An introduction to Michigan Medical Marijuana - How to get started

so if i move from va to michigan can i get my current dr to fill out the patient card? also i am on narcotics for pain but smoking helps with the pain and appatite can i be on both there or will i have to choose ? my daughter is in kalkaska and i just got approved for disability after 4 years.. so i am getting alot of back pay and was thinking of moving.. is there a residency law on how long you have lived there before you can get a card?.. thanks and hope to be there one day you guys are my hero's
Hope someone knows these answers to bass 1012 question as I'm in same situation pretty much. Born in Detroit but haven't been back to Michigan since I was a baby and that was over a half century ago. lol Would like to find a nice middle size town to live in in S. Michigan.
You will need a Mi drivers/ID And adress. If your doctor is certified to practice in Michigan then he can certify you. There are doctors here that will cert you easily if u are getting disability. If most doctors who prescribe narcs find out you are on MMJ they will cut you off.

www.Cana-Med.Ca. Has anyone ever heard of this. I was sending a email to a representative here and not sure how this came up. Called the 888 number and they sell to all states not just legal ones. Completed a medical form listing illnesses and got an email back that I qualify. Went to member page with password and they have substidized number and price as $20. Gave no financial information to these people. Said I could get 48 grams a month. For $20? yea, right. Is this a scam? Maybe I will get a visa at Walmart and put $20 on it and see what happens. Decriminalized here so 21gm. is just a ticket no arrest or jail time.
www.Cana-Med.Ca. Has anyone ever heard of this. I was sending a email to a representative here and not sure how this came up. Called the 888 number and they sell to all states not just legal ones. Completed a medical form listing illnesses and got an email back that I qualify. Went to member page with password and they have substidized number and price as $20. Gave no financial information to these people. Said I could get 48 grams a month. For $20? yea, right. Is this a scam? Maybe I will get a visa at Walmart and put $20 on it and see what happens. Decriminalized here so 21gm. is just a ticket no arrest or jail time.

Mackey, If it sounds too good to be true it probably ALWAYS is. I don't know what the angle is here but I wouldn't take any chances that could put you into the cross-hairs. Please let us know what you discover.. have you settled on an area that you are moving to yet?
Have grandchildren/children here in E. Tn/ W. N.C so would not want to go out west, Would love the coast of Oregon if not for family. Michigan is the least distance. Recently saw the laws on for Ohio non med and blew me away. Growing a small amount is same penalty as possession and the penalty is a misdemeanor. Loved that because if I needed to grow until I got set up with medical, not a great risk. Have no priors and heard that Ohio most likely will be next state to legalize medical. Checked out weather at both as cold, damp weather puts me in a lot of pain. Couldn't really see much difference.

Husband still working so I employment is the next thing we need to look at. Just needs minor type job for us to get by. Got to do something or I don't think I'll make it many more years as using narcotics and chemical drugs so much and that is all they have for my condition, no cure. Any suggestions? Thanks for replies.

South can be so stupid sometimes, may be a decade before anything happens here.
I'm with you on the Ohio interest.... Southern OH could be big winner. I'm going to look into the proposed med law there.
Getting off script pills sounds the like the best investment in your health possible. Good luck with your decisions. You do understand that MI is in the middle of proposed changes to our law at this time... hopefully the results are something we all can live with.
im interested as well in relocating from wi to mi up in particular. patients from the up what information can i look forward to needing in respect of qulaifying for the card? been diabetic now for 24 years with marijuana being the only other medication outside of insulin treatment but since im getting up there in age (29) not to long before random shit starts falling off(or neuropathy) im healthy in all other regards. what im really interested in is information of joining a co op of growers to provide others along with myself the best medicine possible what communities in the u p are most tolerant of medicinal usage and ease of procurement of the dankies and cookies. does the mi med laws allow for the extraction (hash oils edibles)? to many questions about the actual programs in place to put it all out there but all ive read is extremely helpful. i have medical records that would sink the titanic stacks 8 ft tall of the wasted expertise of the quack brigade still paying of student loans.:fire:
on another front are any diabetics also treating the king hell shitstorms that this disease excacerbates treating with good smoke? and does the mi laws aknowledge that pot helps these malaodies?
What area you moving to? I would get certified wherever you are going. The only co op of growers I know up here is me. There are structured coops and collectives, but none of them would speak to me without first signing over my plant count and being one of their patients.

If you have tons of paperwork, you will not have any problems at all. Feel free to email me at medicatedacresup on yahoo of you need any other info.

