Looking real frosty nice job
Thanx man! she's getting pretty pongy now! the smell woke me up out of bed this morning!
AMAZING! Great job bro! Wow......
legend! thanx for being here mate , all positive people here, thats great
OK - put on your sunglasses or these frosty crystals might blind you:
Hehe - so lame!
The outdoor girls on the other hand have goo on their bulky stalks and smell like mint and basil!
I can't wait to try one your way

If my results are half as spectacular as yours I will feel like a King!
That is what you are - FlowaKingsta!
i see resin Mo

what mode you got that Camera on? I'm sure you can get them clear as crystal. You on Program mode? and make sure that little flower icon is activated. And make sure your ISO is low!! keep it around 80-100. 200 max for clear shots. and only play around with the exposure value, if you decrease it, less flash will be absorbed, and more colour will saturate the lens....at the moment what is happening is the flash is causing some glare because of your shutter speed (iso setting)
lower the ISO will automatically adjust the shutter and aperture in program mode. Flash On will help snap that clear shot as the flash enables you to only saturate enough colours for that split second as the shutter closes ( it's a perfect timing ting really ) And don't use too much Zoom, don't go more than 5-10% you lose optical ability after that, and you lose depth of field. There is a happy medium with this camera, and it's unfortunately quite a fine line for the ultimate shots, But for a cheap Cam once you get the hang of how the camera will focus, you can get some wild shots like me
ISO is your biggest clarity killer. keep it low. If it feels too low adjust the EV

increase the EV (exposure value) this helps find that fine balance between not enough light, and JUST ENOUGH. If you allow too much light in, you get glare and lose focus, if you don't allow enough in, you get that 60's grainy retro look. Find that balance that allows clear foreground without grain the cam will want to focus through the buds, but with selective focus, you can force it to.