World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
yeah 9 or 16 a side depending on how much room they'll take up and how long i can veg for. if its a week 18 but if its 12/12 from seed i might try 32 lol.
waterings going to be a fucker so i was thinking of bottom feeding them from the run off trays when the roots get big enough


Well-Known Member
A think 32 12/12 fs would be a bit overkill m8 ad go 16 8 under each. For 32 it would really need to b small pots. Which means more feedin n shit,a lot more grief if u ask me. Am tryin for 3-4 good uns


Well-Known Member
wouldnt i have a load of space free if i put 9 in? they dont get side branches do they? i thought you had to use smaller pots if you go 12/12 straight from seed?
i could put 9 10L air pots either side but i thought id have to go down to 5L pots or something


Well-Known Member
Depends on the strain m8 look at ma cotton candy 12/12 it was a beast with branches ecerywhere lol. U could always lollipop so that its jst the tops and cram them in. Jst a lot of work in a small tent with 32 ur best to have a margin around the sides so u can get in amd out


Well-Known Member
Was at ortho appointment yesterday. Took more xrays and dne a pre-op assessment :-(

Good news is its only steroid injections steaight into the affected joints. Which means a can.come home n batter the mrs n av got an excuse lmao o/j ;-)


Well-Known Member
Had a couple of side branches. The last of the 3 to come down had abiut 4-6 branches cant remember now lol...

Decided to chop everythin today. Now have 3 psychos 2 in airpots 1 in dwc and a trainwreck in airpot. Gettin vegged under 600 from now for approx 3-4 wks then let the fun commence lol...

Glad am not.gettin the fusion op but if this dnt work first time its the fusion op nxt


Well-Known Member
fingers crossed for you mate, you deserve some good luck. i just weighed that white widow i chopped down the other day and got 38 grams. not bad considering it was only 5 weeks in


Well-Known Member
Dnt think al weigh the psycho. A reckon bout 50g coupla wks early.

Got 1 psycho clone a a wk or 2 further on than than the other 2. So he's where things get difficult,do I top, supercrop, lst or pit into flower?? Will try get some pics up ;-)


Well-Known Member
any of them sound good apart from the topping. i tried that last time and ill never do it again. it was by far the lowest producer out of the lot


Well-Known Member
Cheers bro. Yeah finally got it £55 its a 1.2x1.2x2 same price as 1x1

Still cant zip the fucker up cos of heat issues,cant understand y. Got a 4 inch tt100 for intake,a 4 inch rvk for carb and 4 fans circulatin. Temos rise to 34 if a zip the fucker up :-(


Well-Known Member
looking good mate. are you extracting the hot air out of the house? my temps shot up when i fucked my vent up for a few days


Well-Known Member
In the house but.out of the room and intake is from outside.

Fuck knows will be investing in cooltube nxt me thinks lol


Well-Known Member
Is that a air cooled hood in the pic mate? you not got that rigged up to a fan yet? sayin that int that your veg light is thats whats causin all the heat? fuck it will be hot when you kick the hps in should be cooler by then tho how long you veggin? there nothin you can do mate if the air you pullin is allready hot remember when i 1st setup an i whacked the hps on over night for a test run an it was 38c in there by the morn so orded the a/c hood works sound even tho i only use a 4" fan for it an its a 5" hood upgradin soon so should be better only cost me 40 sheets its not air tight tho so have to tape it was skibt at time an allready spent the funds lol.

take it easy mate


Well-Known Member
An air cooled hood,are u mad?? Lol its a cheap shit euro reflector. Goin to hve to get somethin jst no funds n no time with all the hospital shit :-(

Enjoy the rest of ur break matey ;-)