• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

gun law reform... please!


Well-Known Member
.22's? lol...ok dude, civilian equipment is better than mil spec crap, they use crap equipment cause its from the government dude their armor is like cardboard and they use like 40 grain bullets..way better shit at fucking wal mart even..you got it backwards..they are the ones using 22's practically (223). They would be at a severe tactical disadvantage in just about any given scenario.
Seeing as how im a veteran I find this kinda amusing, I can asure you thats completely wrong what is it you have thats better then what military has? do you have fully automatic m16 do you have a fully automatic crewserve weapon such as M2(50 cal or 240(7.62) how about belt fed grenade launchers etc etc... lol its a laugh youd even say you can get better shit at walmart? come on... really where do you get this stuff from...


Well-Known Member
Lately, most of the guns used in mass shootings have been legal.

Tell me though, snowboarder - how do you feel about voter ID?

Yes while most the guns have been legal lately whats point in making it illegal for those who should be able to own and carry.. why make it illegal and punish everyone else? the ones still wish do these shootings will still get them illegal to commit the crimes. i dont think gangbangers go out legally get mac10s etc. right?

And voter ID as in? are you refering to just voting or fact there just now giving out the rights to illegals and such.


Well-Known Member
The Military will NEVER use force on its own citizens in order to round up all the guns. Never gonna happen, to do so would crash the dollar and government would fall apart almost instantly.
This could very well happen its called marshall law... And I can assure you the dollar and government at this point would already be collapsing or have collapsed.. They have plans for marshall law which includes the round up of arms and ammo from citizen for there own needs as well as to stop citizens from fighting back. Fema has interment camps they have in place all over country to take you to.. They will come your door offering help you food shelter etc. and you wont realize it till you get there. Montana I believe has the most planned ones. Even a Marine gave accurate description what would happen and what his job would be if this were to happen in taking people to those places.


New Member
Oh if only we had sent buba and delbert and their friends with their superior firepower to Iraq and Afghanistan rather than the greatest military on earth, we would have had that cakewalk I heard so much about.
We certainly would be, you know what "Mil Spec" means when you look at weapon parts? It means its total crap, in essence they use less material to save money, they also use smaller and crappier bullets to save money. It would be afghanistan times 10 million

They aren't going to be dropping bombs on American Houses, they will be on the offence and on foot in unknown territory, out numbered, one extreme tactical disadvantage after another....I mean I could go on and on..


New Member
Seeing as how im a veteran I find this kinda amusing, I can asure you thats completely wrong what is it you have thats better then what military has? do you have fully automatic m16 do you have a fully automatic crewserve weapon such as M2(50 cal or 240(7.62) how about belt fed grenade launchers etc etc... lol its a laugh youd even say you can get better shit at walmart? come on... really where do you get this stuff from...
just because they are automatic doesn't mean a lot, commercial weapons for civilians are generally better, although they usually aren't automatic that’s not really a valid point. Civilians can get all of those weapons legally in most states and better quality. (they just simply aren't automatic typically and rifles are at least 16 inches). Example you mention 7.62, any douscher can buy a ak47 7.62 with 30 round magazines or 100 round drums for like 400 bucks. Then go to wally world and fill up 50 mags for for like 1,000 bucks...1,400 bucks and joe-bobby-ray is now better armed then any solider. Fuck throw in another 200 bucks and he now has better body armor....you think at that price every greasy poor hick you have ever seen isn't packin an arsenal that would make rambo jealous? I highly doubt that.


Well-Known Member
We certainly would be, you know what "Mil Spec" means when you look at weapon parts? It means its total crap, in essence they use less material to save money, they also use smaller and crappier bullets to save money. It would be afghanistan times 10 million

They aren't going to be dropping bombs on American Houses, they will be on the offence and on foot in unknown territory, out numbered, one extreme tactical disadvantage after another....I mean I could go on and on..
Mil Spec simply means that it meets Military specifications which almost always means it is better than it has to be
And lighter crappier bullets?
At least read up on ballistics. There is a reason they use smaller bullets


New Member
Mil Spec simply means that it meets Military specifications which almost always means it is better than it has to be
And lighter crappier bullets?
At least read up on ballistics. There is a reason they use smaller bullets
your right but "almost always" is really stretching it....to be fair It doesn't always mean its better or worse necessarily, depends on what your talking about and the application obviously. Cost IS a factor when determining Mil Spec, for commercial it is not. Weight is also a factor. etc...


Well-Known Member
your right but "almost always" is really stretching it....to be fair It doesn't always mean its better or worse necessarily, depends on what your talking about and the application obviously. Cost IS a factor when determining Mil Spec, for commercial it is not. Weight is also a factor. etc...
There are no Mil SPec rifles for sale on the civilian market. Mil Spec also means it meets the Mil Std and the only rifles that do that are the ones that have been sold to the military. The closest you can come to Mil Spec is buying a colt or fn ar 15. As those are the only 2 companys that sell to our military.

Also in regards to Mil Spec. Mil Spec not only has specifications for machining tolerances but also for material it is made out of and weight.
I am rambling. I have to go back to painting the house. The Republican goverment that runs our city demands it be done by this week or i face a hefty fine


New Member
There are no Mil SPec rifles for sale on the civilian market. Mil Spec also means it meets the Mil Std and the only rifles that do that are the ones that have been sold to the military. The closest you can come to Mil Spec is buying a colt or fn ar 15. As those are the only 2 companys that sell to our military.

