you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania

why were they opening voting before the first debate anyway? I don't know this either, just seems odd.

because in ohio in 2004 they had to turn away hundreds of thousands of voters because they were ill prepared to handle them.

so to fix this problem they let people vote early.
Why is most of the pages of this thread filled with rightwing dog whistles about the black panther party which is no way related to the topic?

they'd rather race bait then try to defend this clearly corrupt practice.

except for beennowhere, he is happy to fight the losing battle all day long then go tell the people at the dispensary about how awesome he is.
well, then the burden would be on you to find over 105,000 cases of in person voter fraud each and every election cycle across the entire united states, because that is about the number of people who will die every four years from citizen gun violence.

So you're going on the record claiming over 25,000 law abiding Americans are killed each year by law abiding Americans using legally purchased guns? Am I getting this right?
Just curious., how many of that ten percent are registered to vote.

Good question. I can only presume that one of the methods used to arrive at that number were the voter rolls. Even if it is not, a fraction of that 10 percent is too much. The only reasoning that would make sense is if the numbers of voter fraud predicted were even higher than this number. The fact is that in PA at least, it was stipulated that no incidence of voter fraud had been encountered - none at all, by those who were defending the voter ID law.
So you're going on the record claiming over 25,000 law abiding Americans are killed each year by law abiding Americans using legally purchased guns? Am I getting this right?

retarded qualifiers are your forte.

ya care to distract any more from the topic at hand? want to talk about black panthers? your disdain for these poor people? maybe we can make this about how women are too stupid to know what to do with their vaginas?

anything but the topic at hand, right?

BTW, the topic at hand is that the government is forcing people to pay money to the government in order to cast a vote in a national election. feel free to stick on that topic.
Hell, and here I thought this thread was about disenfranchising voters!

It is, and the topic of the Black Panthers is a legitimate one. It winds up, however, being more of a weak "yeah but" rebutal. Even if the Panthers did what was claimed and intimidated voters - what were there? 10 of them? what could the total number of voters be? a couple of hundred? a thousand?
It is, and the topic of the Black Panthers is a legitimate one. It winds up, however, being more of a weak "yeah but" rebutal. Even if the Panthers did what was claimed and intimidated voters - what were there? 10 of them? what could the total number of voters be? a couple of hundred? a thousand?

either the bush nor obama DOJ could find a single intimidated voter despite looking.

so i'd say the number is zero.

but back to discussing the awesomeness of being forced to pay money to the government in order to vote in a national election.
they'd rather race bait then try to defend this clearly corrupt practice.

except for beennowhere, he is happy to fight the losing battle all day long then go tell the people at the dispensary about how awesome he is.

Nah dude ya got it all wrong, they tell me how awesome my wares are by selling it to their patients.
Why you so jealous bro, they seen your six plant operation and said it looked good!
Nah dude ya got it all wrong, they tell me how awesome my wares are by selling it to their patients.
Why you so jealous bro, they seen your six plant operation and said it looked good!

that is so funny that you talk about me IRL so much to your dispensary buddies.

how much you gonna charge for that space i'm renting in your head?
I take it as it would reduce voter fraud and there by give Mitt Romney a fair chance!

Again -

"Pro-Second Amendment? The Castle Doctrine, it’s done. First pro-life legislation – abortion facility regulations – in 22 years, done. Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done

Second amendment - done - good for them.
Castle doctrine - done - good for them again
Pro life legislation - done - again, good for them
Abortion regs - done - swell, right on
voter ID - Which is gonna allow governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - DONE,

What do we know? we know that Pa went to Obama by around 700,000 votes.
We know that PA polls for Obama 48 to 42.
We know that contrary to your gambling spirit, there are fewer than 10 cases of voter fraud in the state.
We can presume that Turzai knows these things as well, his being a Republican and highly active in his state.

So his statement cannot have anything to do with reducing voter fraud. Furthermore presidential polls don't normaly reflect the intentions of fraudulent voters.
This statement is clear and irrefutable - yet you seem to be doing your best to fabricate something meaningful anyway.

The man assured his audience that Romney was going to win the state because of voter ID. A state that went to Obama last time and polls for Obama this time, what else could he possibly mean other than that the mechanism was in place to corruptly tilt the election in PA to his candidate?

Really Beenthere, please explain what he said given the facts as I have written.
Now you are deliberately being disingenuous canndo and you know it.
I gave the very answer you did, "I don't know"

I had not seen it or do not remember it. I have no reason to state such a thing otherwise.

You do not know. and yet you are still unwilling to even entertain the possibility that Ohio, run by Republicans, with full knowlege that they would tilt the election toward Romney, might be changing election times with the sole purpose of doing just that.

Please, why are you refusing to see that there can be no other purpose?
I had not seen it or do not remember it. I have no reason to state such a thing otherwise.

You do not know. and yet you are still unwilling to even entertain the possibility that Ohio, run by Republicans, with full knowlege that they would tilt the election toward Romney, might be changing election times with the sole purpose of doing just that.

Please, why are you refusing to see that there can be no other purpose?

I honestly don't follow Ohio politics but I would imagine they want to reduce voter fraud.
Funny, the only place I could find the definition of yours was Daily Kos and Wikipedia!

I searched Merriam Webster, the Free Dictionary and a few others and the word "derive" precedes all examples.
Is Penn. depriving anyone the right to vote? And if I refused to legally register, would I be deprived my right to vote?

PA is not depriving people of the right to vote, they still have that right. What it is doing is depriving them of the ability to vote. I for the life of me cannot understand why this does not raise your hackles. Why on earth are you still willing to defend a practice that is obviously anti-American? Why is it ok with you that any person or state prevent citizens from voting - en mass?
Yea it's infringemnt to be certain. But to tell you the truth, I rather suffer the inconvenience if it wll stem the tide of armed crews.

Our rights are most often infringed by good people being willing to suffer inconvenience in order to make it easier for government to do a thing.
judge just upheld PA's voter ID law. up to 9% of the population doesn't have the ID required to vote, and they couldn't even find a case of voter fraud that ID would have stopped. not one.

so they just put a $13.50 poll tax in order to vote in PA. awesome news, right?

No one should be allowed to vote unless they have a net-worth of at least $1000000……just kidding
that is so funny that you talk about me IRL so much to your dispensary buddies.

how much you gonna charge for that space i'm renting in your head?

Dude, don't be so vain, we go on cannabis websites to get the latest trends in strain popularity and reviews.
We just get a free laugh or two from your foolish comments is all, don't take it so personal bro, it's honestly all in fun! And they really did say your plants looked super healthy!
I honestly don't follow Ohio politics but I would imagine they want to reduce voter fraud.

Beenthere, where is this rampant voter fraud you keep talking about? show us, please.

Also, think for a moment, do all those fraudulent voters only vote on off hours? how exactly do you imagine that keeping polling places open for fewer hours could possible reduce voter fraud but not limit legitimate voters?

You admonished me for my stand on "common sense". Honestly beenthere, where is yours? I have presented a situation where your understanding of common sense could send you to a single conclusion, that Republicans are purposefully skewing the voting in their states. Then I posted the statement of a man who confirmed it.

Why are you refusing to accept what is obvious?

What would it take for me to convince you that republicans are subverting voters in order to unethicaly alter the presidential election?