Club 600

So my 600 bros i need some input on what glass piece to get. I want a good piece for my extracts (Preferable a Oil Rig) Ive heard alot of good things about Drum percs but anyway Any input is welcome heres what ive found that i like so far at Aqualab
One Of My Favorites
Some pretty dear prices, but some beautiful heavy glass, for sure.
Will be interesting to hear from those who know what they're talking about when it comes to bubblers, as I, like Sgt. Schultz, "Know NOTHING!".
have you seen the swing sets?


always wanted to try one..
but just use liquid pad for vape... works great..
I run an ice catcher type deal on my vape. I'm loving that piece though!

@ HS - I'd be careful with pricing if I were you looking ot those pieces. I'd have to swing through homie's place again to get the brand but I know a guy who selles a brand that is actually a manufacturer for other brands. They sell their own shit for a fraction of the price and he sells their brand direct. I swear I saw two of those you posted links to in his shop for under $200 but would really have to go back and check with that link open to be certain. All clear glass is their thing (trademark) which is what made me think about it.
Hey hey hey family. (you too fam) A warm welcome to all the new faces. Really glad to have some peeps taking interest in the thread once more. Definitely some good bud shots, at least from you doc. I can't remember if there were more.

Anyways, my feet are planted on solid ground once more, and they are planted on my bathmat. I'm sick as a dog. Fucking airline food. Ah well... just getting ready to load my first bowl. You know you are sick when you can't even get a bowl in.

Thanks a lot for the good luck wishes.

EDIT: Nice fish chef. I have been thinking about fly fishing lately. I enjoy fishing, but I feel when I go to the local lake it's just a matter of standing around and waiting. Basically it feels like I toss my hook in and sit. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Free dinner ain't bad. But I enjoy doing things that require a bit of skill. That's what made me feel like fly fishing might be something to try. Any thoughts on the idea.

Thats actually what made me get into it in the first place, I bore easily and like when my hobbies can continuously challenge me. I recommend finding a local store specializing in flyfishing and inquire about lessons, they are relatively inexpensive and a good instructor is invaluable, they will provide you with multiple gear combinations until you find one that feels comfortable to you. They'll teach you all the basics of casting (which will be extremely challenging at first), the basic types of knots used and a general overview of the feeding habits of the species you plan to target and which insects/flies that you'll use based on what is hatching and the fish are feeding on. Choose a 2 part class, first being classroom and second on the water. Even after 15 years I still go to a few clinics or workshops per year. You could also look into a local Trout Unlimited Chapter, the membership fee is minimal and they hold regular flyfishing workshops and hold outings which will help to familiarize yourself with local waters and how to properly fish them for the greatest success. Be prepared to learn a lot about entomology! If then you decide you are addicted to the sport you can go and buy your own gear, good gear is expensive but worth every penny and if taken care of properly could be handed down for generations (I have my grandfathers Vintage Bamboo H.L. Leonard which beside one tiny scratch is pristine, although I dont use it often because id probably kill myself if something happened to it, I had it appraised a few years ago and was told by 3 different colletors/shops it was worth between $3000-3600). Anyway feel free to PM me if you have any questions. later
howdy do' partners? or should i say? put'r there mate!? or shoulds i say i hoope yall mates aint partners. or shoulds i say i hope my partners aint mateing. i dont fuckin kno with you all yallds fuckin language. alright imdrunk
hey guys so I been having problems with some root rot on my table and I have a question regarding how often to water.. right now all the roots are sprawled all out around the table and I been watering once every hr for 10 min... in my head im thinking I should change that to every 30 min but im still kinda new to the DWC thing and I dont wanna make things worst than they are.. here are a couple pics to give you perspective on whats going on with my roots and how bushy the plants are right now..
can someone please save me... any other advice on what you think I should would be greatly appreciated...

hey guys so I been having problems with some root rot on my table and I have a question regarding how often to water.. right now all the roots are sprawled all out around the table and I been watering once every hr for 10 min... in my head im thinking I should change that to every 30 min but im still kinda new to the DWC thing and I dont wanna make things worst than they are.. here are a couple pics to give you perspective on whats going on with my roots and how bushy the plants are right now..
can someone please save me... any other advice on what you think I should would be greatly appreciated...

hmmm not real familiar with your table set but aa freind of mine had the same issue recently and he runs a high end DWC system. He soaked his roots with H2O2 real good to kill the rot, cleaned out the rez well and started over. i will go and try to find some more info for you. keep your chin up and
good luck
So my 600 bros i need some input on what glass piece to get. I want a good piece for my extracts (Preferable a Oil Rig) Ive heard alot of good things about Drum percs but anyway Any input is welcome heres what ive found that i like so far at Aqualab
One Of My Favorites

I'd go with the straight tube...the second one you linked...I personally feel if it's purely for concentrate then the little mini bub's(-10") are cool but for an all around everyday driver for both erlz and nugz then go with something a little bigger(14-18") me a smaller water pipe for budz is a little harsh.
hey and who elese here is fromt he states? just wondering? mostly talking to known 6 members too but others aare welcome to respond

I think most of us are from the states. Duchie is our only canadian I think. West, Don, Nas, Mantiszn, 3eyes, a few others are UK. Dst is in europe. But I think maybe 60-70% are americans. And I think of those americans about half of us are in california.

Hope that straitens things out mate ;)

EDIT: Forgot we got a couple peeps in Australia.
@reggaerican I would suspect high water temps could be the main cause. Do you know what temp your water is at? Also, I've never run flood and drain, but I can't imagine that problem coming from not enough water. I think 10min per hour is more than enough. But yeah, I've only ever done dwc so not an expert.

And C.A. thanks a lot for stopping through with the fishing info. I was wondering if you missed my post... but you caught it. (totally didn't mean that pun, but I'll leave it) I'm super stoked to start my new hobby. Probably will take some time to get going as I save a bit of money and get everything else in order. Should be awesome. Just what you posted got me excited to no end. Sounds right up my alley.

Just a bummer I'm a year to late to take interest. My old next door neighbor moved less than a year ago and when he did he got rid of all his old fly fishing gear. He had assembled his collection over 40 years or so, but his kids aren't into it, and I didn't want it... even remember telling him no. FUCK! Ah well... wasn't meant to be I guess. Thanks a whole bunch for the response.

EDIT: I like how at the end of docs video, there are 3 of my videos as suggestions. Man that CJ is a fun plant to grow.