously make her feel self conscious, like that she feels gross and un sexy,
do you often tell her shes beautiful?
I comming from the other hand of the relationship have some imput, i had this boyfriend and i mean like clock work EVERY fucking night would wanna have sex and at first it was great but it got so routine, and if i didnt have sex with him he would get sooooooooooooooo mad and pissy about it and then he would freak out ends up i guess i said no too many times to him and he ended up cheating...now it wasnt that i had any physical problems there were some days after working 15 hours i just felt like going to get a good nights rest
yah, your situation was dating a douche.
Oh dear. I don't think it's fair she punishes you for looking at porn if she is denying you so much. You have been gracious enough to consider and appreciate her discomfort, you've been patient, and even offered alternatives. She's not a paraplegic, and even they often have healthy sex lives! I have had chronic joint pain since about 12, a recurring uncomfortable skin condition, headaches from crowded teeth, a tilted uterus, hymnal remnants (PAINFUL) and other things that can make sex really painful for me, but I make the effort to try and find something that will work, or make up for TTT having to be 'careful' with me. Funny, I am the one with the painful impairments, yet the one always nagging for fun time!!

Hmmm... The problem may be more emotionally deep-rooted. Either she doesn't care for you enough to make the effort, just to please you and has no guilt about it (you should enjoy making someone you love feel good) or she doesn't FEEL sexy. I only feel sexy when someone thinks I am. Tell her how sexy she is, not how horny you are. Make her know you want it because she is hot and you want her, not that she is she is just 'there and available'

Take her out like it's your first date again, go lingerie shopping. Dress her up and tell her how much you want her.

As for the blowjobs, alot of girls find it difficult, embarrassing, degrading and uncomfortable. To be good, the act has to be completely selfless and focused on YOUR pleasure; make her want to and get excited through pleasing you despite any discomfort or hers. Oh and go down in her once in a while.
I'm assuming alot of girls are good at pretending they enjoy it, or/because they simply enjoy making the making you feel good part. If you think we're enjoying ourselves then that's what's important at the time, because we're going to feel a bit redundant if we xan'tget you there :(
I'm assuming alot of girls are good at pretending they enjoy it, or/because they simply enjoy making the making you feel good part. If you think we're enjoying ourselves then that's what's important at the time, because we're going to feel a bit redundant if we xan'tget you there :(

Some men are quite good at detecting theater, however, and are turned off by it. I'd rather my partner honestly nudge me toward what she'd like better (either giving or getting) than feign pleasure. cn
Um... If it is clean and she is in the mood, nothing gets her wet quicker than slobbing the knob. She's told me herself and I has done the research!
i never understood how somemeone wouldnt enjoy themselves sucking dick? or why girls complain about it so much?
I mean it took me a while to actually be able to do it, but once is started to do it, it didnt phase me. I actually enjoyed making him feel good, and making him feel good turned me on... I dont see why its so degrading or bad to make someone you care about feel good?
i never understood how somemeone wouldnt enjoy themselves sucking dick? or why girls complain about it so much?
I mean it took me a while to actually be able to do it, but once is started to do it, it didnt phase me. I actually enjoyed making him feel good, and making him feel good turned me on... I dont see why its so degrading or bad to make someone you care about feel good?

My issue has always been flexibility. cn
It's an act of complete submission, making your mouth available as yet another orifice some someone to put it in. Also, if you're doing it right, you're forcibly bypassing your gag reflex for his pleasure. You get tired, your jaw starts aching. You're on your knees, you look up at them with your 'I'm your slut' eyes.

If you do it for just anyone, it is degrading and disgusting. To literally stoop so low.

If you do it for someone you love, then it's a beautiful and selfless gesture. As I said, the joy is in making him feel good rather than your physical fun. It can be a huge confidence boost when he turns into a fountain, too.

And then there was 69... :3

I really should stop posting beyond 4 am, I get too bold.
It's an act of complete submission, making your mouth available as yet another orifice some someone to put it in. Also, if you're doing it right, you're forcibly bypassing your gag reflex for his pleasure. You get tired, your jaw starts aching. You're on your knees, you look up at them with your 'I'm your slut' eyes.


I mean, it took me a few months to actually get down to it, but once i did i liked how much i could make him feel good. Never got it back but I still dont feel bad about it, I enjoyed making him happy. Its not something you just do for anyone, but for someone you care about, its nice. To know you can make them whimper and thrash... idk i like it