Why are you single?


Well-Known Member
Are you single by choice?

Because there is some flaw in your appearance or personality that you recognize, but don't care enough to change?

Limited options?


Are you OK with that or would you rather not be?

a random screen name

Active Member
By choice.

I plan on being a truck driver at least for a couple years so starting up somethin serious right now would be pretty pointless..

Basically ill remain a whore in the meantime lolll


Well-Known Member
By choice.

I plan on being a truck driver at least for a couple years so starting up somethin serious right now would be pretty pointless..

Basically ill remain a whore in the meantime lolll
Choice also dont want change my damn ways,im in my 50s been there and done it.Gl with truckdriving i tried it for 2 yrs and over 100k miles Sucked.


Active Member
Are you single by choice?

Because there is some flaw in your appearance or personality that you recognize, but don't care enough to change?

Limited options?


Are you OK with that or would you rather not be?
Because it's easier to masturbate than to have a relationship! :hump:


Well-Known Member
I've been married a couple times and have had a lot of serious relationships, and I'm just happier being single. I really like the sex part of living with someone, but I really don't enjoy blending my life with somone else's. There's too much compromise and putting one's needs on the back burner for me when living with someone/married. I find my own thoughts, interests and hobbies (like growing dank-ass weed) more interesting than the constant presence of any woman I've ever met. Note, I said constant presence, I like to visit with them about twice a week for about half the day. From time to time, I find women that are into this for a while, then they either want more or just get bored with the situation. I've got a handful of great friends and I'm a single dad, so all my free time is pretty much taken up...

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Ive been single for years and only about 3% of me wants to pursue a relationship and i think thats just my penis. I like having all the time to myself and doing what i want.

Ive seen plenty of relationships turn to shit(my own and other ppls), and i just want a smooth ride. Not worth all the BS.


Active Member
I wouldn't ever date any one I didn't have things in common with, and I don't mind sharing my time. It just seems that people have way too many fucked up problems, and for some reason they always like to share em with me. :confused:

smoke doubt

Active Member
Ive been single for years and only about 3% of me wants to pursue a relationship and i think thats just my penis. I like having all the time to myself and doing what i want.

Ive seen plenty of relationships turn to shit(my own and other ppls), and i just want a smooth ride. Not worth all the BS.
Not surprising you're single if your cock only makes 3% of you


Well-Known Member
Not surprising you're single if your cock only makes 3% of you
I weigh about 85kg, and I reckon if I had a cock that weighed over 2 and a half kilos then I'd be going straight to the hospital...

I'm happy with just my 1% by weight mate :)


Well-Known Member
Im single cause i just broke off my summer fling, shes going back to school it was fun.

Looking for a girl right now for a relationship or just casual fun, i dont like labels or taking things too seriously because im still young but i do pride myself on being a gentlemen and chivalry isnt dead


Well-Known Member
I'm single cause I got sick of living with an alcohalic that constantly bitched about me smelling like weed. It was her or the weed...now who has a rolling paper?


Well-Known Member
I'm 30 married a few years starting my family, oh yeah my wife is pretty hot too. Here's what I say to you single guys!! STAY SINGLE! I now day dream of all the pussy I used to get when I lived alone in my bachelor pad! That is all... Get paid and get laid !!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah I also miss sitting on my office chair in front of my big ass 61'' Plasma TV with my sheldon black bong on the coffee table all while playing Madden on the PS3 , fucking miss that shit!!! Want to know what else I miss?? Getting a boner at 11pm and calling over my fuck buddy to get a nice blow job and fuck the shit out of her yeah I miss those days.. STAY SINGLE!!


Well-Known Member
I'm single because I just broke free from a shit marriage. I refuse to let someone else dictate my life. Especially someone who doesn't love me enough to stay faithful. I enjoy the single scene and always have. Don't know why I even got married in the first place.