Just vote and move on. :-)

If you had an accidental child and wasn't financially or felt like you weren't around

  • Abortion

    Votes: 29 60.4%
  • Adoption

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • Keep the baby

    Votes: 15 31.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
so you never wanted to have the baby but it happened despite the fact of the ring. That was one strong little guy/gal. Do you have kids now ???
I have four babies right now, my eldest passed from cancer at 13 -they all adopted and I cannot imagine it possible to love them any more than I do even if they had my blood and 2 legs instead of 4

This is actually a sore point between Me and Mr Mellow, he's got this blood lust and I am willing to adopt a 2 legged child... time will tell!~


Well-Known Member
That was one strong little guy/gal.
That isn't always good~! My Ex's mother got her tubes tied shortly after that demon left her womb and years later regretted it but adopted 3 children... he was a horrible horrible child and she is a saint and that is all I have to say on that subject... seriously I have 2 dui's I know how bafd alcohol is for developing babies especially the first three months- have you heard of FAE? Fetal Alcohol Effect? It is worse than FAS because they look Normal and most are disciplined not loved and understood and they are not right in the head bless their souls and shouldn't have to struggle through a life an angry half wit, IMO.


Well-Known Member
You sound a lot like me or am sometimes I hope not to fall back I guess I am saying I understand.

I got to the 6mg because I started on them for insomnia after all the 'sleeping pills' either knocked me cold with no actual rest leaving me just horribly tired to tears still all day OR with Ambian physically knocked me out while my mind raced around all the mistakes I had made that day and everything else and I finally convinced the Dr's to give me benzos and after about 5 years I crept up to that dose from ativan, then kolonopin then xanies so I am really trying to say Ambian is a BAD DRUG, get your Dr, or by on the street more ativan! Which I don't recommend for years but I do for you to get you through this, OK? :hug:

Then really try to listen to a guided meditation on youtube, there are so many plus binaural beats or brain entrainment and I could never get myself to do them before I was so anxious that my dogs would lick me an ruin it lol or I was being brainwashed by the Elite, idk :oops: but they will save you I promise from 5 years of benzos!

I also want you and your girlfriend to make no apologies! I went to a herb store myself and was told I was meant to be prego; my friend's Mom lied and told me the wrong herb that was meant to induce a natural abortion; my boyfriend's best friend's wife was convinced I did it on purpose which was really insane because he was the one who wished it could be kept but I had been drinking a lot, A LOT and was in total denial of being prego for 3 important cognitive development months so I won but I had to deal with that; my first appointment to have it done sent me home for being way too far along so I had to jump through the red tape for funding in time for it to be not toooo late; he was too embarrassed to ask for the day off so I took a cab with a Pro Life driver!!!

So please, hold your heads up for me? It is amazing how cruel people can be when they think they are right.

I just started on the ativan just to kinda calm my nerves a bit. I know ambian is not something that is good for you, but it seems to do the trick with my insomnia. Once it's all over with I'll end up stop taking both and maybe try this new stuff called zzz-quil. I just have bad insomnia and it sucks and the matter at hand just doesn't help. My gf is only around 5 weeks so were not that far along. I can see how people just love to be mean when there is no need, then turn around and say "It's your choice." But, it's whatever. I also love to listen to Chris Spheeris music for relaxation and meditation. If you haven't heard of him, you should give it a listen. Especially Enchantment.
So calming.
Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
I just started on the ativan just to kinda calm my nerves a bit. I know ambian is not something that is good for you, but it seems to do the trick with my insomnia. Once it's all over with I'll end up stop taking both and maybe try this new stuff called zzz-quil. I just have bad insomnia and it sucks and the matter at hand just doesn't help. My gf is only around 5 weeks so were not that far along. I can see how people just love to be mean when there is no need, then turn around and say "It's your choice." But, it's whatever. I also love to listen to Chris Spheeris music for relaxation and meditation. If you haven't heard of him, you should give it a listen. Especially Enchantment.
So calming.
Thanks again.
I like it, Thanks! :bigjoint:

And it really sucks when you can't turn your head off and no one understands... I don't remember Not being one so lol maybe it'll help to know I am likely tossing and turning too tonite!


Well-Known Member
I like it, Thanks! :bigjoint:

And it really sucks when you can't turn your head off and no one understands... I don't remember Not being one so lol maybe it'll help to know I am likely tossing and turning too tonite!
Your very welcome.
Yea. maybe I'll turn his music on real low tonight while in bed with my fan a blazing just hearing it over the wind. Should make for a very relaxing night. Hopefully I wont project into another dimension this time. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I was eating Reese's and ran out of them. I made this a sec ago while listening to that music and it gave me a nice giggle.


Well-Known Member
Whhy don't you just give it to a soup kitchen.
Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
Get rid of a problem and
feed the poor.


Well-Known Member
having a child is the most irresponsible thing you can do in this lifetime.

women who have abortions when they are not ready for a child are doing the world a huge favor.

humanity as a whole has been devalued. the more of something you have the less it is worth.

life is no different.
It's irresponsible if you suck at making money like every other individual has to.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it really was for me and Mr Mellow. I am not apologetic.

All Pro Lifer's I assume are religious? I ask you what about god's divine plan? Just maybe this omniscient and perfect being you call god had abortion in his grand design so that we could heal those already with us using stem cells?

who are you to question god's divine plan?
I'm not religious.. I just feel that it's immoral to destroy a awesome creation.


Well-Known Member
If God made us in his own image then I guess it's OK to use stem cells to save lives of the rich.
And abortion being rite or wrong???
Will if theres a God as described in the bible He can judge when he sees them.
I just love having the chance to step up and tell other folks they have their wires crossed.
I'm too old to have kids any more, but I would gladly give a good home to a child in need,
especially the ones that have no one that loves them.


Well-Known Member
We're talking about a potential human.. Not a plant that has no conscious mind.
Learn to take a joke and drop the conscious mind crap. You must have learned a new word and have to use it all the time now. Besides, plants have feelings to and without them you would suffocate. Lol


Well-Known Member
Learn to take a joke and drop the conscious mind crap. You must have learned a new word and have to use it all the time now. Besides, plants have feelings to and without them you would suffocate. Lol
I don't find abortion something to joke about..

I say conscious because that's what divides us humans with other carbon based creatures.
Plants don't have feelings..


Well-Known Member
I don't find abortion something to joke about..

I say conscious because that's what divides us humans with other carbon based creatures.
Plants don't have feelings..
I made a joke about a bud plant. Nice try turning it around. Plants don't have feelings? If you truly believe that then you need to pack up your stuff and get out of this site.
And lastly.
Do yourself a favor and never speak again.


Well-Known Member
Not to sure why I even took the time to post those things considering that your comprehension skills are yet to be determined.