super lemon haze scrog uvb monster


Well-Known Member
Holy shit doc, lookin amazing. That last pic is unbelievable that its only on plant. Thx for the input man, good idea on two separate screens, I think i'm gonna scrog only one Sour Grape and possibly one Applejack. w/ a single hps. Still debating on the wattage to get.
Thank you, sounds good, go with at least enough wattage for your space if possible.. 3x3 apx 400 4x4 ..600 ...5x5 1k .. i mean you could have less those are just round a bouts for some pretty good set ups..


Well-Known Member
Muahahahah!!! I see the beginnings of what will be a MONstAAAAAHHHH!!!! i just may give her the extra few weeks at the end to let her explode if she keeps going at this rate!!!

Thank you everyone for the support!! she's just glistening more and more everyday!!



Thx for the recommendations on the light. How long were you planning to flower her for? She is lookin good man. I love having something to aspire to.


Well-Known Member
Thx for the recommendations on the light. How long were you planning to flower her for? She is lookin good man. I love having something to aspire to.
No problem, Well I was going to give her 10 weeks. But I decided that I might just give her 12 to see if she fattens up a lot.

Thanks, yeah just have to give her love and attention..


Well-Known Member
Very true.. I'll give it a shop the thing is the other light in the room is kinda dim so it's tough to get some good pics
Try using a CFL or something that a camera can white balance better to. HPS is just a horrible temperature light to white balance against.

I find that lights off and a flash works the best but sometimes the built in flash isn't strong enough so I have to break out my external flash. I am not sure what camera you have but try taking a pic with the lights off and just the flash, you may be able to get decent pics.


Well-Known Member
Very true.. I'll give it a shop the thing is the other light in the room is kinda dim so it's tough to get some good pics
Try using a CFL or something that a camera can white balance better to. HPS is just a horrible temperature light to white balance against.

I find that lights off and a flash works the best but sometimes the built in flash isn't strong enough so I have to break out my external flash. I am not sure what camera you have but try taking a pic with the lights off and just the flash, you may be able to get decent pics.
That's a good idea, I'm going to try it with the flash.. I won't be able to with this update coming up..but maybe tomorrow..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
here you go, the first pic`s are today last one is week ago, homemade co2 with yeast, seems to work a treat, even tho i have leaks in the room....


Well-Known Member
great looking grow dr. frank :D love that your scrogging a sativa mix .... very cool she looks like she is loving the screen!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
all i can think of is clones clones clones...... its going to be like starting all over again :(

not too worry tho, it`ll fly along when the clones get established, just a screen to fill then hahahaha....

another round of co2 starting soon it really is effective...


Well-Known Member
great looking grow dr. frank :D love that your scrogging a sativa mix .... very cool she looks like she is loving the screen!
thanks curly604, yeah she's been beasting it crystals everywhere.. she loved the scrog .. your could really see it in some of the later undershots.. i think the screen height really let her branch to her full potential...


Well-Known Member
all i can think of is clones clones clones...... its going to be like starting all over again :(

not too worry tho, it`ll fly along when the clones get established, just a screen to fill then hahahaha....

another round of co2 starting soon it really is effective...
i enjoy the process clones are like my little babies... and they give such great rewards in the end... yeah i'm liking this store bought stuff it seems to be working...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just haven`t that much experience with clones and unless i get say three mothers then i can`t fail, or should say have no buffer too loose any...


Well-Known Member
just haven`t that much experience with clones and unless i get say three mothers then i can`t fail, or should say have no buffer too loose any...
i hear you on that one... a good time to take clones is during clean up.. when your removing what will be under the screen.. make those clones...

i've been messing with some camera setting so some good shots coming in the update in a few..


Well-Known Member
Day 32...12/12... Rise and shine, and we've now completed a few days with the store bought "Exhale" Co2 in the room.. i'm thinking she's responding well.. hahahahaha...... heck yeah shes been doing well... I've also messed with some of my camera settings.. and some better shots... I'll make sure to get real good ones during the next rez change... check out the new shizots..
