• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

raised christian, have some faith, but feel so fake in church...


Well-Known Member
we ALL... no matter what faith .... no matter what religion we are brought up in.. we will question things be it ourselves or our faith.. or each other.
What good is questioning if you don't accept the answers?

I have done my homework.. I've done my research I done my time worrying and done my thinking.. and well I cant see that there is any other way.
(yet if your not ok... with this.. that is on you.. )
You've found what is pleasing to yourself. Personally, I can't say that is bad if it's not hurting anybody else.

those who do not have faith.
I have faith in humanity and the smart people in the world.

those who feel they know the answers or thing they might
We don't ever completely understand things.
those who feel science will prove it all wrong...
I don't believe the goal behind science is to disprove anything, rather it is there to prove facts. It doesn't have anything to do with religion or god(s).. If I'm wrong about that, somebody plese tell me how.

have more doubt then I.
I do doubt there is a god.. IMO, that's not a bad thing.
I stopped all of my wonderings about 2 years ago.. something bigger drew me into religion..
What completely obliterated your logic so bad that you decided not to question your beliefs anymore? If you're done wondering, then you're done questioning.. But you just finished saying you question everything.. Or was that someone else?
I encourage all to seek their answer to this mess of a life we have made and been dealt.. we seek our own personal convictions.
If you want to believe that we went from the goo.. to the zoo.. to you..
Yup, we're all after our own personal reality that best pleases ourselves.. Sometimes we're good at lying to ourselves to make us feel better.
Those who doubt.. I am 100% ok with that.. I am not gonna bang on your door asking you to follow me to my Church.
we will all have doubts about this world...
Well good,I probably wouldn't answer the door anyways :)

I have never nor will ever be the one who says YOU are wrong in your feelings or personal convictions..
That's cool. Especially since you wouldn't be able to prove me wrong haha.. :)

I am not that stupid...... if you FEEL the way you do.. there may be a reason for it.. I am 100% ok with that..

and... that reason can change..

my feelings have changed, my ideas and understanding has as well..
What were your previous feeling and what are they now?

I can tell you this.. I have felt many ways in the past 40+ years..
I have been able to adapt.. to understand many things.. and have felt 100% the opposite of how I feel now..

I am at peace with myself...
Ever thought that you changed your beliefs JUST to please yourself?
I am 100% happy with the path I have chosen and the path that was laid in front if me.. I know I am either going in the right direction or I am being lead this way.
I'm happy you're happy.
there will come a point in each of your lives.. where you look back and wonder.. am I on the right path?
I thought that once, that's why I began to question my beliefs.. I had to stop faking my feelings towards god.
its up to you as an individual.. to look at that path and seriously think, am I helping or hindering myself and those I come in contact with.
Helping and hindering myself..
.... The smiles mean I don't wanna argue in a negative way :)

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
If you cannot accept the fact that what you believe has the possability of being wrong... then you are beyond anyone's help.

You could be wrong, just as everyone could potentially be wrong about what they believe. If you cannot accept that, denial and delusion already have you in their death grip.

Remeber the fact that beliefs are ideas that we think or want to be true, if they were true... they wouldn't be called beleifs, they would be provable facts. And even facts, could still be illusion, this existence could be illusion, or a dream, or simulation.

I like to point out the awesome fact that beliefs are merely ideas we claim truth to, without evidence to support those claims. If we had evidence to support them, they wouldn't be beliefs now would they?


Well-Known Member

I have seen your posts many times.,.
I cant argue with you nor do I feel it needed.. you are solid in your thoughts~!

You seem to have a firm grasp in how you feel.. I applaud this.. not sure how old or young you are.. I have seen many of your posts and understand you know how YOU feel... again.. HUGE massive thc tainted props for you... you have done your homework and well keep at it..

I think we all are here for a larger purpose.. and from what I gather from your posts.. I think you are on the same wave spectrum as myself.. I think you are as we all are.. on a path that is already chosen..

like I said, and will continue to say...

there is no one person here who has the edge over anyone else.. we are ALL trying to make it thru this world... and well we need each others thoughts to either confirm ours or point us in the direction we need to go..

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member

I have seen your posts many times.,.
I cant argue with you nor do I feel it needed.. you are solid in your thoughts~!

You seem to have a firm grasp in how you feel.. I applaud this.. not sure how old or young you are.. I have seen many of your posts and understand you know how YOU feel... again.. HUGE massive thc tainted props for you... you have done your homework and well keep at it..

I think we all are here for a larger purpose.. and from what I gather from your posts.. I think you are on the same wave spectrum as myself.. I think you are as we all are.. on a path that is already chosen..

like I said, and will continue to say...

there is no one person here who has the edge over anyone else.. we are ALL trying to make it thru this world... and well we need each others thoughts to either confirm ours or point us in the direction we need to go..
Much appreicated bro, it means a lot. Though, if i were to allow my feelings to get involved with the way i think, i would have to say that i, nor anyone else, is any more important than a leaf on a tree, a grain of sand, or the hydrogen atom in water.

Purpose and meaning in this existence... i feel, we must create for ourselves, nothing gives them to us.

Feelings are things that we do not know, we can't incorperate them with anything in what we percieve as reality, they don't give us any more truth than thinking does...

I think i understand they way you feel, if not the reasons as well... but as with anything, i could be completely mistaken.

I doubt anyone on this planet has figured out the truth about what is really going on right now... i feel as if this question is irrelivent anyways. People who give themselves truths in the absence of them, are just scared. I know fear, it's someting that we all have to cope with. The fear of not knowing, the fear of being wrong.

We have one of two options.
Accept the fear, trudge through it regardless of how scared we are, and accept the fact that we really don't know what the hell is going on...
Or hide from the fear, and pretend that we know... that we know whats going on, that we know what happens when we die, that we know there is or is not a god.

One is a choice based on truth and honesty, the other is based on self deceit and fear.

I am no one to judge, i have let the fear control my mind in the past, but no more. Who am i to say which way is to live rightly? Honesty, or fear? Who am i to say what reality is, or isn't? We are all here, no different, all brothers, all animals, just trying to cope with the fact we are the only animals that live with the knowledge that some day...

We are going to die, there is nothing we can do about it... and we know nothing of it.


Well-Known Member
I will and hope each of you question things..

this is how we as a society learn from each other..

dont think I said I dont listen to those who want to speak against God.. that is not what I meant to imply.
From your first post in this thread, "dont listen to the folks who are telling you anything against God."

If you have a point of view.. lets hear it..
I do not believe there is a god, mainly because I have never, not once, heard a logically consistent argument for the existence of one. I realize that the god concept gives comfort, but I've always attempted to base my beliefs upon evidence and reason. I desire to know reality, regardless of how it makes me feel. Marijuana and music are the vehicles I choose to take me out of reality when I need escape, I like to be able to be in reality when I choose...

but those who usually state that I am closed minded.. are not willing to listen either..
I am willing to listen to almost anyone, the impression of close-mindedness came from the way you worded your first post...

I am firm in how I feel.. and how I get thru this world..
I am always up for anyone who wants to discuss religion or politics or weed... as long as we can DISCUSS it and not bash each other..
Agreed. May I ask what science you're familiar with? Have you studied and understand the basics of cosmology, biology (specifically evolution by means of natural selection), and physics? If so, I'd love to hear where you feel a god fits into these, and where you find him necessary at all. If not, I don't feel any quest could be complete without this knowledge...

I cant say to you.. your feelings and thoughts are invalid beacuse I said so..

I cant discredit someone from their feelings..

I understand how I feel... and why I feel that way... I expect those who wish to continue any religious debate to be respectful of my thoughts as I am theirs.
This is civil and mature. Feelings and the quest for the truth about reality are very different conversations. Inserting feelings into the quest for truth is sure to bring about biases in perception...

No matter who you are.. no matter how long you have been here on this world.. no matter what you have been subjected to...
we all have to either get along.. or move along..
Well said...


Active Member
It's not the relationship with in the church or with it's people that you seek approval from. It is in the Kingdom of god you seek approval from. I have no idea of which church of the 7 that is spoken of in the tribulations I happen to attend.. I truly don't care. It's not man I wish to impress.. In fact I don't care to impress anybody. But my personal relationship with god is just that. The one thing that's most important in my life.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Although, i must admit, if we... as humans, are to differentiate between what we percieve as real, or not real... what is reality, or not reality. We must only use what our senses can produce, never merely intuition or emotion. Intuition and emotion must be taken out of the equation if we are to set up a base standard for what reality is.. if in fact reality is not just an illusion, or simulation etc. etc.

We must base reality on what we can test, study, and experiment with on a tangable level. Anything other than this, intuition, personal feelings, personal experiences of spirituality, things that are subjective rather than objective can only be considered imagination, halucination, wishful thinking... never reality.

All the while understanding that anything we think, could be completely and utterly wrong.

It's not the relationship with in the church or with it's people that you seek approval from. It is in the Kingdom of god you seek approval from. I have no idea of which church of the 7 that is spoken of in the tribulations I happen to attend.. I truly don't care. It's not man I wish to impress.. In fact I don't care to impress anybody. But my personal relationship with god is just that. The one thing that's most important in my life.
^This is a prime example of what i was explaining before. This human is still basing his reality on self deciet and fear. There is nothing wrong with this, what is right and wrong is subjective at best. Understand, that because this human cannot find the stregth to give his own life meaning or purpose, he gives himself the idea that he is letting someone/something else give it to him instead.

This fills him with a sense of meaning and purpose that would be absent if the belief was not there.

I see nothing wrong with this, just as long as he does not try to impose this idea on anyone else... and if it does not cause anyone else pain or harm with or without it.


Well-Known Member
From your first post in this thread, "dont listen to the folks who are telling you anything against God."

I do not believe there is a god, mainly because I have never, not once, heard a logically consistent argument for the existence of one. I realize that the god concept gives comfort, but I've always attempted to base my beliefs upon evidence and reason. I desire to know reality, regardless of how it makes me feel. Marijuana and music are the vehicles I choose to take me out of reality when I need escape, I like to be able to be in reality when I choose...

I am willing to listen to almost anyone, the impression of close-mindedness came from the way you worded your first post...

Agreed. May I ask what science you're familiar with? Have you studied and understand the basics of cosmology, biology (specifically evolution by means of natural selection), and physics? If so, I'd love to hear where you feel a god fits into these, and where you find him necessary at all. If not, I don't feel any quest could be complete without this knowledge...

This is civil and mature. Feelings and the quest for the truth about reality are very different conversations. Inserting feelings into the quest for truth is sure to bring about biases in perception...

Well said...

Here is one of the was I have seen it.. and have looked from many angles in the past 40 years.
as much as I cant discredit those with their views..

I certainly cant and will never discredit OUR ancestors.. who have not only built MASSIVE structures that are still around and still being found today... but they have a History.. a past and believe based on what they knew..

So that is all made up??

The "Flood Myth" The Massive cataclysmic events that they have been written about.. the "first man" the "creationism myth" all of these things.. are not just bound by one area.. these are WORLD WIDE "myths"
this was all WAY before twitter!

and we are suppose to think this was a story? We are just a small speck of dust in the realm of things.. we EACH have a purpose a drive and desire that pushes us along..

I cant buy into the idea that all of our past ancestors were just crazy..

Perhaps they saw something that we as a Society have not seen in several thousand years.. and are not meant to see till the timing is due.

We think today just beacuse we cant see it happen or have no accurate records or video of it.. it was all a story or myth.


Well-Known Member
It's not the relationship with in the church or with it's people that you seek approval from. It is in the Kingdom of god you seek approval from. I have no idea of which church of the 7 that is spoken of in the tribulations I happen to attend.. I truly don't care. It's not man I wish to impress.. In fact I don't care to impress anybody. But my personal relationship with god is just that. The one thing that's most important in my life.
you too have a understanding of how you feel.. very few even take the time to do so.

I only have to answer to ONE.
and I have to answer all the way I feel to them

I have been prepping myself for this since I understood what it is


Well-Known Member
From your first post in this thread, "dont listen to the folks who are telling you anything against God."

