Quite the delima...hmm

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Okay, I found three plants which are in the process of being grown while surfing the web. There is only one pot that can be used in this set up. So, basically now there are 2 plants in the big pot and then 1 in its own little container. What should the grower do to have the best out come. My guess is he should get rid of the rest and plant the strongest in the pot, letting it have its own pot?

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
No, theres only enough space for the one container. Im just wondering whats best to be done in this situation?


Well-Known Member
You got any pics. And i'd imagine the hairs if theyve started to sex. But its hard to tell until afterwards. Humans have 20/20 hindsight. lmao. But if they havent started to sex. Grow them a little longer. And go with the biggest most healthy looking females.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
These are three plants I found pictures of while surfing the net. Now, all three cannot grow in one pot as there is not enough space, this I know. One pot is the maximum amount of space aloud to be played with here. Which should be kept or what alternatives do I have?(no more pots aloud)

The first picture is the biggest of the three plants and is growing quite well. Perfectly if you will.

The second picture is the second biggest and this plant is growing well, however the big leaves are at a bit of an angle as you might be able to tell.

The third, and smallest, has some bent leaves and seems to be misshapen.

I would say take the biggest(photo 1) and replant that in the big pot. Is this the right choice?



Well-Known Member
How old are your plants at the moment? You could try using 2l bottles with tops cut off as pots which only take up around 10x10cm ground space each and which would probably see the plants through to early flowering when you can determine sex providing you're not planning to veg for a really long time. If you are growing more than one in a pot, I would try to put some kind of divider between them so that if you need to repot or remove one at a later date, you won't find the roots of both entangled. Roots have a tendency to grow downwards and then encircle the bottom of pot. If your large pot is shallow and both plants are doing this at once, their roots are likely to become entwined and you risk damaging both plants if you want to move one. If you have not yet determined sex of plants, I would not dispose of any based on how strong they look because you could end up throwing away your only female on the basis she is the smallest.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
You got any pics. And i'd imagine the hairs if theyve started to sex. But its hard to tell until afterwards. Humans have 20/20 hindsight. lmao. But if they havent started to sex. Grow them a little longer. And go with the biggest most healthy looking females.
If they were grown longer would it hurt them being that there in the same pots?


Well-Known Member
Well, at the size there at now, probably nott. But still, ur gonna have to change them eventually, so you might as well do it now. Little cups work great, considering the size, And your plants look a bit stretched 2 me. the leaves look small to me considering the height, mine r a bit shorter then your. and the leaves r like 2 times as big, But that could also be the strain. What are you using for lights?

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
There is only one CFL thats 30 watts I believe, and from what I know it gives off 2050 lumens. Its somewhat far away so that could be the cause of them getting so stretched, im not too sure on that one yet though. The owner of these plants is planning on getting a Y adapter and getting another one of the same lights too double the power.

And the age of these plants are...
-From the time the seeds were planted in the ground 7 days
-The time since each one sprouted is 5 days for the bigger two and 4 days for the smallest one

He is going to go with the soda bottles, how coincedental

Oh and when he re-plants what should this guy dig them up with?? a knife or something with more precision that can be worked delicately


Well-Known Member
Well he's gonna want to move his cfl's alot closer.. seriously. and im not sure about transplanting. Just make sure he does it delicatley and eaisly and it should be fine.


Well-Known Member
This "guy" sounds kind of paranoid to me, but I would advise him to steer clear of the knife to avoid cutting roots. If he is not able to upturn pot into hand to remove plant in soil, I would advise him to use a large serving spoon or something similar and try to remove plant and avoid root area. It will help to water plants a few hours beforehand or on the previous day.

