you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania


King Tut
All we are seeing here is the mirror image of how the Reps fought anti-fraud requirements while the Dems pushed for it.

Remember Florida?


Well-Known Member
" The only reasoning that would make sense is if the numbers of voter fraud predicted were even higher than this number." I reject that argument. Your "standard" of sense is irrelevant. The court rejected your argument, also.

How can you possibly reject that argument? Suppose one hundred thousand people were barred from voting in order that one case of voter fraud were prevented - would this make sense to you?


Well-Known Member
Nothing said above is true. He didn't say that. doubt it doubt that, too. Your "standard" is irrelevant, I didn't say it, the courts did. Again, irrelevant.

Show us your numbers then Red. All you have here is your "doubt", and you claim the opinions of officials are of no import but your doubt makes your contentions so?


Well-Known Member
This battle has already been adjudicated, ID requirements are legal.
This is correct, according to the single case put before the court. In effect the present argument is moot. However, we are also talking about the actions of the Republican majority in Ohio and PA where extended voting times have been curtailed without stated cause. That has not been tried.


New Member
Twelve thousand noncitizens registered to vote in Colorado; apparently 5,000 of those voted in 2010. A recent report in North Carolina by James O'Keefe's Project Veritas (of ACORN-undercover expose` fame) compared records of registered voters to prospective jurors disqualified due to noncitizenship
The State of Florida is suing the Department of Homeland Security to obtain a list of noncitizens in order to purge the state's voter rolls before the 2012 election, and was just sued in return by the Barack Obama-Eric Holder Department of Justice with a lawsuit for purging its rolls, which is required by federal law.

There were 645,775 votes cast in the Tennessee primary, and only 266 persons did not show a photo ID at the polls (including liberal activists protesting the law by appearing at the polls without a photo ID). Those 266 individuals were allowed to vote provisionally and if they returned with their photo ID, their ballots were counted. 112 of them did so, leaving only 154 voters of the 645,775 who did not return with a photo ID. That represents .023 percent of the total primary voters.


Well-Known Member
All we are seeing here is the mirror image of how the Reps fought anti-fraud requirements while the Dems pushed for it.

Remember Florida?

There is no such mirror image. This surppression is quite different than anything Republicans claimed Dems did in Florida.


King Tut
There is no such mirror image. This surppression is quite different than anything Republicans claimed Dems did in Florida.
Ummm, the Dem were claiming that Reps were committing voter fraud and suppression no?

And if it could happen then, does it not make sense it can happen now?

This is why i agree with needing current ID to vote.


Well-Known Member
Twelve thousand noncitizens registered to vote in Colorado; apparently 5,000 of those voted in 2010. A recent report in North Carolina by James O'Keefe's Project Veritas (of ACORN-undercover expose` fame) compared records of registered voters to prospective jurors disqualified due to noncitizenship
The State of Florida is suing the Department of Homeland Security to obtain a list of noncitizens in order to purge the state's voter rolls before the 2012 election, and was just sued in return by the Barack Obama-Eric Holder Department of Justice with a lawsuit for purging its rolls, which is required by federal law.

There were 645,775 votes cast in the Tennessee primary, and only 266 persons did not show a photo ID at the polls (including liberal activists protesting the law by appearing at the polls without a photo ID). Those 266 individuals were allowed to vote provisionally and if they returned with their photo ID, their ballots were counted. 112 of them did so, leaving only 154 voters of the 645,775 who did not return with a photo ID. That represents .023 percent of the total primary voters.
1. O'Keefe is generaly recognized (by those who pay attention) as a fraud - but I don't believe in impugning sources.
2. you may have a point, you may have 5,000 non citizens voting.
3. Purging voter rolls has in the past been a path for Republicans to surppress legitimate voters
4. The fact that a few folks were turned away says that..... legitimate voters were dissallowed from voting. Furthermore, it is entirely possible that voters without proper ID simply did not show up at the polls because they knew they would be turned away.


Well-Known Member
Ummm, the Dem were claiming that Reps were committing voter fraud and suppression no?

And if it could happen then, does it not make sense it can happen now?

This is why i agree with needing current ID to vote.
No, They claimed at the time that Republicans were commiting election fraud. The current pattern of abuse is widespread and obviously a concerted effort to reduce the number of votes at the cost of the poor, the elderly and students. The evidence is overwhelming. Beyond that, there is no explaination as to why these laws are being enacted so close to this election.


King Tut
No, They claimed at the time that Republicans were commiting election fraud. The current pattern of abuse is widespread and obviously a concerted effort to reduce the number of votes at the cost of the poor, the elderly and students. The evidence is overwhelming. Beyond that, there is no explaination as to why these laws are being enacted so close to this election.
To try to keep fraud from occuring?


Well-Known Member
To try to keep fraud from occuring?

What fraud? where is the fraud? Beenthere managed to post numbers indicating that perhaps 5,000 illegal aliens voted. Other than that, you have no evidence that voter fraud exists where there is tons of evidence that voter ID laws and changes in early voting will prevent hundreds of thousands of legal voters from voting. I posted a statement from a Republican leader explaining why the legislators in his state enacted the laws they did - specificaly to give the state of PA to Romney. What else could he have meant with that statement?


New Member
1. O'Keefe is generaly recognized (by those who pay attention) as a fraud - but I don't believe in impugning sources.
2. you may have a point, you may have 5,000 non citizens voting.
3. Purging voter rolls has in the past been a path for Republicans to surppress legitimate voters
4. The fact that a few folks were turned away says that..... legitimate voters were dissallowed from voting. Furthermore, it is entirely possible that voters without proper ID simply did not show up at the polls because they knew they would be turned away.
Come on canndo, O'Keefe is called a fraud by left wingers, let be honest.

Are you saying that 12,000 NON-citizens illegally registering to vote in Co. does not warrant a remedy?
And that illegal votes should not be purged, you've got to be kidding me!


King Tut
What fraud? where is the fraud? Beenthere managed to post numbers indicating that perhaps 5,000 illegal aliens voted. Other than that, you have no evidence that voter fraud exists where there is tons of evidence that voter ID laws and changes in early voting will prevent hundreds of thousands of legal voters from voting. I posted a statement from a Republican leader explaining why the legislators in his state enacted the laws they did - specificaly to give the state of PA to Romney. What else could he have meant with that statement?
Isn't that what Katherine Harris said too? "What fraud?"

And the Dems had a fit.


Well-Known Member
Come on canndo, O'Keefe is called a fraud by left wingers, let be honest.

Are you saying that 12,000 NON-citizens illegally registering to vote in Co. does not warrant a remedy?
And that illegal votes should not be purged, you've got to be kidding me!

Yes, illegal names should be purged, but we know that Florida did more than that. O'keef's videos are altered in order to present falsehoods. He is a questionable "reporter" and has a penchant for the outlandish in favor of good solid journalism. I know you folks like to cling to that sort of thing (and in fact we folks enjoy Micheal Moore type antics as well as the next guy but I wouldn't use Moore as a basis for any of my aguements).


Well-Known Member
Isn't that what Katherine Harris said too? "What fraud?"

And the Dems had a fit.
Bud, we had a fit last time because they attempted to commit fraud, we are having a fit this time for the same reason. Republicans have established a pattern of such fraud. You are saying that because such a pattern has been established it should be perpetuated.


King Tut
Bud, we had a fit last time because they attempted to commit fraud, we are having a fit this time for the same reason. Republicans have established a pattern of such fraud. You are saying that because such a pattern has been established it should be perpetuated.
No, i'm saying that Dem efforts then were CLAIMED to be to avoid fraud which is the SAME claim the Reps are making now.

It's all a game.


Well-Known Member
There is no fraud
You know it
I know it
Several republicans are on record saying it is about suppressing votes
So How about being honest and acknowledging it is what it is


Well-Known Member
I know you folks
Easy now Canndo, stereotypes are a dime a dozen don't turn out like the libtards on this forum. The day you let passion rule reason is the day you lose all credibility.

With our lax illegal immigration and our "executive order" 2 year free passes for illegal immigration it's pretty hard to imagine that we wouldn't tighten voting security. Most towns don't wait for someone to be killed or a bank to be robbed before they hire a police officer do they? Our voting system is too easy to fraud anyone can do it without the risk of being caught. It's a joke really, I am surprised we our just now coming to the conclusion we need some kind of security to protect voters rights. Owning a firearm is a right and you must provide a photo ID and information when buying one of those. In fact certain democratic parties want to make the restrictions even more demanding. The truth is most of our rights you can probably link to requiring an ID in some form or fashion. We all know it's close to impossible to function in society without an ID or driver license and we all know that the majority that do not have them are incompetent or illegal. Its a tough argument, to tell people that we should trust others by their word when we all know only fools do that.