Help my rabbit ate some bud!

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Well-Known Member
I had a couple rabbits when I was kid. I don't remember why but it came to the point where we had to get rid of them. Anyways, my mom looked around for a long time trying to find somebody to take the rabbits. Eventually she sold them to a family who cooked and ate rabbits.

She didn't tell me this until a few years later. At the time it horrified me, but now i kind of rofl when i think about it.


Ursus marijanus
I heard of this awesome puppy recipe, from I forget where. But they feed a live dog(obviously who can feed a dead dog) this really sticky rice then they kill the dog and remove its stomach they then proceed to open up the stomach and then eat the not yet digested rice out of the stomach, and its supposed to be a dish for celebrations or sumptin.
Daaaang. That sounds like a recipe from Inner Mongolia or someplace adjacent. cn


Well-Known Member
follow the rabbit down the hole all will be fine. you'll have one groove fucked up hair.[video=youtube_share;2euFpZs2m9I][/video]


Active Member
i would have waited until it was stoned out of its nut and then killed, cooked and eaten it, that would be a great recipe for rabbit stew all that lovely bud in there too.


then you could have gotten another free rabbit from one of the classifieds like gumtree.



Well-Known Member
When you are ready make sure you just grab his little head and spin him around for while. This will break the neck and then skin him. Rabbits are easy to skin just cut accross the back and than peel from bot directions, the fur will come off like a jacket in one piece. Now clean him but dont just cut in there be surgical so you can get the belly and intestines out without rupturing them.. (that will make it taste bad) let the rest of the rabbit sit in salt water overnight and bbq up in the am. Yum yum yum
Chris, I thought you weren't like that *cries* :D


Well-Known Member
Your rabbit is probably dead. bottom line. mine ate fucking newspaper and died *tear*. also depends on the age of your rabbit


Well-Known Member
When you are ready make sure you just grab his little head and spin him around for while. This will break the neck and then skin him. Rabbits are easy to skin just cut accross the back and than peel from bot directions, the fur will come off like a jacket in one piece. Now clean him but dont just cut in there be surgical so you can get the belly and intestines out without rupturing them.. (that will make it taste bad) let the rest of the rabbit sit in salt water overnight and bbq up in the am. Yum yum yum
RABBIT MURDER :( i feel like you have done this before lol


Well-Known Member
Your rabbit is probably dead. bottom line. mine ate fucking newspaper and died *tear*. also depends on the age of your rabbit
sorry to hear about your rabbit. my first rabbit i ever had was a wild one my cat brought it in and it lived for 2 day and died from its injuries it was a baby to like 2 weeks old i cryed for like 3 houres :(


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
i would rather eat a animal that isnt so sweet ya know. i have no problem with eating a cow or pig but a cute lil bunny u couldnt do it :(


Well-Known Member
Hey icky... glad to hear the rabbit is fine, I knew he would be...
How are you doing? seems to me that you're doing better than you were the other day with your initial thread... I'm glad you decided to stick around and hang with us in T&T... stay poistitve and as always stay high
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