You aren't going to be flying one of those fucking packer flags are you? just kidding.
so if i move from va to michigan can i get my current dr to fill out the patient card? also i am on narcotics for pain but smoking helps with the pain and appatite can i be on both there or will i have to choose ? my daughter is in kalkaska and i just got approved for disability after 4 years.. so i am getting alot of back pay and was thinking of moving.. is there a residency law on how long you have lived there before you can get a card?.. thanks and hope to be there one day you guys are my hero's

Dr must be a Mi certified Dr. of Medicine or Osteopath. If your current state has MMJ available, your current state dr info/records, will get you a Mi authorized Dr. that will give you a cert. In Mi, we have a 60 day residency mandate (outside the MMMA). so you have to be a resident. You could likely use your Daughters Addy as your addy, until you get setup.
We have a Visiting Pts Clause if your state has a MMJ Law on the books and your qualified there.

most NORMAL Drs dont like cannabis, so they wont let you use cannabis in many cases. but most cannabis drs recognize the need to get off the scripts as soon as medically and physically able to... SO you can use both, but depending on your Dr here, he may or may not be cannabis friendly... I wouldnt take a Dr that was not, and there are a few... Not sure on the Kalkaska area, but i know its a testy issue in that area i believe (medical cannabis). but if you dont have a rec on a med cannabis from your state, you ll need to be here 60 days to get on the registry, but once you have a Dr recommendation for cannabis, you can start utilizing it from that point on.

we have 2 defenses in our Act, One for Registered Pts and CGs section 4 Defense and one for those that do Not register with the state, the Section 8 Defense.

Things are going to be going thru another change with the recent 7/0 unanimous Mi SC ruling upholding the Will of the People, but upholding the Act as a Peoples Initiative!

I would be happy to give you any answers I can to help you get in Mi and about the area.

first thing to do once your in state and 1/2 way settled is get a Dr and get your Rec/Cert. You do not have to get on the registry, but the protections of Not being on the registry are much lower, but its been a Major CF here in Mi on arrests and non arrests on Medical Use here. like most everying, it boils down to



Yes, You cannot have a caregivers card as a Felon but you can be a patient.

For all felonies or drug felonies? Unless the law has changed this is what I found.

Becoming a primary caregiver has only 3 legal requirements;

1) You must be at least 21 years old
2) You must agree to assist with a patient’s medical use of marihuana
3) You can not have a felony conviction involving illegal drugs
I'm a wannabe refugee as well. Been on RX meds for quite a few years now as I have chronic pain issues but my plan is to get completely away from them for good. I have had over 40 surgeries in the last 30 years. Pretty banged up but I still take care of my home and do my share of living. I'm a outdoorsman and not too keen on city living so my main interest; other than MMJ is in being close to hunting and fishing areas which in Michigan looks to be just about everywhere other than the more populated city's so that's cool. I bring with me a strong ag background(Accredited) and lots of compassion for others in pain and suffering. I know nothing about where to begin my search for a place to live as I have become discouraged in finding a place by myself. If anyone could suggest a place or area to call home that is friendly and safe please help me out. Starting out I could pay probably 500/month+/-rent for me and my dog. I've searched the and all that bullshit and I'm getting no where. Please PM me with any specific information. I've got a few posts here in RIU but this is not my main home.

Signed Helpless in Limbo~Peace:bigjoint:

We have the state covered. Let us know what area you are thinking and we will help you out.

Kind of what I figured but thought I would ask in here. Anything near the south that is relatively close to an interstate. Since I am a huge KVD fan kal would work great. Thanks Glad

Yeah what glad said. I see a nice 125 acre fallow farm that would love to have you

That would be right up my alley. Thanks for the response, HLB
This is Michigan, there's a KVD caliber fisherman in every township :)

best of luck with your search....stick with walleye, don't go fishing for those greasy invasive salmons :)
This is Michigan, there's a KVD caliber fisherman in every township :)

best of luck with your search....stick with walleye, don't go fishing for those greasy invasive salmons :)

O...K...Tell you what, I'll just get rid of a few of those nasty ass Salmon on my smoker with some rub and hickory smoke. Deal?
O...K...Tell you what, I'll just get rid of a few of those nasty ass Salmon on my smoker with some rub and hickory smoke. Deal?

Havnt been out since mom passed. Gotta sell the boat. But at least I'm not up to my ass in salmon ;)

I don't care for a lot of fish. But somehow I ended up the clan smoker;)

5 gallon pails full of fillets and brine. Smoker goin 24 hours. Even if I liked it,yuck!

My most requested was browns in brown sugar! Any fish and the sugar really.

Sorry I'm high ^^^^^
I'm highly biased towards the gravel lizards :)

But hey...its CAN'T go wrong! Just look outside today, where would you rather be....NOWHERE :)

Nuggz, our fish stories always start out ' This ain't no shit....'

Hooray for wolverines!

btw is it ok that we jack up this thread? sorry if its not...
Havnt been out since mom passed. Gotta sell the boat. But at least I'm not up to my ass in salmon ;)

I don't care for a lot of fish. But somehow I ended up the clan smoker;)

5 gallon pails full of fillets and brine. Smoker goin 24 hours. Even if I liked it,yuck!

My most requested was browns in brown sugar! Any fish and the sugar really.

Sorry I'm high ^^^^^

Wow, thought that was a joke about the greasy salmon. I guess the ole saying "when in Rome do as Romans do" probably applies here I guess? The only "fresh" fish I can get here is panfish and river cats. Now down in the sunshine there's all kinds of fresh fish(grouper, mahi, pompano and so on. Never had any walleye but I've had Salmon a few different ways. To me a good fish steak is every bit as good as a filet mignon. PS no need to apologize around me for being high. "I am never not too high"...:lol: