Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
lmfao my girl does the wrong one . . . oh well shes trying to move out agian on whim, maybe the new chick will know the right kind of doggystyle

i think she is saying romney

i wonder if romney wished his first name was ryan . . . . .
wow lucky gal i cannot imagine what her latest whim may be - I am not fond of deleting or hiding nudity that is what causes you boys to think it so neat but dudes do you all have to be so in our face about not having to follow rules because you enforce them and cn I am telling Hep!

:blsmoke: i see you hydro buddy ;-)


Active Member
Cops charged me for running over stray cat.
[HR][/HR] OK I was wronged --- I always go home this way -- I know there are children out, so I don't speed and am always attentive to the road...
I glanced away for just a second to change the radio channel.....
BUMP BUMP---- a frigging cat ran right in front of me, I had no time to stop- slow or swerve I nailed the poor little bugger dead.
Now I have two cats at home, so don’t go thinking I was happy about this accident..I love kitties.
I’m looking around, tiring to figure where this dam cat came from. It was kind of a mange looking thing, so I’m starting to think it’s a stray..
Next thing I see is a little girl with her mom in tow and she is squealing at the top of her lungs.
Not a stray!!!
I express my sincere condolences to the heart broken little girl and of course offer to take her and her mom to the local animal shelter so she could pick out another little pussy.
Good thing right? NOT!!!!
The mom starts going on about, how that was an $800.00 prize pussy cat and she wanted the $800.00 or she was calling the cops right now.
Well I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck, that weren’t no $800.00 pussy it was a mutt, a pound stray or a feral pussy they had rescued. $ 30.00 bucks tops. I refused to give her $800.00 for the dead pussy.

No way.
So she calls the COPs.
They arrive; I’m expecting vindication but instead I get a summons and a $1000.00 FINE.
It appears that what I did was illegal !!!! NO

In Ontario it’s against the law to …..….. Haggle over the price of PUSSY in public !!!
Thank you for that being a joke. I was starting to get pissed off at that cunt, and my family's cat got ran over and killed a couple weeks ago. The fuck just drove off like the fuck that they were. At least, if this were real, you tried to do the right thing and that twat tried to take advantage of you.


Active Member
there has got to be a scientific explanation for how funny that is. i watched it twice and both times i laughed at least as hard as the guy in the video. uncontrollable screaming laughter from the pit of my soul. five stars.
I think that part of it is because (at least for myself) when you see someone laughing hysterically it triggers something in you to laugh as well...at least at the guy who is cracking up.


Active Member
I just hope this person gave this to the neighbors in a covert way. Probably about a year ago in my apt. building some cunt tried to put some persons business out there by posting a note similar to this, with no awesome drawings, on their door for everyone, including the manager, to see. Luckily capt. save a bro was around and I took it off the door and slid it underneath...I have no idea what happened afterwards nor do I care, I did my due diligence.


Active Member
lmfao.. you could still vote for these guys, and still laugh at this

i'll pluss rep you later ...
Fred Gwynn for the win! And ummmmm....Butch Patrick for the hat trick??? The Munsters is such an awesome show, I have to really thank Nick at Night for enlightening me to so many good shows back in the day.