• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Anyone ready for the AzDHS to get shut down by the FEDs?


Well-Known Member
Everytime i read your statement i find some other bit of stupid i want to tear apart.... But ill not bother. You have ZERO facts, ZERO information...only Fox news talking points and Glenn Beck quotes.
You have obviously never meet a Muslim, and NEVER been deployed to a Muslim country. SO you pretty much dont get to have an opinion.

You are like a 1st year freshman trying to tell Einstein about Physics..... YOu are out of your element. Enjoy being stupid.


Well-Known Member

Im gonna take a stab in the dark and guess you are one of those..
Obama is a Muslim and is turning our country into a Socialist welfare state.... HE is the one the ruined our country NOT BUsh/Reagan economic policy right?

how close am i?


Well-Known Member
The things we DO agree on....

If you are Illegal you should get the fuck out. Only LEGAL immigrants thank you.

Religion was created to control man through fear and social conditioning.....

the rest is racist drivel.




Active Member
Yep your a liberal good luck with that. I am retiring because of socialisim along with alot of the people I know. The ones you should be concerned about is the doctor clients I have that will not work for nothing and pay then end up paying 60% taxes (like in Eurtope) to support those that do not.

I picked up a client last week that was a canadian he is a nephrologist(I had to look it up) he moved here because he could not make any money and now he is retiring. having lived in Mi I remember all the Canadians coming across the border and asked them. What do you think about Obmama care. They said it is just like their free health care system. It is great if you can get it.

So the libs are going to get what they want. Only problem is people like us that pay the taxes are quiting and people like you are going to get the shaft balls deep. Socialism has failed time and time again. Your Obmaination has your debt at 45K and rising daily. Gotta love oppression!!!

After the election think of me on my boat hanging out on the lake doing nothing but wathcing the working man WORK and WORK and WORK!!! Yes after the election because Romney is a Corparatist and Obama care is just another way to ruin small business. Only corps and government sounds good for you and your childrens children.

No every president since Regan has been NWO and they are leading the economic collapes with the liberal charge!!! Then they will offer to save us from the depresion by implementing a new system of equality. After all you guys like that word "equality". However the problem is equal means equal work. You want more money get educated or better yet start a business of your own and start paying taxes like we do you may even create a job. Oh wait in the NWO no body gets to do that only the elite.

Next you will say the elite are the Reps when the most money is in actuallity in the Dems pockets. Yet somehow that is all ways forgotten. Then dems are the ones that are for the people. Right? Which is the main reason the top ten cities ran by them have the worst slums and prosperity. Have you been to Detroit in the last 30 years?

Good luck with it I have mine. Will you ever get yours?


Well-Known Member
Yep your a liberal good luck with that. I am retiring because of socialisim along with alot of the people I know. The ones you should be concerned about is the doctor clients I have that will not work for nothing and pay then end up paying 60% taxes (like in Eurtope) to support those that do not.

I picked up a client last week that was a canadian he is a nephrologist(I had to look it up) he moved here because he could not make any money and now he is retiring. having lived in Mi I remember all the Canadians coming across the border and asked them. What do you think about Obmama care. They said it is just like their free health care system. It is great if you can get it.

So the libs are going to get what they want. Only problem is people like us that pay the taxes are quiting and people like you are going to get the shaft balls deep. Socialism has failed time and time again. Your Obmaination has your debt at 45K and rising daily. Gotta love oppression!!!

After the election think of me on my boat hanging out on the lake doing nothing but wathcing the working man WORK and WORK and WORK!!! Yes after the election because Romney is a Corparatist and Obama care is just another way to ruin small business. Only corps and government sounds good for you and your childrens children.

Good luck with it I have mine. Will you ever get yours?

More Fox news Rhetoric.

You sound like a coward...things get tough and you hide out on your boat??? Some American you are!
Its obvious you arent really smart enough to be having this conversation so i will just end it. I saw Fox news last night so i already know everything your gonna say, so save it mouth piece.


Well-Known Member
Yep your a liberal good luck with that. I am retiring because of socialisim along with alot of the people I know. The ones you should be concerned about is the doctor clients I have that will not work for nothing and pay then end up paying 60% taxes (like in Eurtope) to support those that do not.

I picked up a client last week that was a canadian he is a nephrologist(I had to look it up) he moved here because he could not make any money and now he is retiring. having lived in Mi I remember all the Canadians coming across the border and asked them. What do you think about Obmama care. They said it is just like their free health care system. It is great if you can get it.

So the libs are going to get what they want. Only problem is people like us that pay the taxes are quiting and people like you are going to get the shaft balls deep. Socialism has failed time and time again. Your Obmaination has your debt at 45K and rising daily. Gotta love oppression!!!

