Growing advise from Kaendar. Would you listen to him?

Should you take ADVICE from Kaendar

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Why go by age?? Don't you think that is a little biased?? There are also 40 and 50 year old why attack the young?? Saying they are not worthy enough to accept their advice?
just sayin :D

I was wondering the same thing I'm 22 and more mature than most people my age.
And I'm no professional grower but to say young people can't give good advice because they aren't old enough is silly imo
I was wondering the same thing I'm 22 and more mature than most people my age.
And I'm no professional grower but to say young people can't give good advice because they aren't old enough is silly imo
Yeah.....I would think that the ADMIN wouldn't be so biased.
Yeah, they are searching our "latest posts" for some material to base the ban's on

In for a penny, in for a pound. cn

But I like directed jibber jabber. Am I bad for this? cn

<edit> just checked ... I have the penultimate post In Jabberistan. cn
They don't need a reason to ban us. All he has to do is be in a foul mood. I admin on few sites and I would never take that tone with my members. But to each his own.

waiting for a ban.
Kaendar we still love you, this forum wouldn't be the forum it is today without members like you ;)

So on behalf of everybody here , thank you for your contributions to the forum
They don't need a reason to ban us. All he has to do is be in a foul mood. I admin on few sites and I would never take that tone with my members. But to each his own.

waiting for a ban.

That's the thing about a privately-owned website with capricious admin. L'étât, c'est him. cn
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