The Seed Collectors Thread

As far as the chimera promo goes hippie, my buddy I'm spliting the order list wanted that mental floss and so did i :( I'm sure jb will take care of me. i have faith.
my offering to the spirits of sct. some bc anesthesia @ roughly 60 days.




Wow, I didn't think I would see that video on here fricken battles, I was listening to that back in 2004 good intrumental.
Mdjenks. You shouldn't be putting stems or anything down your garbage disposal. Cannabis is the strongest naturally occurring fiber. Chop those stems up small but them in a few Walmart style plastic bags toss in a newspaper so nothing can be seen tie it real tight and toss them in a trash can outside of busy store or something. Those things are go an mess up your garbage disposal and cost you cash. Just trying to give a little advice.

I mulch mine up and add to my compost for my veggie garden.

  • Ahhh thanks for the advice. I do chop them up fine but had clogged it a few times but I have put in a few sinks in my day and it was an was easy fix but if goes beyond my knowledge I'm fucked. I wish I had garden but I live in very urban populated area and have no room, must be really nice to grow your own food, herb, what ever.​

Yeah I grew up country so I tend to try to find homes near to the country. I know sinks aren't super hard to fix. But if you know it's gonna break why do it. Just thought I'd offer an alternative.
Is there anywhere in Colorado that helps dying folks get meds?
My little brother age 35 is dying of heart failure bout 2 mo to live, looking at hospice realy soon.
He don't have money or time left to get his red card renewed.

I promised id try and find a real comassion center stead of greedy fuckn dispencery's that are about $$$$.

I'm really sorry to hear that,my brother was in the marine corps and got blood posining (not spelld rt) it ran through his heart,causeing him to have a 13-22% heart of a 70 yr old man at 31,with alot of prayer and support he's still here at the age of 56 and he was 2nd on the doner list in washington state years ago but his heat rate has increesed to 37 % witch took him off the doner list,I truely know what your going through...your in my prayers and I wish Him all the Best...Peace
Dammnnnn gu~. Awesome. Just awesome.

Bodhi dirty Sanchez cuts rooted in 7 days. I have the most ghetto clone tech ever lol. I'm in the high 90%s in 7 days this time. Lol. I have never understood(thankfully) peeps probs with cloning. Dirty isnt the cuts that rooted. I took a how tray I think that's 72 cuts? Lol. I don't need anywhere close to that. I already have an extra 30 beautiful gage,firestarter,unknown plant(she's fruity spicy musk),blue dream, Every time I toss cuts(pretty often) I always think damn here I am tossing super fire genetics and there's people out there growing shitty weak genes. I wish the laws weren't so stupid.

Hell I'd even give mdjenks some true fire,just so I wouldn't have to hear about blz anymore....hahahahahaha.


Ok Ok i get the point no mentioning of that strain!
Is there anywhere in Colorado that helps dying folks get meds?
My little brother age 35 is dying of heart failure bout 2 mo to live, looking at hospice realy soon.
He don't have money or time left to get his red card renewed.

I promised id try and find a real comassion center stead of greedy fuckn dispencery's that are about $$$$.

Found folks who may help him!
Still getting bigger? I wouldn't have imagined.

hmmm, what is that suppose to mean? its been a slow process under the LED but if you look at past picks you will see a big difference, she is about 15 or 16 days from when she popped the bean.

Ok I'm guessing you were being facetious meaning that it should be getting a little bigger everyday because thats what they do, right?
Hell, you find anything out about the promo at tsd?

classic seeds and chimera promo is both going. Just email TSD with your info and what you want as your free pack.

the classic seeds promo is a long time running promo and he doesn't want to stop it unless problems arise that are too much to deal with. Buy two get one, forever hopefully.
hmmm, what is that suppose to mean? its been a slow process under the LED but if you look at past picks you will see a big difference, she is about 15 or 16 days from when she popped the bean.

You're pretty thick headed aren't you dude? It's supposed to mean, no shit, it's a fucking plant. It grows, it's what most living organisms do. Do you see anyone else in here posting pictures of their seedlings to document their day by day, leaf by leaf growth like you are? No, typically people will say when they've popped bean, when they show sex, if they herm, part way threw flower, and then the finished product. No one is making a point out of when a new node forms or in your case, when a new leaf shows.

You say I've changed, I'm better, Im on meds, and whatnot. What have you changed for, for a group of forum users that you have no personal relation to? Be who you are, even if that means an annoying twat. Personally I don't see it, especially when you carry on with the same shit that people have pointed out to you, such as making multiple posts in a row (post 27327,28,31,32,33). You're like a razor against the grain, just fucking irritating.

All bull shit aside though, I have one question for you that I would like to know the truth of. Are you 12 years old? To me, you remind me of my days back in high school if my friends adolescent brother tagged along. Just sitting in the back seat, trying to be cool, until you get paranoid and throw the blunt out the window and find it funny.