Is Obama and the Senate Holding America Hostage?


New Member
"The U.S. Senate on Wednesday passed a Democratic plan to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for middle income Americans while rejecting a Republican alternative to continue all of the cuts"

Any fair minded person can see that Barack Obama and the democrats are holding every American tax payer hostage to engage in class warfare for the mere purpose of votes. Just about any respected economist will tell you, do not raise taxes on anyone during a anemic economy, but not Obama and the democrats, reelection seems to trump the American people and the economy.
Obama took a lot of heat from his base last time when he agreed with you and extended the present tax rates.
Obama took a lot of heat from his base last time when he agreed with you and extended the present tax rates.

What would you expect from his far left base?
The way I see it is, the left wants to raise taxes and the right wants to keep them where they are, anyone knows you don't raise taxes in a weak economy!
I'm an asshole. I don't worry to much about who's getting taxed more than others, I worry a lot more about why our taxes aren't being distributed to positive things. I'm not going to pretend like I know what's going on, but from what I read in this post, the middle class caught a tax break, while all Americans became affiliated with the war on oil control. Nah mean?
i remember how the president and the senate were unable to reach a debt ceiling deal last year, as happened dozens of times under reagan and bush I and II.

oh, wait. nevermind. that was the extremist right wing house that drove us to the brink of default and earned us a credit downgrade when boehner couldn't control his caucus.

beenthere, you are such a fucking dumbass it hurts.
I'm an asshole. I don't worry to much about who's getting taxed more than others, I worry a lot more about why our taxes aren't being distributed to positive things. I'm not going to pretend like I know what's going on, but from what I read in this post, the middle class caught a tax break, while all Americans became affiliated with the war on oil control. Nah mean?

And that is exactly what bothers me so much about the government raising taxes, they're not accountable for shit.
They got a lot of nerve asking for more when they can't even control the waste on the taxes we're already paying.
"The U.S. Senate on Wednesday passed a Democratic plan to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for middle income Americans while rejecting a Republican alternative to continue all of the cuts"

Any fair minded person can see that Barack Obama and the democrats are holding every American tax payer hostage to engage in class warfare for the mere purpose of votes. Just about any respected economist will tell you, do not raise taxes on anyone during a anemic economy, but not Obama and the democrats, reelection seems to trump the American people and the economy.
anything after 250,000 can be tax at a 4.6 increase rate, I have no problem with that. Most people who bitch don't even make 250,000 profit .If you did don't think you would be bitchin that much. Kinda like joe the plumber with no plumbing jobs.
i remember how the president and the senate were unable to reach a debt ceiling deal last year, as happened dozens of times under reagan and bush I and II.

oh, wait. nevermind. that was the extremist right wing house that drove us to the brink of default and earned us a credit downgrade when boehner couldn't control his caucus.

beenthere, you are such a fucking dumbass it hurts.

Dude, I've witnessed you get your ass handed to you so many times, it aint funny, you have a lot of nerve calling someone else a dumbass! LOL

We were NEVER on the brink of default dipshit, you obviously know little about our economy and your MSNBC talking points confirms it. Only a complete fool would believe that kind of partisan drivel.

Hell, you don't even know enough about your own taxes, let alone everyone else's!
anything after 250,000 can be tax at a 4.6 increase rate, I have no problem with that. Most people who bitch don't even make 250,000 profit .If you did don't think you would be bitchin that much. Kinda like joe the plumber with no plumbing jobs.

There's a lot of people that feel the way you do london, but you have to think of the people that actually work and pay taxes.

Even Clinton was smart enough to lower taxes on businesses and the wealthy.
Dude, I've witnessed you get your ass handed to you so many times, it aint funny, you have a lot of nerve calling someone else a dumbass! LOL

We were NEVER on the brink of default dipshit, you obviously know little about our economy and your MSNBC talking points confirms it. Only a complete fool would believe that kind of partisan drivel.

Hell, you don't even know enough about your own taxes, let alone everyone else's!

so substantive. it's as if you were person whose intellect was overwhelming, not someone who's incapable of applying nitrogen.

want to tell me about how the brinksmanship of boehner's house was not cited in our downgrade?
so substantive. it's as if you were person whose intellect was overwhelming, not someone who's incapable of applying nitrogen.

want to tell me about how the brinksmanship of boehner's house was not cited in our downgrade?

