Did my plant have sex change over night somebody plz help


These 2 plants were put in the ground as seeds in the first week of may. I declared them both female from info on here and a few friends. But less then a week ago it started forming these ball pods @ first it looked like they were going to b buds but as time went they turned into this Plz somebody help asap!!!200745_3445751391858_632825399_n.jpg422506_3445751431859_1449625140_n.jpg547300_3445748671790_1462923505_n.jpg582585_3445754991948_588799352_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
I need help asap what should i do??????
Cut the one with balls. Then wait on the other. Cover it with a big garbage bag to prevent pollen from escaping and screwing another grower over nearby before cutting it loose. Cut the stem to keep from shaking it.


Active Member
Need better pics to tell but on the good side I have found boys always ball up before girls hair out. Let's hope you have a girl there.


Well-Known Member
If your female plants dont have pistils to take the polen i wouldnt get to worried about it. Give her leaves a nice wash with some einstine oil and the water should kill any polen clinging to her plus youll be able to neem and shine your leaves on an outdoor plant. If you need to know set up a small grow box with a cfl on 12/12 and pull a clone off the bottom and throw it in there. Or just hold out, I cant tell from the pictures.

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
in the very first set of pictures i saw a pistil in pic 3. I believe the one that you have there is a woman.


Well-Known Member
yeah sorry to say dude but they are males well defo 2 and the other 2 will either be males or herms
why would the other 2 turn into males? I highly doubt they would unless the pollen sacks opened i've had 4 males out of 20ish plants and they got close but never close enough to open and I even had one in another bucket with a male and still turned out to be a female, I'd wait and see before I pulled any.

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
yea just grow her out. she dont have enough pistils to be pollinated. plus every outdoor crop for the most part will have a few seeds. everyone around the world grows outdoor at the same time, and males pop up. and pollen travels with wind and insects. so just let her go