Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

I saw the writing on the wall and went so far as to take Disco dance lessons!! Got me laid more than a bottle of ruffies;)
And nobody's even mentioned Disco yet.....

I had a Leisure Suit complete with silk shirt. Remember those? It had a big collar and a belt wrap around built onto the jacket. Haha, it was made of some kind of polyester material, the stuff if you lit it on fire it would drip little balls of fire....
I can only hope there are no pictures of me in that thing. It was a gawd awful rust color too. I had the matching platforms to go with it too.
Night Fever Night fever....we know how to do it....```
I had a Leisure Suit complete with silk shirt. Remember those? It had a big collar and a belt wrap around built onto the jacket. Haha, it was made of some kind of polyester material, the stuff if you lit it on fire it would drip little balls of fire....
I can only hope there are no pictures of me in that thing. It was a gawd awful rust color too. I had the matching platforms to go with it too.
Night Fever Night fever....we know how to do it....```

Like I said NOT ME I was a hippie type and proud of it. Sorry Cindy...give me a hippie chick in tight blue jeans and a tie die tank top.
I was anti disco because it was repetitious, lame and trendy. I wanted live rock bands, not preening fools dancing in gay outfits to records

Hehe I even made a bumper sticker for my car that said "death to disco". My dad borrowed my car once and got quote a few comments on it!
I had a six hose water pipe That I bought in marekeech morrocco and when I got home to spain with it I found ten gram's of hash and a note telling the buyer to try and help me sell these I have 50 unit's and no money only hashish...and an international telephone exchange number!! wasn't bad hash and really fluffed up when heated!! And I wore madras shirt's that were allway's bleeding! Until I found tie-dyes... And Baggie's...no shoe's..!
I dont think Disco ever replaced rock music. At lease for me it didnt . I to this day love rock music. I found a ticket stub for a Led Zeppelin concert in 1977 the other day.
Was that a full four?? and had never heard of someone selling joint's...certainly qp's never a GRAM?? LID=What you could fit comfortably on a coffee can lid!!No Rock's No stem's No seedless weed everyone had a tray to shake the seed's down before you rolled....wished I'd saved all mine!!!
I dont think Disco ever replaced rock music. At lease for me it didnt . I to this day love rock music. I found a ticket stub for a Led Zeppelin concert in 1977 the other day.

There is no rock today I have to listen to country rock. Disco ruined it and as far a polyester goes you can take a hot iron to it.
Hey I love rock too. My cousin is an original member of The Box Tops, and I've met a lot if the legends. I love R&B also. Percy Sledge is an old friend of mine. I just like to dance. I can sport a pair of tight jeans with the best of them, but my favorite outfit was a pair of daisy dukes and a shirt tied up to show my belly button. I also rode a motorcycle, a little yamaha 125. When I was 13, I was terror of the neighborhood.
im not a oldey BUT the way my bodies falling apart i feel abot 80 years old,,,,does that count?

rocvk music??? i like johnny rebel personally,,,me black neighbours dontlike it mind,,,shame thy cant undertsand wtf the songs say,,that would be fun :)
Just reading all this great stuff, for some reason "earth shoes", popped into my head. Anybody remember them? They followed your foot's natural curvature. Anybody remember?
Hated looking in the mirror cutting line's and passing the 20 dollar bill rolled up tight!! ha ha look what it did to the razor blades...black...jack