Sure, right after you tell me the same about the dems failure to cut discretionary spending!

And dude, if all you have is to make fun of a 30yr old pot plant pic, you really need to get a fucking job or a hobby.
Why you so mad bro?
There's a lot of people that feel the way you do london, but you have to think of the people that actually work and pay taxes.

Even Clinton was smart enough to lower taxes on businesses and the wealthy.

london probably makes more than you. bet he knows how to use nitrogen properly, too.
Sure, right after you tell me the same about the dems failure to cut discretionary spending!

And dude, if all you have is to make fun of a 30yr old pot plant pic, you really need to get a fucking job or a hobby.
Why you so mad bro?

gonna keep dancing around how boehner's obstructionist, extremist house of douchebags earned us a credit downgrade after obama and boehner had a deal which would have averted it?

this thread is so much fail, just like your ability to take care of plants.
gonna keep dancing around how boehner's obstructionist, extremist house of douchebags earned us a credit downgrade after obama and boehner had a deal which would have averted it?

this thread is so much fail, just like your ability to take care of plants.

The nation's credit rating was cut to AA+ after S&P said the compromise made by Congress and President Obama this week to cut spending and boost the debt ceiling "falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the government's medium-term debt dynamics."

S&P's statement was blunt in its assessment.
"We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and will remain a contentious and fitful process," the ratings firm said.

I guess it was a tough battle trying to get John Boehner and his uncontrolled caucus to cut entitlement spending! LMFAO Bucky, you've got to be the dumbest leftie on this forum. You don't know jackshit about the economy, you don't know jack shit about your own taxes but just like a fucking dog that gets his ass whopped, you keep coming back, tail a waggin.

Only an idiot like you couldn't surmise that both sides of the isle were to blame for our credit downgrade.

And do you really think a newb like you could rattle me about growing, fuckin please! LOL
You can say what you want about his politics "persona", but Buck is a damn fine treadmill sculptor, even his "enemies" should have the humility to admit that.
What would you expect from his far left base?
The way I see it is, the left wants to raise taxes and the right wants to keep them where they are, anyone knows you don't raise taxes in a weak economy!

"everyone knows".... except he is only raising taxes on those who make more than 250k. Why is the right so protective of the rich while at the same time so contemptuous of the poor? What Is it about them that has them worhsip the rich like south sea Islanders might worship a volcano. "we mustn't anger the tiki God"

Now who is really holding America Hostage? Could it be the right? who screams about the debt but won't let us attempt to pay it down by perhaps getting those who will feel it least to do their part? They are holding the debt hostage and by way of that, the country.

OR do you not believe that paying down the national debt by a trillion dollars in 10 years is a good thing?
The GOP got backed into a political corner and are being forced into letting the true GOP stance on taxes and equality finally see light.

The ugly truth is now out for all to see. Obama and the Dems are making the GOP live up to the caricature many have given them: the defenders of the rich and elite.

Absolute political fail by the GOP...look forward to Dems driving home the point that the GOP only cares about the richest in our society.
You can say what you want about his politics "persona", but Buck is a damn fine treadmill sculptor, even his "enemies" should have the humility to admit that.

What I don't understand about Bucky is, why he rags on a 30yr old picture of a skunk plant on a POLITICAL forum?
If Bucky wants to brag about his skills, then do it in the right forum.

Never said he was a shitty grower dude, just called him a newb, which he is.
These days, anyone with a computer and enough money for good gear can produce quality goods, does that make them a shitty grower, no. Does it make them a master grower, please!

Besides, backing up that mouth of his will take a lot more than some pics of plants but I have noticed you calling him a green thumb, props to you!

A couple of the most successful commercial growers in Cal are on this forum as we speak, no journals, no self promoting, no bragging or shit talking, you'd never in a million years know who they are unless they told you.

What I've found over the years to be true is, if you have to tell other people how good you are in public, either you're promoting a product, you're stupid and trouble will find you or you're a legend in your own mind, just saying.