If the guy is going to go with the soda bottles, it's a good idea to put parcel tape or plastic around the outside so the roots are not exposed to light. A 'guy' I know kept meaning to do this but never got round to it and when he looked at the plant he had in a bottle today, he noticed all the roots were bunched up on the side that had been against the wall and shielded from light. This same guy would also advise making sure drainage holes are not placed right at bottom where they might be blocked if bottle is put on flat surface and make some at the side of the bottle at its lowest point. If he wanted to repot at any stage from bottle, a good way is to carefully slice off bottom with craft knife and allow soil and roots to 'slide' down tube into new pot (or so the guy tells me)

My guy wishes your guy all the best with the grow.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Well he's gonna want to move his cfl's alot closer.. seriously. and im not sure about transplanting. Just make sure he does it delicatley and eaisly and it should be fine.
Thanks so much for the lighting information, since the lights have been moved closer that plants leaves have doubled in size... I only wish I had know this before.

Will let everyone know how things go when the supplies have been gathered. From what i hear this paranoid guy has been busy lately.


Well-Known Member
Personally i suggest getting at least one more cfl of equal proportions seeing as though they are cheap and easy to install seeing as though this "guy" is busy and judging by setup seems to have a budget issue. the cfl's are installed pretty easily, infact ive installed 2 in my room today in about five minutes. I also Think that you should take into consideration how big you want your plants to be prior to picking out the pots. you may be able to sustain multiple small plants. and chances are not all of the three will become female so i suggest the smaller pots at least untill the plants are of age to be sexed.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Personally i suggest getting at least one more cfl of equal proportions seeing as though they are cheap and easy to install seeing as though this "guy" is busy and judging by setup seems to have a budget issue. the cfl's are installed pretty easily, infact ive installed 2 in my room today in about five minutes. I also Think that you should take into consideration how big you want your plants to be prior to picking out the pots. you may be able to sustain multiple small plants. and chances are not all of the three will become female so i suggest the smaller pots at least untill the plants are of age to be sexed.
Its not so much budget as it is stealth. Trying to keep the grow in the dark from everyone is a little hard, you know. He doesn't want to convert his entire closet into a grow room so blatantly in the open. Plus, based on my growing experience, my skill level, and my likelihood to forget to water or something of the sort he doesn't find it a good idea to grow multiple plants and spend hundreds on gear, yet. This is more of an experimental thing.

I noticed the stem of the largest plant is brownish rather then green like the other two. Is this a bad sign or could it just be cause its good or something of the sort?


Well-Known Member
okay, personally i dont think that adding at least one more light would do much harm as far as stealth is considered, i mean i have two lights going and my room is real small i dont even have a walk in closet and its only a portion of the entire closet like maybe a third, and as of keeping out in the open, its as simple as shutting a door. (not trying to be mean) um get some pvc plastic sheets, black on one side white on the other, its a great reflector of light(white side) and it also helps prevent light from leaking out, and for any of the small little areas that you missed as jorge says, DUCT TAPE! and also i have a lock on my little closet so the curious george who lives here cant look in while im gone, they can listen to my fans but nothing more. also if thats too far for you even so, assuming that there is a door on the initial room itself, i would go buy some simple window weather stripping and place it around the frame of the door and place a blanket on the bottom crack just a simple light leak prevention. its sold at walmart for like five bucks.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
okay, personally i dont think that adding at least one more light would do much harm as far as stealth is considered, i mean i have two lights going and my room is real small i dont even have a walk in closet and its only a portion of the entire closet like maybe a third, and as of keeping out in the open, its as simple as shutting a door. (not trying to be mean) um get some pvc plastic sheets, black on one side white on the other, its a great reflector of light(white side) and it also helps prevent light from leaking out, and for any of the small little areas that you missed as jorge says, DUCT TAPE! and also i have a lock on my little closet so the curious george who lives here cant look in while im gone, they can listen to my fans but nothing more. also if thats too far for you even so, assuming that there is a door on the initial room itself, i would go buy some simple window weather stripping and place it around the frame of the door and place a blanket on the bottom crack just a simple light leak prevention. its sold at walmart for like five bucks.
no i'm all for the lights, i'm getting another i just gotta head to the hardware story and get a Y splitter thing.