Well-Known Member
the righties are out en masse showing off their delusions and mental retardations.
"this is turning us into nazi germany!" - mr. douchetron
"this is a war on religion" - desert douche
"this is going to make businesses go broke" - dr. kynesdouche
"this is so unfair!" - ginwillydouche
the goal of the PPACA was to lower the costs of health care in this country. a stitch in time saves nine. cover preventive care without a co-pay and you won't have to pay for something more expensive later on. common fucking sense to non-douches.
a company that is not religious in nature wants to pretend that it is against their religion to offer health insurance that includes birth control. too fucking bad. boo hoo. call the waaaaaaahmbulance. that little box of pills costs quite a bit less than pre-natal care and delivering a child.
it's not a war on religion, it's not nazi germany, it's not a ploy to put companies out of business, it's not unfair. it's cost containment.
grow the fuck up you whiny pussies on the right.
I would reply but again... I am not on the right.
Call everybody I don't agree with names? Lie about people?
You are a chicken shit little bitch. Keep regurgitating all of those commie talking points, good little lapdog that you are. Marries a rich bitch so he doesn't have to work. Sit on his lazy ass collecting welfare, waiting on daddy-in-law to die, so he can take over his business and promptly run it into the ground.
Why dont these employers who believe in god
Trust in him enough
That their employees wont use the birth control that the insurance company will pay for?
Or is it really just them pushing their personal religous beliefs on those who rely on them for a pay check??
Everyone's grumpy tonight.
Wrong. You see us straight guys like to see the female body, not male penises. I know that it is hard for a homosexual like yourself to understand, but at least try. Thanks.
i'm running away?
man, your delusions know no bounds.
great job on not calling names. i know how you like to speak out against that.
great self ownage in here tonight. makes my work easy.
you said you like to watch straight porn, which, if i'm not mistaken, does feature male penises.
again, why are you so obsessed with me?
Why are you so obsessed with him?
you are so far to the right that it's a joke. you constantly rail against commies.
self ownage right there, mr. neutron. congrats.
great perspective comparing preventive care to the holocaust. some of us actually have family that died in the holocaust, chicken little.
Poetry is art. Its metaphors and allusions aren't strictly held in revere for the subject. Apparently you didn't get the point of the poem, which is the exact opposite of that you espouse. It means we need to stand up for the little shit too, or be doomed to repeat what happened.
Seriously, no offense, but why are you so fucked in the head when it comes to your charity races? But you're blind to the fact your "helping" keeps what you rally against alive, while creating and fueling hate which never existed before.
he's the one who started a sock puppet account to follow me around for nearly a year, not the other way around.
another stellar example of your observation skills.
the poem compared what is happening to the holocaust.
I don't want to see one in another mans anus.
I guess you reap what you sow retard.
So you put the poem in a glass case and only allow authorized discussions? Sorry, that's not how art works. People shouldn't have to feel guilty about interpreting and applying art concepts any way they they want. So no, I don't need to GTFO. It's you who needs to stop the guilt trip bigotry.
So you put the poem in a glass case and only allow authorized discussions? Sorry, that's not how art works. People shouldn't have to feel guilty about interpreting and applying art concepts any way they they want. So no, I don't need to GTFO. It's you who needs to stop the guilt trip bigotry.
You're wasting your time. He is incapable of comprehending complex issues like freedom.