KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow


Well-Known Member
I gots bud popping on 4 of my 6 plants, next year I'll give ya a run.
But this year I"ll conceed.
I'll get some nice herb this year tho.
Party at my house!!
Who's close to Shasta County??


Well-Known Member
^^Me, too - I am also thinking of doing some breeding (because I bought seeds for next year's grow). I am going to graft a breeding plant. I bought some grafting clips and I am going to graft a clone of each of my strains to a male Killing Fields :cool:


Well-Known Member
I need to order some seeds
I'm leaning towards some TGA beans
I'd love a male vortex or plushberry pollen to play around with..

Next year I'm thinking about doing 3 in the ground and 3 in 60 gallon smart pots on the concrete


Well-Known Member
I gots bud popping on 4 of my 6 plants, next year I'll give ya a run.
But this year I"ll conceed.
I'll get some nice herb this year tho.
Party at my house!!
Who's close to Shasta County??
Next year I want to start from seed going for bushes 5ft x 7ft
Might scrog not sure yet though
Shasta county ?
*goes to google*
That's about a 4 hr drive from where I'm at according to google maps


Well-Known Member
things are looking good abm. Everything's starting to flower now, the black domina is the furthest along. I'll get some pics up later today .Thanks for asking Here's one from yesterday I believe


Well-Known Member
Nice! I wanted to see if your fans were pointing up as well. It's almost like they are cupping the buds. Interesting as my other plants only do that during heavy waterings. :)

Your chair reminds me that I got to get me a damn chair back there in my area. :) Looking good man! :D


Well-Known Member
Only my sour diesel reaches that hard...I think its just the strain cause they hardly ever lay down...You can sort of see the Larry og behind it and how far it reaches up.