Huge Harvested Hermie is FULL OF SEEDS! What to do with it?

I have 2 White Widow plants that were growing together. At 7 wks into flower there were a few branches of one of them that were ready to pull so I went ahead and chopped them. I hung those up, and when I started chopping them up to jar, I noticed tiny bananas and some seeds.

I freaked out cuz I knew what that meant....FUCKIN HERMIE!

The next day I go to check the rest of that plant, and sure enough. SEEDS ALL UP IN IT! The other plant is completely unaffected so I realize that the reason it was forced that way is some serious trauma it endured during a nute change. It amazingly healed, but obviously with a catch.

I went ahead and played it safe and chopped the whole thing, now I have ounces and ounces of great bud that is filled w/ seeds. What the hell am I supposed to do with all this.

I thought about just using it all for butter or hash, but i dont want to waste it cuz its really good shit other than being full of seeds. Should I dry it out and jar it anyway?



Well-Known Member
man you better dry and smoke that goddamn shit or send in my way shit get the fucking seeds out and smoke
I have 2 White Widow plants that were growing together. At 7 wks into flower there were a few branches of one of them that were ready to pull so I went ahead and chopped them. I hung those up, and when I started chopping them up to jar, I noticed tiny bananas and some seeds.

I freaked out cuz I knew what that meant....FUCKIN HERMIE!

The next day I go to check the rest of that plant, and sure enough. SEEDS ALL UP IN IT! The other plant is completely unaffected so I realize that the reason it was forced that way is some serious trauma it endured during a nute change. It amazingly healed, but obviously with a catch.

I went ahead and played it safe and chopped the whole thing, now I have ounces and ounces of great bud that is filled w/ seeds. What the hell am I supposed to do with all this.

I thought about just using it all for butter or hash, but i dont want to waste it cuz its really good shit other than being full of seeds. Should I dry it out and jar it anyway?


W Dragon

Well-Known Member
if it's good stuff just smoke it, dry as normal and remove the seeds as you go would be my advice mate. if it were me i wouldn't waste good weed but that's just me i'm sure others that have had this dilemma will chime in with some answers


Well-Known Member
Dry it and smoke it. People trip out too much about seeds. I grew Fucking Incredible season before last and had the same shit. Hermies and seeds, but I dried it out and I smoked it all summer long. Nothing like a solid pound of seeded bud, but we all got high and noone had any real complaints. Unless you miss a seed and take a huge bong rip...shit tastes like a forest fire.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I am going through the same issue, I had a hermie that I didn't catch in time so I dried weed and pulled seeds. I am hanging onto the seeds I germed one already just to see what I got! They say they have a higher tendancy to herm on you but fuck it I am going to try it anyway! The bud on the other hand either keep and smoke or if you are moving it I would cut the price 25% and let people know they may find a few seeds in there. Some movers may not tell the customers and charge full price but I just don't do buisness like that. It's up to you brotha. Sorry to hear about your problems but it happens to the best of growers. Just learn from it and move on!


Well-Known Member
smoked some weed with seeds, got tedious picking them out, so i crushed the lot with my hands (not hard enough to break the seeds lol)

and sifted the seeds out with some kitchen sifter.
Thanks yall. Def got me feelin better about this seed infested clusterfuck. I went ahead and chopped up all my shit out of frustration so i cant hang it, but its drying out now on a screen. Ill be using a lot of it for butter, but ill take the extra work as opposed to wasted buds.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 White Widow plants that were growing together. At 7 wks into flower there were a few branches of one of them that were ready to pull so I went ahead and chopped them. I hung those up, and when I started chopping them up to jar, I noticed tiny bananas and some seeds.

I freaked out cuz I knew what that meant....FUCKIN HERMIE!

The next day I go to check the rest of that plant, and sure enough. SEEDS ALL UP IN IT! The other plant is completely unaffected so I realize that the reason it was forced that way is some serious trauma it endured during a nute change. It amazingly healed, but obviously with a catch.

I went ahead and played it safe and chopped the whole thing, now I have ounces and ounces of great bud that is filled w/ seeds. What the hell am I supposed to do with all this.

I thought about just using it all for butter or hash, but i dont want to waste it cuz its really good shit other than being full of seeds. Should I dry it out and jar it anyway?

Sell the seeds for ten bucks each.


Well-Known Member
What a dilemma. Gonna have to put on the old thinking cap. Hmmmmm.

OK let it mature and smoke the shit out of it. Send me those damned seeds and I'll take care of them.


i have 16 white widows all hermie now 5 weeks in do i pull it down or let it swell for last 3 weeks and then pull down thanks towertime