I do not believe there is a god, mainly because I have never, not once, heard a logically consistent argument for the existence of one. I realize that the god concept gives comfort, but I've always attempted to base my beliefs upon evidence and reason. I desire to know reality, regardless of how it makes me feel. Marijuana and music are the vehicles I choose to take me out of reality when I need escape, I like to be able to be in reality when I choose...

I am willing to listen to almost anyone, the impression of close-mindedness came from the way you worded your first post...

Agreed. May I ask what science you're familiar with? Have you studied and understand the basics of cosmology, biology (specifically evolution by means of natural selection), and physics? If so, I'd love to hear where you feel a god fits into these, and where you find him necessary at all. If not, I don't feel any quest could be complete without this knowledge...

This is civil and mature. Feelings and the quest for the truth about reality are very different conversations. Inserting feelings into the quest for truth is sure to bring about biases in perception...

Well said...
Ok tyler, think you're all badass quoting in sections whil I look like a dumbass seperating my words in blue? HUH?! lol

Duuuuuuddddeee how are you guys quoting in sections?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
A flood does not prove anything but that a flood occured.

Science vs religion. Or religion vs science.

The earth is not flat, it is round.
Lightning does not come from Thors hammer.
The earth was not created in 6 days.
Posieden does not create sea storms.
The earth is not the center of our solar system.
The earth is not the center of our universe.
The earth is not the center of our galaxy.
Humans did not come from a rib bone.
God does not create rainbows, it is light reflecting off of prisms of water.

These are all ideas the theologians had, that have been proven to be mistaken over the tests of time by science.

No contradictions can be made for the arguments about religion vs science.

Not saying god doesnt exist, but the people who claim it does... have been proven wrong time and time again, and will most likely continue to do so as time progresses.

You ever notice your insane ability to end an entire thread?
LOL!!! That made me laugh so hard!! Yes, i have noticed that.


Well-Known Member
A flood does not prove anything but that a flood occured.

Science vs religion. Or religion vs science.

The earth is not flat, it is round.
Lightning does not come from Thors hammer.
The earth was not created in 6 days.
Posieden does not create sea storms.
The earth is not the center of our solar system.
The earth is not the center of our universe.
The earth is not the center of our galaxy.
Humans did not come from a rib bone.
God does not create rainbows, it is light reflecting off of prisms of water.

These are all ideas the theologians had, that have been proven to be mistaken over the tests of time by science.

No contradictions can be made for the arguments about religion vs science.

Not saying god doesnt exist, but the people who claim it does... have been proven wrong time and time again, and will most likely continue to do so as time progresses.

LOL!!! That made me laugh so hard!! Yes, i have noticed that.

weird.. cuz way back in the bible the quote I recall is .....
1.the Old Testament, Job 26:7 explains that the earth is suspended in space, the obvious comparison being with the spherical sun and moon. (not round.) as does the Ancient Sumerians who not only new the colors of said planets.. the shapes.. (google the annunaki planets)

2. Is that OUR time of 6 days...or GODS? perhaps time is a man made thing?

3. perhaps overthinking issues? I dont know..
4 man made idea..
5.man made idea
7. I love Mcribs.. (ok I hate them they taste like MCcrap)
8. I thought rainbows shot outta unicorns as they climaxed...

learning new things daily!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok tyler, think you're all badass quoting in sections whil I look like a dumbass seperating my words in blue? HUH?! lol

Duuuuuuddddeee how are you guys quoting in sections?
Hey, Hep! When you reply with quote, you'll notice Quote in brackets meaning begin quote, and /Quote in brackets meaning end quote. Simply make sure the portion of a post is surround by these two operators, and voila! You have your separate quotes ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey, Hep! When you reply with quote, you'll notice Quote in brackets meaning begin quote, and /Quote in brackets meaning end quote. Simply make sure the portion of a post is surround by these two operators, and voila! You have your separate quotes ;)

I quoted you quoiting someone else quoiting who quoted another who quoted someone...

and now quote me.. :)