Private Stash
Hello all! Time for an update again. All the ladies are happy and looking sexy as ever!View attachment 2198712View attachment 2198727View attachment 2198729View attachment 2198731 I think the Jilly Bean looks the best. She branched out nicely,and most are of equal height. She would make an awesome SOG! View attachment 2198715View attachment 2198713View attachment 2198728.The Tahoe OG is also doing well but a little more stretchier and more spacing between internodes. You can definitely start to smell the slight hint of lemon around them! A little slower to bud than Jilly(just started a few days ago)but still a nice looking plant.View attachment 2198714View attachment 2198730View attachment 2198718 The Bubba Kush in soil is looking good.View attachment 2198723I'll put up more pics of her next week. I was talking about a light brown slime issue last week and was applying the Multi-Zen. This did not stop the slime, but did seem to keep it from getting any worse. I did notice a lot of new root growth after using it though. I went out and bought some View attachment 2198733SM-90(recommended by the hydro guy)last week and started using it. It completely got rid of the slime! I've read good things about this and glad the hydro guy suggested it! I also bought these 4" air discsView attachment 2198732 and got rid of the cheap 6" stones. What a difference! These discs are great! And they STAY PUT in the center of my bucket.
Well thanks for looking! Grow in Peace!
Well thanks for looking! Grow in Peace!