Club 600

Thanks, bassman!
Has been a long couple of weeks without reading & keeping up with everything here in the 600, and it's great to be back!

At least there was good A/C in the hoipital. ;-)
Now I'm back to a sweltery 85f in the computer/grow room.
Having to pipe in what little cool air I get from the A/C unit into the closet to keep the plants below 90 while the lights are off, and it's got a few degrees to go before it peaks for the day (96f outside right now).

I'm just glad I don't live any farther South!
You have plenty of reading to do !!
It has cooled off like 6-7* over the past 2-3 days, but it is still 86* at my desk right now. The central a/c is not doing it job well at all! I too am piping the slighly cool air from my a/c to the girls and they have it better than I do thats for
They have 83* under the lights right now. If I took the vent out it would be well over 90* in there.
The sacrifices we make for our children ;-)
I keep switching the cool-ish A/C air between cooling the main room to cooling the closet.
Both are staying at 86f right now.
Have sucked 5-gallons of water out of the air in the last 18 hours.
Collecting it to water the plants with water that has minimal dissolved solids. ;-)
Damn Doob!! Really sounds like crazy ride, scary type of crazy I mean. Glad to see you've still got the same positive attitude you've always had.
glad to have you back doob...that whole ordeal does not sound like it was a pleasant one...but what doesnt kill ya makes ya stronger right lol

i'm familiar with forced one handed typing...and it blows
Thanks guys!
I've had worse medical dilemmas, but it wasn't fun.
No N.D.E for me on this go-around, so it could have been worse.
Man, just barely made it to the bed before falling asleep, then dreamed I was drinking some water and the glass broke in my mouth and spent 30 minutes getting shards & huge razor sharp chunks out while trying not to swallow.
Very real dream, and one of the ones you're glad isn't real when you finally wake up.
I dream weird shit all the time.
So much so that the wife & I don't sleep in the same bed.
Shortly after marriage it came to my attention that I get very "active" in my sleep.
The wife tells me that I bark orders and do a lot of leg work & tossing & jerking about, and I often have night sweats.
She says I've never hit her while sleeping, but she says my movements aren't gentle, and I don't want to wake her up from her own sleep.
Some of the dreams are combat related, and it's like I'm right there living it again, but things are going horribly wrong when they didn't in real life (I was a seargent, and the men depended on my decision-making abilities and ability to lead by example).
Sometimes they're combat related but aren't from anything I've experienced in real life and are bordering on science fiction.
Lots of those dreams are WAY out there, and would make for some great Sci-Fi movies or action scenes, and eventually I realize it in my dream and just go with the flow to see how it turns out.
Some dreams are just Army related bullshit that got stuck in my brain
PTSD sucks ass, even almost 20 years later.
Thank FSM that cannabis helps dull it out a bit.
Doob I can relate on the PTSD, and I get crazy dreams at times as well, and half the time I dont even remember them which is prolly good!

They should worry more about the trolls than the bots!

I've never seen a bot on RIU, but trolls they have apleanty...

Jesus H. Crippled Christ on a popsicle stick....
Sergeant Doobie, glad to have you back, sounds like you don't need bad dreams mate, you have been having real life nightmares!!! Keep yer chins up lad! And thanks for the well wishes for the wifes interviews. She basically goes to meet the person who would be her direct boss at the local office. Sits down and he say's. "Both dude1 and dudette2 (the people who interviewed her last week) both highly recommend you, and I trust dude 1 implicitly so for me the job would be yours. So I don't want to talk about your portfolio or anything, but......." And here's where the but came in. They are currently going through a re-organisation and he said that he couldn't guarantee that her job would still be there in 6 months. So he would feel bad her leaving a permanent role to move to one that may not be there in the immediate future. So they put the job on hold and will call her in 6 months. What a joke, she took the day of work last week, the morning off yesterday, and done loads of research and prep, and there isn't even a job...ffs. This is how it is in recruitment just now!

Anyway, we are off to the Adriatic tomorrow so not much getting us down at the moment.....and it's going to be plus 30 and sunny with gentle breezes the whole week. Hopefully sea sickness tablets will not be required.
Mr. D!
Good to hear from you, chumly!

That really sucks about the interview!
At least he was up front about the situation.
I always feel things work out as they should, so this has to be a blessing in disguise.
The blessing has yet to reveal itself, but it's there. A million things can go wrong with a new job so, perhaps she dodged a few bullets, and something sweeter will pop up after your return from your nautical adventures.

Have a safe flight, avoid the sharks after you set sail, and enjoy yourselves to the limit, plus some!

We'll be expecting a full report, with 8x10 color glossies with circles & arrows on the front and words on the back explaining the circles & arrows on the front.
And we'll do our best to hold down the fort until your return!
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Thanks Doob, what this has done is given her back confidence in being able to interview. She had been at a couple of job interviews and not been hired, which I kept telling her it was due to the job and the employers salary expectations. People think if you are looking for a job these days they can screw you over on salary, etc. Not the case!

I don't (hope) think there are man eaters in the Adriatic, thank god. And can I put bright coloured stars on the report as well????
Indeed, especially when the people applying for the jobs have actual skills like the Mrs.
Wherever she gets hired when she locates that new place to work will be lucky to have her on board.

As for Adraitic sharks, I hate to tell you but...


Hopefully they have enough to eat without adding you to the menu. ;-)