The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
done! lol T i cant elive u cant remember wat u get sent mate,, white envelope just a eighth bud thrown in lol rush job :wink:
You say that yet you can't even recall what you yourself sent out haha. Was it kali mist or jack herer or? :D I have trouble remmebering though but i could swear i only got 2 lots off you, the kali/jack and then the stuff your mate chopped real early full of white hairs and flash dried. after that i encountered all the issue of buds not showing up. Who knows, we all know what weed is like on the memory and my memory is crap as it is. I'll remmeber something happened one day when i was 4 years old, but can't tell you what i had for breakfast yesterday :D

Half ounce of weed for £80 or ounce of hash for £80? Not that i can find any weed right now..

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
you got yet yman? ne good?
Not yet, I go on holiday Monday but I'll be on it when I come back.

It really doesn't matter what it's like to be honest cos the standard 'black all the way through' stuff I can't get for that price and I can flog as much as I can get hold of.

If you think about it you can have 2 oz of Billys seal for the same price as 1 oz of shit,flash dried chink weed,to me it's a no brainer!


Well-Known Member
Not yet, I go on holiday Monday but I'll be on it when I come back.

It really doesn't matter what it's like to be honest cos the standard 'black all the way through' stuff I can't get for that price and I can flog as much as I can get hold of.

If you think about it you can have 2 oz of Billys seal for the same price as 1 oz of shit,flash dried chink weed,to me it's a no brainer!
i rarely buy weed at all let alone chink weed, i am partial to good hash tho cause its such a rarity around where i am neway.

got 12g of pollen from italy should be hear 2mora, might have a bash after thats gone.

when u back bill?


Well-Known Member
my mate just got back from amsterdam. he said some amnesia was the best stuff he tried out there but he didnt know who the breader was. any of you know what breader supplies the coffee shops out there? hes after a few seeds


Active Member
Iv got orig amnesia growing atm. Had few crops of it. Its a good weed to smoke. Attatude seed bank will have it. In fact in one my grows I had white widow and amnesia my white widow hermie and pollanated my amnesia. So ill have white widow x amnesia cross. Not to sure how closely related the strains are. Hoping they not. Mite be hybrid vigor.


Active Member
I'd say to anyone if growing to sell grow giga bud g13 labs. Not best weed out but its fast cropping and massive buds. Iv done it 2 years and plan to keep on growing it. Plus its a hardy plant. I don't even check ph on it now iv had all sorts of probs over years. Power gone of for few days. No prob if got 2 tents have 3 or 4 ounce a plant in 6 weeks