After the election think of me on my boat hanging out on the lake doing nothing but wathcing the working man WORK and WORK and WORK!!! Yes after the election because Romney is a Corparatist and Obama care is just another way to ruin small business. Only corps and government sounds good for you and your childrens children.

No every president since Regan has been NWO and they are leading the economic collapes with the liberal charge!!! Then they will offer to save us from the depresion by implementing a new system of equality. After all you guys like that word "equality". However the problem is equal means equal work. You want more money get educated or better yet start a business of your own and start paying taxes like we do you may even create a job. Oh wait in the NWO no body gets to do that only the elite.

Next you will say the elite are the Reps when the most money is when in actually it is the Dems pockets that are teh depest. Yet somehow that is all ways forgotten. Then dems are the ones that are for the people. Right? Which is the main reason the top ten cities ran by them have the worst slums and prosperity. Have you been to Detroit in the last 30 years?

Good luck with it I have mine. Will you ever get yours?

Wow your views and points are so partisan...


Well-Known Member
Wow your views and points are so partisan...
He just Listens to Glenn Beck and Alex Jones... thats why he comes off like a paranoid right-wing nut job. "NWO" !!! Dems have more money?!?!?!? What college level class did you learn that in?? Oh thats right college are Liberal brain washing facilities......
Dude you are cracking me up over here..... you're like a retarded Picaso-esque version of Glenn BEck....


Well-Known Member
I actually just read all of personafied's posts on this thread and I came to a conclusion he is a real life butt wipe.. or as he would say " mierda"


Active Member
Personafied's new motto is " Wake up white people" or " The Mexicans are taking over"
You are all correct I am predjudice. I like the color green. When ever someone threatens my money I get touchy. And the only way you guys have to justify is to throw out the race card.

I have not said anuything about hispanics only illegal mexicans. Do you even know the difference?/

Just FYI all I date are hispanic women. They got big ol' buts and beautiful skin. However beware when they are yours they will kill for you and when they are not they will kill you. Por que yo hablo espanol.... yo mi gusta la muejers.

Stop using the Obmama/Sorrows play book it is old. This has nothing to do with race it has to do with rule of law. Again I pose this question...If the majority of the people that live in Az are hispanic. Are they all racisits? They must be some real mexican haters!!!

Back to the Dems and how much they believe in the US a prime example of one of your latest billionairs that belives in equality for all except when he has to pay for it. Eduardo Saverin, the 30-year-old billionaire who helped found Facebook, has renounced his U.S. citizenship to become a resident of Singapore.http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303879604577410021186373802.html

Know why? Taxes!!! All the billionairs say the same thing the will just leave they will not pay for others. Did you notice his name?


Well-Known Member
You are all correct I am predjudice. I like the color green. When ever someone threatens my money I get touchy. And the only way you guys have to justify is to throw out the race card.

I have not said anuything about hispanics only illegal mexicans. Do you even know the difference?/

Just FYI all I date are hispanic women. They got big ol' buts and beautiful skin. However beware when they are yours they will kill for you and when they are not they will kill you. Por que yo hablo espanol.... yo mi gusta la muejers.

Stop using the Obmama/Sorrows play book it is old. This has nothing to do with race it has to do with rule of law. Again I pose this question...If the majority of the people that live in Az are hispanic. Are they all racisits? They must be some real mexican haters!!!

Back to the Dems and how much they believe in the US a prime example of one of your latest billionairs that belives in equality for all except when he has to pay for it. Eduardo Saverin, the 30-year-old billionaire who helped found Facebook, has renounced his U.S. citizenship to become a resident of Singapore.http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303879604577410021186373802.html

Know why? Taxes!!! All the billionairs say the same thing the will just leave they will not pay for others. Did you notice his name?
Take your partisan views somewhere else. No wants to hear your bullshit.


Active Member
You are all correct I am predjudice. I like the color green. When ever someone threatens my money I get touchy. And the only way you guys have to justify is to throw out the race card.

I have not said anuything about hispanics only illegal mexicans. Do you even know the difference?/

Just FYI all I date are hispanic women. They got big ol' buts and beautiful skin. However beware when they are yours they will kill for you and when they are not they will kill you. Por que yo hablo espanol.... yo mi gusta la muejers.

Stop using the Obmama/Sorrows play book it is old. This has nothing to do with race it has to do with rule of law. Again I pose this question...If the majority of the people that live in Az are hispanic. Are they all racisits? They must be some real mexican haters!!!

Back to the Dems and how much they believe in the US a prime example of one of your latest billionairs that belives in equality for all except when he has to pay for it. Eduardo Saverin, the 30-year-old billionaire who helped found Facebook, has renounced his U.S. citizenship to become a resident of Singapore.http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303879604577410021186373802.html

Know why? Taxes!!! All the billionairs say the same thing the will just leave they will not pay for others. Did you notice his name?

