The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Fuck off back to the hills ya welsh numpty lol

I'm on it I'll lose 2 stone in 2 months watch n see, then carry on done it 6yrs ago lost 5stone In 5months! Just wit diet n gym.

But yeah I did end up putting it all back on lol

I'm on it tho need to get a new bird been split with the ex 3months now yeah I've gave her a good seeing too a few times but we split for good.
I'm already living on a hill soppy bollax remember you visited lol
that's a lot of weight mate best of luck with it, I hate the gym it bores the shit out of me and your expected to do something whilst your there lol fuck that I'll do my leg stretches from the settee so dvt doesn't set in.
and now back to the misses hunting, don't know whether to say congratulations or commiserations, the up side loads of birds, the downside lots of crazy birds and knob heads, oh well the hunt is always fun lol


Well-Known Member
Like I said after this run the next run I will do me flat up and buy all silent fans, both doors to me growroom have locks, so at least ill be able to bring a bird back to the flat etc.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
happy days being on the road again, I hate not having my licence I can drive but not legally, does my nut in depending on the misses to drive me everywhere, I used to drive out old car all the time but now we got another one some clio sport thing and it's shit, so horrible to drive I try to avoid it and I've driven a few different cars.
what car you driving mate? with your free style life of self sustainment I was having visions of an electric smart car lmao

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Like I said after this run the next run I will do me flat up and buy all silent fans, both doors to me growroom have locks, so at least ill be able to bring a bird back to the flat etc.
Haha, i know that feeling allll too well mate. My grow was in cupboards either side of bed, couldn't have anyone in my bedroom unless i had my computer turned on, which in itself was ironic in that in the 4 years prior to growing i'd sunk thousands upon thousands into custom watercooling and TEC gear to make my computer as quiet but as cool as possible, thank heavens i gave up and just said sod it it'll just have to be a loud computer :D

At present i just have a shitty if fun little 1.2l skoda fabia :) Not for too much longer though :) I've my eye on a rather tasty but affordable Jaguar XKR :D Figure that once i have my new house or flat and have a good sized grow on, well money needs to be laundered somehow, well i've no issue paying for fuel if i can afford it :D 4 liter V8 goodness here i come :D

although due to various thoughts on businesses, i might also be in the market for a double decker bus :D

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Like I said after this run the next run I will do me flat up and buy all silent fans, both doors to me growroom have locks, so at least ill be able to bring a bird back to the flat etc.
fuck that go back to theirs that way if they do turn out to be nuts you won't have to worry about them stalking your arse (lessons learned) lol saying that though where you live there's more chance of you ending up with a posh bird all prim and proper lmfao


Well-Known Member
Yes u northan wanker started 2day 1hr mix up of level 10 n 15 on the crosstrainer, rowing 2mora I'll do the 10000mtr but I no its gonna kill me lol


Well-Known Member
Yes u northan wanker started 2day 1hr mix up of level 10 n 15 on the crosstrainer, rowing 2mora I'll do the 10000mtr but I no its gonna kill me lol
Good luck you fat southern cunt! really tho good luck mate keep sayin im gunna get back boxin an give or we fags again but never do, not weight with me more fitness cant run around we step son we out gettin fucked nearly dyin.


Well-Known Member
Yes u northan wanker started 2day 1hr mix up of level 10 n 15 on the crosstrainer, rowing 2mora I'll do the 10000mtr but I no its gonna kill me lol
i baught a treadmill and cross trainer but im too lazy to use them. i was looking into the P90x. i downloaded it but never tried it


Well-Known Member
fuck that go back to theirs that way if they do turn out to be nuts you won't have to worry about them stalking your arse (lessons learned) lol saying that though where you live there's more chance of you ending up with a posh bird all prim and proper lmfao
That's it m8 I want a young bird 20-23 dumb as fuck and dus as she's told lolol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
That's it m8 I want a young bird 20-23 dumb as fuck and dus as she's told lolol
The only prob with them is after the novelty's worn off, they're like a pretty picture good to look at but fuck all else, saying that though we all been there and done it, there's deffo a good reason we keep repeating the same procedures lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Haha, i know that feeling allll too well mate. My grow was in cupboards either side of bed, couldn't have anyone in my bedroom unless i had my computer turned on, which in itself was ironic in that in the 4 years prior to growing i'd sunk thousands upon thousands into custom watercooling and TEC gear to make my computer as quiet but as cool as possible, thank heavens i gave up and just said sod it it'll just have to be a loud computer :D

At present i just have a shitty if fun little 1.2l skoda fabia :) Not for too much longer though :) I've my eye on a rather tasty but affordable Jaguar XKR :D Figure that once i have my new house or flat and have a good sized grow on, well money needs to be laundered somehow, well i've no issue paying for fuel if i can afford it :D 4 liter V8 goodness here i come :D

although due to various thoughts on businesses, i might also be in the market for a double decker bus :D
fucking hell if you'll struggle to get a rental van lol you'll have to live in that jag mate, I'd love to go and get a nice car but with the cost going up with them all the time I can't see us going for anything bigger any time soon.

Should I ask about the double decker mate???

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
fucking hell if you'll struggle to get a rental van lol you'll have to live in that jag mate, I'd love to go and get a nice car but with the cost going up with them all the time I can't see us going for anything bigger any time soon.

Should I ask about the double decker mate???
Nah, i can afford to rent a van, just at the moment given that i have no grow and no job i have to shop around the the best value for my situation. But due to my last job, i spent 2 years learning to live a very frugal lifestyle, as in £50-100 a week after rent and bills, once i get a real job i'll have almost £10K a year extra which can essentially be savings so long as i maintain y lifestyle, whihch tbh, i wouldn't have an issue with. It would only be a viable option if i have a bit of money in on the side to pay for fuel and road tax (road tax on one of those is almost the same a year as the insurance on my car at present)

And the bus, well let's just say the munch bus! I am slowly formulating this idea of a gourmet "burger van". same principal except that you get gourmet food, and not at jack ass prices like most every restaurant there is. And by gourmet food i don't mean fancy piss in my face nouvelle cuisine, i mean kick ass roast pork baguettes and whatnot. Real food at real world prices. My mum went to a pu the other day and bought a jerked chicken burger. Eleven fucking pounds for a burger!

There will be a stoner motif going on, even if it is a subtle one. 420 wagon! yeah! The short story is i've smoked too much weed while watching man vs food and now i fancy trying to buck the trend of paying stupid prices for stupid food and go back to wholesome hearty meals for a realistic price :) When you are selling engough you don't have to be a jackass with your prices or portion sizes.


Well-Known Member
Good to see ya eating again ttt dinner at times was a pack cashaws ya nutter, man v food is a wicked programme I love it.


Well-Known Member
Fuck me this gaff is purely fucked and i aint shittin it lmao fitness cross trainers wtf ya ll need to sort ya lifes out and do somethin with yourself and i mean it in a nice way we can all cry off bein a cripple or wreck heads or other bollox but jeez it seriously no excuse lads lol i work 7 days a wk keep trim earn nuff dollar through various and av a shaggin machine and a automatic cooker that washes and looks after the sprogs i mean come on how hard is it rofl man up sort ya bodies out and the next is sort ya fuckin heads out !! I see its the usual culprits haha say no more !!!


Well-Known Member
exfuking scuse me?? and no not in a nice way

do u have the remostest idea of the shit me and my kin have been thru coz im fucked up?? fuk man thats a naughty comment,,,, its not ok to be fucked up BUT its ok for you to get the pills i get for being fucked up???