life sucks i will die soon im shure

I understand some anxiety and shit but suicide is a bitch way out I don't care how bad u think you have it. Life ain't easy duh. If it was it wouldn't be fun or worth it. If the shit I had was handed to me I wouldn't enjoy it. It youre SERIOUS about it seek help. If u don't want help there will soon be one less weak unproductive person walking the earth. Survival of the fittest.
i have been depressed lately i have sever social anxiety and no frinds i want frinds but my social anxiety is horrable. if it wasnt for my dog i would have killed myself a long time ago. im 22 no frinds no family closes family to me is 800 miles away my grandmother who i never talk to. i am about to be homeless cause i cant work cause of my anxiety and the only thing im good at i cant do cause it is illegal where i live i would give anything to have a chance to move to a legal state so i can grow and get medicen for my anxiety without a prison sentance. im not an ugly person i actuly dont look bad at all but i still dont have enough cofidence to go outside much less talk to a girl my dog is about to die he is 18 and i probably wont be to far behide him. i bought a 20 gauge and i keep 1 hollow point slug just incase so i will have a way out of this horrable life. i inderstand that lots of people have it worse than me but it dosent make me feel any better. i mean i have food and drinks and people are out there starveing but i still hate my life. i have no hope and o see no end to this dark tunnel i only relly see one way out...
peace and much love

cheer up man, this toaster can cook an egg.

People who "want" to commit suicide only want attention.

Those who need to die, see it threw.

I lol at those suicide hotline phones they put on the side of the bridge. What a fucking joke

The OP, just wants attention. But only the kind that doesn't make him feel like the loser he's made of himself.

Dude, the guy DOES need some attention, so the fuck what?

Go suck a dick.
I have friends, in real life for that. And no matter how much help I have needed, I never felt the need to take my own life. If I did ever get that feeling, you would not be reading any of this because I would not be here to type it.

So you're a dumbass that has too much pride to ask for help? Get over yourself and realize that it's ok for people to complain or ask for help dipshit.
how is getting attention from people on the internet compare to real life?

I just think this whole getting attention online thing, does not serve him well...

at the end of the day, it aint like he can have another vocal conversation with any of us on here...

so in actuality, those giving him attention will be the death of him cause he cannot cherish you guys much...

Dude, the guy DOES need some attention, so the fuck what?

Go suck a dick.
So you're a dumbass that has too much pride to ask for help? Get over yourself and realize that it's ok for people to complain or ask for help dipshit.

I think the guy is going about it wrong. What are any of us really gonna do for him? If he really feels like killing himself he needs a professional not a weed forum.
So you're a dumbass that has too much pride to ask for help? Get over yourself and realize that it's ok for people to complain or ask for help dipshit.

I think the guy is going about it wrong. What are any of us really gonna do for him? If he really feels like killing himself he needs a professional not a weed forum.
in mexico, the taco vendor can be your dentist as well as you GP... I think the oxxo tenants are the mental doctors over there...
how is getting attention from people on the internet compare to real life?

I just think this whole getting attention online thing, does not serve him well...

at the end of the day, it aint like he can have another vocal conversation with any of us on here...

so in actuality, those giving him attention will be the death of him cause he cannot cherish you guys much...
I didn't mention real life. I said he just needed some attention. He got it by expressing himself here.

If online forums helps him in his issues, fuck it, let him complain all he wants. The advice he gets from people here is no different from advice he gets from people at home.

And I'd say alot of the advice here is good. They told him it's OK that he's feeling this way and that they understand where he's coming from, then they recommended getting help from a professional. IMO, that's about as good as advice gets from a person IRL.

You guys can say he just wants attention, but so what? It helped him right? I'm glad it did.
I think the guy is going about it wrong. What are any of us really gonna do for him? If he really feels like killing himself he needs a professional not a weed forum.

Read the post I gave oly..

Talking about his problems here gave him some good advice. He feels better for talking about it with us and we also recommended professional help. I say all in all, this thread was a good thing for him.