First Outdoor Grow Bubba Kush!! Drop in would like some thoughts of how they are look


Active Member
How do you like that? I'm a millwright myself and have been considering doing this.
i love to hate it!! lol its not for everyone but i have been at it for 12 winters now and the money is great everything paid flights, room and food, transportation im clearing 6000 a month which is one of the lowest paying jobs out there in oil feild work but add up all the expenses and your lookin at around 9- 10,000 a month,
if i were you i would go for it lots of work out there for millwright man, especially fort mac!!


Well-Known Member
Bananas high in p am I correct. Never even ran thru my mind lol that's good man wished you lived closer cuz boy do I love my tomatoes lol
yea it's going good I have video updates and pictures and I'm sticking to this grow. I'll keep u updated.
Camps? Not FEMA camps right lol just yanking your chain. My newly found neighbor across the way has a massive grow going on. Ran into him at the hydro shop we where both shocked to see each other. All is great though a veteran grower on my side :)
bananas are high in K from my understanding


Well-Known Member
can't wait for the pics Green.........I have recently started root drenching and foliar feeding with seaweed extract. I will also be using some teas as bloom nutes.


Well-Known Member
todays photo of my Bubba Kush

Top Collas
Flowers.. no trichs on my bubba yet.. planted 2-18-12 week 27-28?

I so love this strain.. one of my top 5 for sure.. perhaps top 3.. Blue Dream Trainwreck and Bubba..
Love the way this plant looks and grows


Well-Known Member
todays photo of my Bubba Kush

Top Collas
View attachment 2288135
Flowers.. no trichs on my bubba yet.. planted 2-18-12 week 27-28?
View attachment 2288136

I so love this strain.. one of my top 5 for sure.. perhaps top 3.. Blue Dream Trainwreck and Bubba..
Love the way this plant looks and grows
why do you have that umbrella up bro? take that shit down you are blocking good sunlight....and some great 107 degree heat lol


Well-Known Member
I am sure were not the only family who buys the green ones.. and 1 day later they are rotten.. wth!! meh tossing em in the compost pile!!
lmfao......I have gone through so many bananas since the heat wave.....the only last a day MAXIMUM lol


Well-Known Member
why do you have that umbrella up bro? take that shit down you are blocking good sunlight....and some great 107 degree heat lol
no shit huh.. were suppose to get 106-112 fri and sat! umbrella is only out on them during these "colder" days.. and today for better photos.. (adding 25 of em to my journel area)


Well-Known Member
no shit huh.. were suppose to get 106-112 fri and sat! umbrella is only out on them during these "colder" days.. and today for better photos.. (adding 25 of em to my journel area)
you should just put up some shade cloth......It works great.....they still get the sunlight but less heat


Well-Known Member
Top of Bubba.. (again.. used a DSLR this time not my cell)



Full Bubba plant

One of the skinnier Orange Crush plants

Skinnier Orange Crush

top colla from another Orange Crush


Top of carm

Looking up a Orange Crushes skirt..

some of the ladies

more bubba

looking out..



Well-Known Member
you should just put up some shade cloth......It works great.....they still get the sunlight but less heat
considered it but we just sold the house so..
I will be doing a green house this next year.. gonna attempt year round grow since I run low too soon.. would be nice just to goof around with some plants during those 2-3 cold days we get..


Well-Known Member
considered it but we just sold the house so..
I will be doing a green house this next year.. gonna attempt year round grow since I run low too soon.. would be nice just to goof around with some plants during those 2-3 cold days we get..
yeah......I have seen a winter grow....the buds came out reallllllyyyyy ridiculously small lol....the sun is just too weak and inconsistent in the winter to provide fat buds.......with that said.....I shall join you in the venture of the Central Valley Winter Outdoor Grow lol.....When we get it up and running we should do a thread together


Well-Known Member
great fucking plants btw......If I remember correctly you did force flower them......I wish I had lol.....I probably will be harvesting my slow/early flowering plant at the end of this month.


Active Member
wow man they are beautifull plants mine are nowhere near budding that much, ive only got the couple white hairs starting with the colas starting to form tight clusters of branches still havent got any pics:(
so far away to go just for pictures and i keep forgeting the camera..
and as for winter wish i could do a outdoor grow in the winter but i dont think they would grow in the 6 feet of snow with -30c lmao you guys are lucky!!


Well-Known Member
great fucking plants btw......If I remember correctly you did force flower them......I wish I had lol.....I probably will be harvesting my slow/early flowering plant at the end of this month.
I did that to a few last year.. and it did work.. the only issue I ran into was I feel it may have or I may have allowed to too much sun afterwards and it came out kinda airy but smoked great...

I am harvesting that carm by 9-15!


Active Member
hope you enjoy thats all of them the small plants are the seedlings we put out in july unknown seed had them given to us..
see the jagged edge on the leaf pics they look so different then what im used too plus the tops always been red new growth odd strain anyone ever see that before??