Lady J's Smokin' Section


Well-Known Member
I did a lot of work yesterday...transplanted 11 plants, mostly into 2g buckets and dirt bags...mixed my own soil (base was MG Organic) using Happy Frog Tomato and Vegetable w/ beneficial bacteria (7-4-5), worm castings, perlite, and Azmoite. I don't have an outside work area since I'm in an apartment, so everything had to happen on my newspaper covered living room floor and the bath tub. Needless to say, my back was killing me by the time I got everything transplanted, watered, and cleaned up. Took me a few hours. I looked so tired that my man bought me two beers so the clean up wasn't half as bad :). Glad to have it over with for sure.

Opened the tent this morning and everything looks perked up. I'm guessing (and hoping) that everything took to their new pots well. I will post pics either tomorrow or the next day. I did take some shots of the Kandy Kush though since she's my favorite ;).



Well-Known Member
She is looking good! You will see the fruits of your labor before you know it :weed:

Where did you get your seeds? I so want some particular strains but I am very paranoid about ordering seeds online.


Well-Known Member
You got that right a womans touch is very good at making things grow *giggity*

You got it going on LadyJ
lol ;) appreciate you saying so handsome
She is looking good! You will see the fruits of your labor before you know it :weed:

Where did you get your seeds? I so want some particular strains but I am very paranoid about ordering seeds online.
Thanks Laney...I ordered from Attitude, World of Seeds, and my favorite...Herbie's Headshop :)


Active Member
Lady J, have you considered using a medium that has no nutrients? I feel like youd enjoy that more, seeing as you can tweak it to the exact amounts n such? just a suggestion yo!




Well-Known Member
Lady J, have you considered using a medium that has no nutrients? I feel like youd enjoy that more, seeing as you can tweak it to the exact amounts n such? just a suggestion yo!


Yup, my last grow medium was without any nutrients and I didn't care for that very much, had a lot of deficiencies in the end and lost tons of fan leaves from the skunk trying to catch up on what was missing...I like having the nutrients mixed into the soil so that they slowly feed the plants without fear of burn, and allow them to have something to draw on if my watering mixes are lacking.


Active Member
ahhh, gotchya. well that makes sense! Sorry girl, you know how high i get lol, i cant remember the last post i wrote much less all the shit youve done in such a short time :P


Well-Known Member
From now on, I will try to update every time I water :)

So as most of you know, everything was transplanted a couple days back, mostly into 2 gallon containers. I've been watering my plants with water that has been oxygenated for at least 24 hours but it usually goes 48+ hours...this helps rid of any chlorine that might be in my tap water and gives the roots oxygenated goodness. I have been thinking about using teas again, but I haven't decided yet. I added one tablespoon of molasses and two tablespoons of liquid karma to the watering mix. I will probably do a light ferting next watering, but will hold off on deciding since I mixed the transplant soil with happy frog 7-4-5 organic fert w/ microbes + worm castings and ferting might not be needed until I switch to flowering (in 1.5-2 weeks).

Also, you'll notice that I took pics of some plants in a strainer that is placed over a bucket...this is easier for me than lugging all the plants to my bathroom, letting them drain in the tub, and then having to disinfect my entire tub! I just laid a tarp out in the living room, and let the plants rest on it after sitting in the strainer for 5-10 minutes.

Here are the ladies:

Dutch Passion Blueberry is doing well after her accidental topping. I was worried about her since she's so finicky but all appears to be well. The yellowing on the lower leaves is from a mag deficiency after having an N abundance...she is much more sensitive than the other plants, so I'm hoping that drawing her ferts directly from the soil instead of receiving them through watering will help improve her response to nutes.

The C99 is doing great...she has lots of tiny tops popping up all over the place. Haven't seen any new signs of N deficiency and she has taken to training very well.

Reserva Privada's Kandy Kush is doing amazing. It's hard to believe she's only 15 days out. Again, my favorite plant!

This Lambo AKA Rambo is my second favorite plant. Like the Kandy Kush, the rambo was ferted from seed. All of my ferted from seed plants are lush and having great growth for their age. I Fimmed her and am hoping for four tops in the circled areas.

LSD is doing well, no issues...I worried about her after transplant but she seems to have taken to it fine.

All the purple hazes (reg) that I got from Jack are doing excellent. They have also been ferted from seed. I learned my lesson from the blueberry, skunk, and c99. All of those plants are well over 30 days old and are smaller than the plants half their age lol. It's all good though, I'm still gonna smoke the shit out them :).

I worried about my baby G13 - Pineapple Express because she didn't come out of her original planter too well when I transplanted, but she looks healthy and so far so good.

I know this probably looks a little crazy and it's definitely not as pretty as nugbuckets, but the skunk has been prepped for her 8 tops. I'll introduce a tomato cage when her tops grow out :).


Well-Known Member
How well does your garden grow? I'd have to say pretty damn good! your babies are getting along rather nicely, keep up the good job.


Active Member
Just turned my phone into a gameboy may not see me for some time :lol:
Ha. If you start slacking on the updates we'll just have to confiscate your phone battery.
For the good of mankind (weedkind?) of course. lol


Well-Known Member
Hey LadyJ! Don't know if you've been by my thread yet or not, if you haven't this is your formal invitation! My NL showed sex today!
Day 22 from sprout
View attachment 2274297

Ha. If you start slacking on the updates we'll just have to confiscate your phone battery.
For the good of mankind (weedkind?) of course. lol
hahaha :)

Gameboy advance is the shit...I forgot how fun pokemon is lmao!


Well-Known Member
What kind of mh/hps system did you buy? I of course will upgrade eventually too....
Apollo from ebay :). 400w mh / hps including both bulbs (one year warranty on each), digital ballast (rf protection, overheat protection, silent fan and 3 year warranty) and 6inch cooltube with adjustable bat wing reflectors - $153, free shipping.