Club 600

Morning peeps, another glorious day in Amsterdam.

And UB, is that you trying to liven up our thread again:).... I always enjoy a bit of Rick while eating my muesli.
UB, you must be watching, come on, step up your game!!!!!<<<<<lol.
Hey Jig, Just got an email from my friend the Politician. (RP) He's going to be in town when you are over!!!!:)
Indeed. And Ctrl and C is for Copy, and Ctrl and X is for Cut. Ctrl and F is for Find, and many others to boot. Welcome to the world of no mice! The smarter more efficient way to play on the tinternet
Nice buds and plants peeps.

Went to a public restroom yesterday, the kind they have under the street here. That was an experience. One guy was standing at a urinal, but facing away from it, stroking his little peter to his hearts content. There was another man in a stall, standing up looking over the door at said stroker. Not sure what he was doing or who else was in that space. I pissed quicker than I ever had in an empty stall, the whole while checking no one was peeping over the walls at me.

Last time I make that mistake.

Was a lovely fireworks show in London last night. Was funny, it's my holiday even and I was annoyed by the end at the bang bang bang. Shut up already, we ain't in america.

If you are in Microsoft word, Ctrl + Shift + A will make the highlighted word all caps or all lower case.
You done what??? lol.

Bloody hell, I am cooling 1200 watts with an intake temp of 26 degrees, ffs. My cab is now above 30:shock:

EDIT: Switched of dehumidifier and now at 30.......ffs, not happy.
hahahaahahaha sounds like a right george michael moment there jig lad. beware any 'stall' with holes through them :shock: they do not dispense toilet roll