life sucks i will die soon im shure


Well-Known Member
Did you have sex with that chick from the bus stop to?
I didn't read the thread but if that's what's going on I hope were both ok, let me know how your test results come back and I will do the same

a.k.a. Alf

Oh man quit being a bitch.
"my anxiety my anxiety my anxiety." Just get over it you sound like a total puss

Can't hold a job because of once again, your anxiety? Sounds more like an excuse for wanting to sit inside all day and do nothing but smoke... err wait medicate to help your anxiety.

lol people these days are scared of their own shadow.

how's the view up there from your lofty perch? idiot


Well-Known Member
do you know how much it means to him, really?

and I can understand what you write without having to put things in parenthesis.

im hoping it will

and there is a free suicide hotline(no need for $)... the 1-800(free of charge)
I tried that number. Apparently it's too many digits.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Depression is just an illusion, why think about things that make you sad? You're just reliving the sadness over and over again every time you get depressed... "Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously" - Hunter S. Thomson. Its Hunters birthday too btw, great day to use one of his quotes.


Well-Known Member
lool kill yourself can you at least do us a favor and pull a seung hui cho on the pliceo first? i mean if im gonna go out im gonna go out doing something good for the world.

jessy koons

New Member
Depression is just an illusion, why think about things that make you sad? You're just reliving the sadness over and over again every time you get depressed... "Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously" - Hunter S. Thomson. Its Hunters birthday too btw, great day to use one of his quotes.
I knew you were capable of breathtaking stupidity but this qualifies you for full blown retard status. While depression is most definitely not an illusion your worth as a adviser is.

jessy koons

New Member
Awe Are you depressed Jessy? Do you need a hug? xD
Do you say the things that you do for a reaction or do you really believe them? I would certainly feel a little sad, but not depressed, to hear that you might actually live in a world guided by the thoughts that you express on these threads. You're not really a retard chef but I do become quite dismayed at your lack of empathy. I don't think I would like a hug from you, I have a strong hunch that I won't like the way you smell. but thanks anyway.


Well-Known Member
Depression is just an illusion, why think about things that make you sad? You're just reliving the sadness over and over again every time you get depressed... "Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously" - Hunter S. Thomson. Its Hunters birthday too btw, great day to use one of his quotes.
Hunter S Thompson committed suicide though didn't he?


Well-Known Member
YOU need somthing POSITIVE to live for my friend..
Try going and volenteering to help disabled or teminaly ill people.
NOT saying this to make you feel like you have it better then these people... NOT in the slightest,
But Helping people Dose ALOTTT of good for people expecially ones who are depressed (belive me im there)
please seriosly consider this.

Much love.


Active Member
You need to go see your community mental health department which is part of most state's health department. They can help you get resources and treatment. As far as the dog goes, its hard to lose an animal that has become a part of your family. Life does go on and you will have good memories. Also think of it as an opportunity to help another dog get a home. Depression and anxiety are a bitch. I have struggled with it for many years. Get yourself on some meds. It does help. Get out, volunteer at the animal shelter. Anything to get out and meet other people. Hang in there. It does get better.


Well-Known Member
Yea thanks everyone for the great advice I'm going to see my old doc next week. Btw I would have been dead along time ago if I had the balls to do it but lately they have been growing an aweful lot that's all I'm saying. If I didn't post my feeling on here I would had been sitting around all day contiplateing srucide tying to build the courage to do it.


Well-Known Member
Last time someone called me on the phone with the I`m gonna kill myself if she dont come back thang.
I called the cops and had him spend the next few days under a doctors care.
ONLY because once I diddnt and the dude went to his sisters house and blew his face off in front of her kids.
Never know when to take it as attention seeking or an honest cry for help.
I suggest you man up and get imediate medical attention if you honestly are seriously considering offing yourself.
Depression and anxiety and piles and all that are a pain in the ass but you would be surprised what you may miss
if you check out early. Anyway I`m not gonna beg ya but if your not trolling I wish you luck.
If you are trolling , well I gotten ya dirty bastard, lol
Cheers anyway


Well-Known Member
I never though this post would get this many replys I wasn't relly looking for attetion I was looking for advice I ended up getting both is there something wrong with that?