Club 600


Well-Known Member
Wait till I upload more. Went to the coast, saw this niagra falls type deal...its called gullfoss I think. Saw a fucking glacier. Holy shit man... its like a county of ice. Tomorrow we go to see one up close... can't wait.

Edit: two separate thoughts. Coast then waterfall... nowhere near eachother.


Well-Known Member
morning, heres 2 of my m1 X c4xcaseyband. sun came out today, we have been getting rain every single day for abuot a week or more and its somebullshit. killed my seedlings.



Well-Known Member
Some Steve Miller samples.....


Well-Known Member
Some pr0n.....


Slainte Mhath

Some of the DOG I just chopped, more to come down still.

Can't really see much, but what left to chop....

Deep Blue F4 breeding project. 20 Deep Blues, 100% germination rate. Good start so far.

Peace, off to get my bonsai on!



Active Member
this one he explains what he does...still pretty kool



Well-Known Member
DAMMMNNNN you guys are growing some fire in here. Lots and lots of beautiful buds on the past few pages. Wish I could smoke some of it all for sure.

So... about Iceland... it never got even remotely dark, all night. Being a person who doesn't like light so much, always in long sleves, hat, and shades... this 24 hours of light is like fucking chinese water torture. You could have read a book all night outside and not squinted (i think,,, didn't try).

Dubfx is the shit. Love this jam with woodnote. I used to play tenor sax, but never like that.