You know not the history!! Az is full of Mexicans and the culture that is tradition to Mexican Americans not Mexicans in Mexico!!

I love when Mexican Americans classify themselves with Mexicans from Mexico - Not the case at all!! Most true Mexicans from Mexico look down on the Mexican Americans...

I have been grown in the Good Ol' Phoenix Arizona since day 1... Many of my Amigos are Mexican Americans not true Mexicans born and raised in Mexico! Thank God...

I am bothered by the Mexican Americans that want to hand out Our freedoms to Others with out any type of struggle or work... We are a Nation of immigrants... I am as white as white gets and I can bet most Mexican Americans have roots that go deep in the Soil of the USA than most Anglo folks! That is not the point! We marched into Mexico city and forced an offer onto the the leaders of Mexico.. They decided to give up their land... That was their decision... I can't listen to folks cry and complain about the whole "illegal" thing.... I have feeling for both sides! If you want to get into the USA and work then do it, like many have... The ones you see on TV mostly want what the Citizens benefit from! There have been "illegals" since day 1 but the difference today is the "illegals" want the same treatment as citizens... Is this not right?

Further, I disagree with SB1070 in its whole... But certain parts are great and secure the protection of rights of citizens! Where other provisions of the Bill simply crash any rights One may have or be assumed to posses! Innocent until proven guilty shall extend to all acts in the USA... Even driving down the street!! I see no good in SB 1070! Have you read the Bill? Most have not!

Police State! It begins with rallying up the "illegals" next will be disarm the Nation!


Well-Known Member
You know not the history!! Az is full of Mexicans and the culture that is tradition to Mexican Americans not Mexicans in Mexico!!

I love when Mexican Americans classify themselves with Mexicans from Mexico - Not the case at all!! Most true Mexicans from Mexico look down on the Mexican Americans...

I have been grown in the Good Ol' Phoenix Arizona since day 1... Many of my Amigos are Mexican Americans not true Mexicans born and raised in Mexico! Thank God...

I am bothered by the Mexican Americans that want to hand out Our freedoms to Others with out any type of struggle or work... We are a Nation of immigrants... I am as white as white gets and I can bet most Mexican Americans have roots that go deep in the Soil of the USA than most Anglo folks! That is not the point! We marched into Mexico city and forced an offer onto the the leaders of Mexico.. They decided to give up their land... That was their decision... I can't listen to folks cry and complain about the whole "illegal" thing.... I have feeling for both sides! If you want to get into the USA and work then do it, like many have... The ones you see on TV mostly want what the Citizens benefit from! There have been "illegals" since day 1 but the difference today is the "illegals" want the same treatment as citizens... Is this not right?

Further, I disagree with SB1070 in its whole... But certain parts are great and secure the protection of rights of citizens! Where other provisions of the Bill simply crash any rights One may have or be assumed to posses! Innocent until proven guilty shall extend to all acts in the USA... Even driving down the street!! I see no good in SB 1070! Have you read the Bill? Most have not!

Police State! It begins with rallying up the "illegals" next will be disarm the Nation!
In my opinion sb1070 was written and passed to ensure business for the private prison system. Detainment centers already are in operation and they are run by the same private companies. They make more money on the detainment centers because there are few to almost no regulations as far as detainee rights. This bullshit bill is just another attempt to ramp up the police state and increase profits. Anyone stupid enough to believe it has anything to do with social issues is being taken for a ride and doing the dirty work for these private corporations.


Well-Known Member
Philosphist and his 6th grade education and his Rachael Maddow education just got the smackdown applied.
Is that what happened???
Which is it my Rachel maddow education or my 6th grade education???

And fuck Rachel Maddow..... do you even read what i type... LIBERTARIAN!!!! You fucking moron.
And in no way did i get the smackdown applied you nerdy wrestling fan.

Now that you and Personnified have found each other you guys can suck each other off in the ignorant dipshit section of RIU!

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Is that what happened???
Which is it my Rachel maddow education or my 6th grade education???

And fuck Rachel Maddow..... do you even read what i type... LIBERTARIAN!!!! You fucking moron.
And in no way did i get the smackdown applied you nerdy wrestling fan.

Now that you and Personnified have found each other you guys can suck each other off in the ignorant dipshit section of RIU!

I love how these angry mental midgets have to curse every sentence to "get their point across". LOL...awesome



Well-Known Member
I love how these angry mental midgets have to curse every sentence to "get their point across". LOL...awesome

I love how these mental midgets have to change the subject when they have nothing left to say in the current argument.

You are incredibly stupid LV... why do you even bother to match wits with me?? You dont have the smarts to keep up with me this much is clear, but its cute that you try.

Change the subject more?