trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
desert dude will be here soon to defend the practice of child molesting. modrama will soon be by to explain to us how child molestation is just surprise sex, essentially. some other righty will explain to us that zimm is allowed to put his penis where he wants, and it's other people's responsibility to stay out of the way of it, just like his bullets.

Defending this scumbag with " oh the little girl should have ran"..."Her fault for going over his house in the first place"..DAMN SHAME


Well-Known Member
I dont think anyone will defend child molestation, I would not even venture to comment that the women is looking for money or a book deal. This case is so out there that I am just going to wait for the trial and shut up about it.

Zimmerman a molestor, Romney a Felon, Anthony Weiner thinking of running for Mayor on NYC way too much for me to digest lol Crazy world for sure.


Well-Known Member
I dont think anyone will defend child molestation, I would not even venture to comment that the women is looking for money or a book deal. This case is so out there that I am just going to wait for the trial and shut up about it.

Zimmerman a molestor, Romney a Felon, Anthony Weiner thinking of running for Mayor on NYC way too much for me to digest lol Crazy world for sure.
We don't see the family denying it ... and guess what you just did... defend a molester.


Well-Known Member
We don't see the family denying it ... and guess what you just did... defend a molester.
I did not defend a molestor, just stated the world has gone mad, Jason Kid, a wife beater, just got 10 mil from the Nicks and a DUI in the Hamptons, the world has gone mad. I have kids, I would never defend a molestor period.

Just sick to think that. And I still think that Justin Bieber got that girl pregnant.


Well-Known Member
And on the Romney thing, who gives a shit about some form he filed in 99, Obama cant even come up with a birth certificate, who cares. I care about my buddies that cant find work, the homes in my neighborhood that wont sell, the crisis in Iran, Our kids in AFG and IRQ, the kids shot to death in Chicago each night and of course Bath Salt Abuse.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
They should have just charged Zim when he was eight and put him in jail for life, it would have saved RIU from 8631 posts.


Well-Known Member
lol, zimmy couldn't come to the family reunions.

“He would put his hand under my pants and under my underwear and basically just finger me, I guess,” she told police.

One account of abuse occurred while Zimmerman was 14 and the woman was 12, but started when she was 6, and went on for over a decade. “There were other times he did things too but he would always call them, before we left the room or left anyplace he would say, ‘We weren't doing anything, we were just laying down or were just playing hide and seek,' and he would always make sure that he told me that, and I didn't know. I was a kid, I didn't know any better.” The witness also said that Zimmerman would make her look at his genitals.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. We have a number of problems to work on and some idiots want to see some guy's tax returns under a microscope. Fools.
exactly. we need to jesus this place up nice and good. it's what jesus would have wanted.

that, and sock puppets. jesus loves sock puppets because he is a big fan of sticking his fist up asses.

jesus and zimmerman are a lot alike, both being chesters and all. zimmerman is the second coming?



Well-Known Member
the more I learn about this creep the more I despise him... They should have gotten him some kind of help. This guys has problems


Well-Known Member
Did any of you actualy read the entire article?

She said the last incident occurred when she was 16 and they were both in a house his family owned in Lake Mary, Fla. She said he told her to lay on a bed, then laid down next to her and tried to massage her. She said they were clothed, but she said she felt his erection. She said she ran out of the room and house.The woman said that in 2005, when she was 20, she told her sister that "something happened," but didn't provide details. Her sister told her parents, who confronted Zimmerman. At the time, he allegedly said, "I'm sorry," but they never discussed it further, she said.Zimmerman's family wanted to sweep everything under the rug, the woman said. The families still got together, but she said Zimmerman stopped attending many of those functions.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
exactly. we need to jesus this place up nice and good. it's what jesus would have wanted.

that, and sock puppets. jesus loves sock puppets because he is a big fan of sticking his fist up asses.

jesus and zimmerman are a lot alike, both being chesters and all. zimmerman is the second coming?

This is a lie! I am pretty sure Jesus was black.

Spin that, mudscuttle.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
While your Christ hating is pretty funny, don't you think you ought to stick to picking on Jews? At least then nobody can call you a "hater" or bigot.

desert dude

Well-Known Member

She said the last incident occurred when she was 16 and they were both in a house his family owned in Lake Mary, Fla. She said he told her to lay on a bed, then laid down next to her and tried to massage her. She said they were clothed, but she said she felt his erection. She said she ran out of the room and house.The woman said that in 2005, when she was 20, she told her sister that "something happened," but didn't provide details. Her sister told her parents, who confronted Zimmerman. At the time, he allegedly said, "I'm sorry," but they never discussed it further, she said.Zimmerman's family wanted to sweep everything under the rug, the woman said. The families still got together, but she said Zimmerman stopped attending many of those functions.
You have to wonder why the judge would order this tape to be released. It has absolutely nothing to do with the charges against Zimmerman and only serves to prejudice the potential jury pool. Whether the diddling allegations are true or false, it has nothing to do with the charges against Zimmerman.