Also in regards to Mil Spec. Mil Spec not only has specifications for machining tolerances but also for material it is made out of and weight.
I am rambling. I have to go back to painting the house. The Republican goverment that runs our city demands it be done by this week or i face a hefty fine
you have been painting your house for 3 months and aren't done yet? aslo those aren't the only companies, what about H&K? http://www.navyseals.com/mk23

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Of course they will. Our military is trained to do as it is ordered. Beyond that, I assure you that they will be convinced that they are shooting outlaws or rebels and their action is in the best interest of their country. I recall an incident in Kent state that tends to prove my point.
four dead hippies does not equate to governmental domination, and the automatic failure of resistance to preserve the right to bear arms.

the US military's training is in general, "shut up, do as ordered within the law, and keep your damned fool head down.

my brother served in the army, in gulf 1, he qualified as marksman with a rifle (the m-16) and pistol (the beretta) i was trained to shoot by my uncle and grandpappy and i can out shoot him any day of the week and twice on sunday, even with his own AR-15, a type of rifle i had never shot before.

they didnt teach him shit but "obey the manual" and shoot in the general direction of the enemy. he's left handed but he keeps shouldering right despite the ambidextrous nature of that rifle. even with gramps' gun he is only a mediocre shot, with my enfeild he cant hit shit, even at 100 yards. with a pistol, (my sig, 1911, or single action revolver) he is merely competent, but slow on the draw, ambivalent on the aim and i had to instruct him on the proper way to hold a pistol. the army apparently teaches doublefisting and wrist gripping exclusively. on my reloading bench he wrecks more shells than he loads, and he still doesnt understand the balancing of charge weight to bullet length. unless one takes advanced training in a "sniper" MOS they teach you to spray and pray. the US army would be decimated (in the literal sense of the word) by hillbilly sharpshooters.

Tanks are not the dragons of legend which require magical weapons and vorpal swords to defeat, and tanks are designed to fight other armoured vehicles not irregular skirmishers. this is why tank warfare was so ineffective in vietnam, korea iraq2 and afghanistan. no tanks to fight, nothing for our tanks to do except offer tempting targets to insurgents and partisans.

and unless the US plans to carpet bomb the entire country the airfoirce will be reduced to the cat and mouse game they have now in iraq and afghanistan. further, with the entire nation in turmoil, who will grow the food prepare the MREs upon which US military food supplies are dependent in-theatre? or will they quarter troops in everyone's house and force gam-gam to cook for them? a military campaign against one's own people in the US, a nation unaccustomed to compulsion, and unfamiliar with the niceties of submission to authority, would rapidly devolve into mass desertions (no matter what you may believe our servicemen have not been conditioned to execute their own brothers fathers and uncles for refusing to obey an unjust order), entire commands turning against the central authority, and mutiny.

The US is not "just another nation among nations" as Obama wishes to make us, particularly in the west. perhaps the privileged classes in the east might surrender so meekly but the south and the west will not be so accommodating. the gun-free european style plutocracy that makes your panties moist would be unacceptable in regions where bears, mountain lions and alligators are facts, not fascinating documentaries on animal planet. americans wont even give up their weed, and you think they will give up their guns? and what of the street gangs in your cities? in the chaos of insurrection and martial law street gangs would overwhelm the beleaguered defenders of your permitted liberties, and approved rights. you would soon discover what delicate thing liberty is, and be praying for some of the rednecks you hold in such contempt to come and rescue you.

let us also not forget the chicanismo movement. in any US insurrection it would only take a few days for them to decide that this was their chance to reclaim "aztlan" and thus, west of the mississippi, and south of the canadian bborder the us military would be facing a new santa ana's army of millions of mexican "undocumented workers" and mexican regular army troops in addition to the rednecks you so despise. the entire western theatre woiuld turn into a bar brawl, and nothing is crazier than a bar brawl unless you throw in grenades, home made explosives, execution squads and race riots.

so by all means, surrender, but where will you go when the new Norte Mexicanos government decides to "ethnically cleanse" "aztlan" of the european interlopers? i suppose the UN will help you right?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I believe that your gun rights in most if not all of the states are intact, so, were is the problem?
you mean the gun rights you think we should be permitted to have? if i follow the laws, all of my guns will have to be registed when i pass them on to others, through the "totally not registration" reregistration system. and a few of the guns i currently have in my possession will be siezed and scrapped. so yes, we can own guns now, but in a generation we will not, due to the increasing restrictions on what guns are "acceptable" to people like your silly quasi-president.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Seeing as how im a veteran I find this kinda amusing, I can asure you thats completely wrong what is it you have thats better then what military has? do you have fully automatic m16 do you have a fully automatic crewserve weapon such as M2(50 cal or 240(7.62) how about belt fed grenade launchers etc etc... lol its a laugh youd even say you can get better shit at walmart? come on... really where do you get this stuff from...
yep. i can get all that shit. or do you propose the national guard armory will withstand an assault by 40 determined rednecks out to get their hands on some fun new shooting guns on the brink of a civil war? mexico's military armories have been knocked over like candy stores lately. ours are even less well guarded.