my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
what a cool thread!! ive seen it on here lots of times but skipped past it every time cuz didnt want to get hooked on reading up on someone elses grow due to the fact that i got enough going on in my own world. But i will honestly admit, this is one of the interesting 21 pages ive read on this site in a long time. elchupacabra, nice work my man, keep it and my hats off to ya for sucessful grow(S) with caveman like equipment. im curious on the location of ur plants. did u just make a fake raised bed type setup on ur back patio? or is that set up in ur house? either or, its creative and im digging it!!


Well-Known Member
what a cool thread!! ive seen it on here lots of times but skipped past it every time cuz didnt want to get hooked on reading up on someone elses grow due to the fact that i got enough going on in my own world. But i will honestly admit, this is one of the interesting 21 pages ive read on this site in a long time. elchupacabra, nice work my man, keep it and my hats off to ya for sucessful grow(S) with caveman like equipment. im curious on the location of ur plants. did u just make a fake raised bed type setup on ur back patio? or is that set up in ur house? either or, its creative and im digging it!!
caveman like for fucking sure man haha, welcome to my country
yeah i made a raised bed thing by putting cement blocks/bricks in
a rectangular shape and filling it with soil on my balcony


When exactly is season tho? When can I expect decent stuff. Also whats a good alernative? Can I get hash? Iv never tried it. But it gets you high right? Hahaa. And one more thing? How far would I have to go? North? Or could I go to like Kerala?


When exactly is season tho? When can I expect decent stuff. Also whats a good alernative? Can I get hash? Iv never tried it. But it gets you high right? Hahaa. And one more thing? How far would I have to go? North? Or could I go to like Kerala?


Well-Known Member
kerala is overrated, said it a lot of times, it's not the same way ganj used to be there 10-15 years ago or so i've heard...
if you are fluent in kannada you can go to can expect good shit around mid october, end sept...hash is a good
alternative but if you don't know your hash you're gonna get scammed and get spiked hash and really little of
need to know your shit and know the local language to score in this country...


Active Member
I'm from Kerala, and the only ones good here are the ones bought by visiting Idukki/Munnar with a bunch of friends. They call it idukki-gold/munnar-gold itself, but the one I got anywhere else in Kerala or even India by the same name were just trash, or maybe tea-leaves sprayed with some buzz-inducing liquid that dries up leaving a coating.


Well-Known Member
like i said, weed from kerala is over rated. like stuff from everywhere around this country as far as weed can get comparable good shit in many places but you're not going to find it your first time around...munnar has some crazy stuff though if you know malayalam...


Active Member
like i said, weed from kerala is over rated. like stuff from everywhere around this country as far as weed can get comparable good shit in many places but you're not going to find it your first time around...munnar has some crazy stuff though if you know malayalam...
Well, being a mallu, obviously i know malayalam. :D I wish I could live in that munnar climate. Sadly we don't spend time there any more than 30 mins so as not to invoke suspicion :|


I will be attending college in Bangalore soon so I should be able to make a few friends who are fluent with the language. So how often do you usually toke? Like do you have pounds of bud at your house lol? I assume you are fluent with the language. Also you have tried the shit weed? A dirty high?

Worst case worst I will just have to give up smoking. It would be bad smoking weed laced with really bad stuff and have a bad trip. Have you had any bad experiences in Bangalore?


Hah I am a malayaly too! Im not fluent with the language as I have grown up in the states. A couple weeks ago I was at Alleppy beach and saw two tourist smoking some stuff. I could tell by the smell when I walked passed. It does seem like a nice place to light up!

Sorry for bombing all the spellings btw.


Active Member
I was in Bangalore till an year back, and used to smoke the ones that comes from 'hoskote'.

I never knew until I read through this thread that Indians can order cannabis seeds, though amazon doesn't work! :o
The mandala seeds are closed for the time being, and will be open only 'next season' :( When is the next season?

Really interesting thread for every Indian trying a grow setup in India ;)


Active Member
Hey. I came across a huge(for us indians) CFL in a newly opened bakery. This is like the thickness of a bike exhaust! And its color is not that bluish white but like traditional edison bulb's orangy yellow tint.
It sure is CFL though its not really 'compact'. Must surely be of higher wattage.

Have you seen such a light? If yes, do you think this would be the western equivalent of CFLs with 100+ wattage?


Well-Known Member
my guess is as good as yours mate, my indoor growing experience is very very limited...but frankly i don't see the purpose of getting a cfl with 100+ wattage if you can get 4 that are 23w apart from the setup time...frankly i've found that my biggest difficulty here is finding things that people use abroad, i.e. carbon filters, duct tape, blood meal, the list fucking goes on. while you may have certainly stumbled upon something, i'm not too sure, but i'm pretty sure 100w+ cfls can be imitated with more of the smaller bulbs of the same wattage...correct me if i'm wrong...also you can use smaller bulbs' positioning to ensure the entire plant gets light...

frankly imo we have one thing which blows any cfl, hps, or mh of any wattage away - the sun...


Well-Known Member
I was in Bangalore till an year back, and used to smoke the ones that comes from 'hoskote'.

I never knew until I read through this thread that Indians can order cannabis seeds, though amazon doesn't work! :o
The mandala seeds are closed for the time being, and will be open only 'next season' :( When is the next season?

i still smoke the stuff

Really interesting thread for every Indian trying a grow setup in India ;)
I still smoke stuff from hoskote...i know every single guy who pushes ganj over there damn
well, and they all know invited me for his sister's son in law's wedding for fuck's sake...

you can get good stuff from hoskote in season and even till about feb, march, april, maybe even may depending
on that particular year...this is going by my experience over the past 4 years...and the stuff you get
there around october, november time is fucking good by indian standards and according to a few friends,
something like mids in cali (going by appearance) but the mids there got me way more fucked...

you can order mandala's seeds from attitude seedbank or pick'n'mix...i'd recommend attitude if you're a bit strapped for cash
cause you can pick up the safari mix for 20 GBP and they're good fucking seeds...and you get freebies...both deliver to blr
tho no problems for me...i just got unlucky cause
the one weekend i left em the monsoons started...lost about 14 beautiful seedlings...just make sure you germinate
them as mandala tells in detail on their website...

amazon doesn't want to take responsibility for shipping problems which don't occur often at all but still occur...
they're being a lot more 'safe is better than sorry' kinda guys...i mean it's a solid business plan, as a result you
very rarely hear of amazon shipments going awry as far as reputed retailers and new products are concerned...
ebay does ship though, and has everything amazon need to find someone that isn't charging an
exuberant amt for shipping though...if you have about 20k in indian rupees you can do a fucking brilliant outdoor
grow op...spend about 5.5k on seeds and 15 k on other shit from ebay and you're sorted...


Well-Known Member indoor one has no ventilation as of right now, but i leave it open about 30-40% of the time, like i guess 4-5 hours a day?
i'm pretty sure i need to get fans though, doing it tomz, can anyone confirm and tell me if the little fringes on my blue widow seedling
close up shot are due to burn from the light/heat?



Well-Known Member
as of now, i'm starting to feel that autoflowering plants can be a massive success in our climate given the fact that indica strains flower too early...i think that an autoflowering strain under 12/12 will yield more than an indica strain started 12/12 from seed under the same circumstances...but i'll have to order and see i october...i'd probably keep it indoors till the buds start showing then shove it out