Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I hope none like this. cn



Close enough?
Drove 40 miles to pick up a zip, meet at hooters.... dropped phone in dudes back seat.

His number in phone....

bye bye phone.... Hello Iphone 4 hehe
Since cutting off all my hair, I've been noticing a trend every morning when I wake up. My natural bed head hair looks just like Super Saiyan 2 Gohan's hair.


So yeah, I guess I'm a Super Saiyan..... KAAAAA....MEEEEEE......HAAAAAAA....MEEEEEE.......HAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Didn't work :(
why do employers wast your time and money giving you drug test after test and you keep passing them. that and just stalling to hire
Since cutting off all my hair, I've been noticing a trend every morning when I wake up. My natural bed head hair looks just like Super Saiyan 2 Gohan's hair.

So yeah, I guess I'm a Super Saiyan..... KAAAAA....MEEEEEE......HAAAAAAA....MEEEEEE.......HAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Didn't work :(

I have the same power level....over NINE THOUSAAND.
So my sweety wants to meet up, I ask where? he says the place, i'm like "i'm new to the area, not very good with directions, please be very specific" his answers me with "it's close like 10 mins, drive and a half". Again i'm like "no idea, directions please" and he gives me this " near 10th and broadway" lol ya that helps. 30 mins later i'm sitting here annoyed thinking fuck it. GRRRRRR

Why can't people understand simple things, fuck I hate texting, like call me, an hour of texts could be discussed in 2 mins, and save me the fustration of asking the same fucking question 10 times.

No I don't have GPS and recent construction has made google maps impossible to use.

I'm gonna smoke a bowl now :( rflmao
I have a pipe that I named the Enterprise. Whenever I bust it out I say, "Set phasers to stoned!"

This is it (and no, that's not dirt in the bowl, it's just a half-smoked bowl):



So my sweety wants to meet up, I ask where? he says the place, i'm like "i'm new to the area, not very good with directions, please be very specific" his answers me with "it's close like 10 mins, drive and a half". Again i'm like "no idea, directions please" and he gives me this " near 10th and broadway" lol ya that helps. 30 mins later i'm sitting here annoyed thinking fuck it. GRRRRRR
I'm sorry, but I think you're dating an idiot.