Auto Northern Light Twins Indoor


Active Member
Plants look real happy & healthy there, curious! sorry to hear about your brother, but the ladies look great!


Active Member
no worries cloudz we all have them moments.

ty bassclef me bros happy hes out an able to work on twins again,. yup the twins seem happy with any an everything they get an they home! im hoping miss bushy whso left of the side by side pics begins to show pistils soon them il be readyt o unleash a me going nuts bouncing around the flat like a hyperative nutter since both will be yummy ladies int he making!


Active Member
forgot about the heights of the twins

runt is just over 7 inches tall
miss bushy is ahead at just over 8 inches


Active Member
I though miss bushy was a late pistels bloomer, bur on closer observation theres a wee sign on 1 sign pair of pistels on her. So i felt its worth adding her to the diary so she dont feel left out with her late arrivals.

next weeks pics are going to be exciting now that bushy shown first signs of pistels an runts covered in them from head to her tippie toes. :barmy:

A tip i picked up of a breeder named subcool420 on here which i though id share with you all.

gently shaking the steams of your plants around the middle of them a little, will help strenghten them during the early days of the grow!

mines are over 20 days old as you already know , so thats the ideal time to begin the daily steam shake as they are old enough to cope with that by that age.

yes your plants will droop slightly a little after being shaken, but they will soon bounce back up when left alone.

if you do use the steam shake tip DONT shake to hard, only a little pressures needed an works great!

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i'll be checking in. NL are one of the best. my last NL auto was a hell of a producer. been in jar for 2 weeks now and only tried it on first day - outstanding. GL


Active Member
I just cant believe in my eyes. Your plants grow really fast. Congrats.
thank you kindly Zoltan!

few things to remember, my grows are currently autoflower ones, which does mean they will an do bush out pretty quckly. im also using a painted matt white walls method instead of mylar as i had spare paint left over.

i'll be checking in. NL are one of the best. my last NL auto was a hell of a producer. been in jar for 2 weeks now and only tried it on first day - outstanding. GL
thanks an hi po boy!

glad to hear your NL reached harvesting! its great when you finally reach the end results an see them sitting in a jar. makes you feel prove that you cared for an took the hours into producings what you have waited all that time for to smoke.


Active Member
trust me brother to shoot out an leave a note saying gone to stay with mates for a week or 2 an leave me with twin patrol :S

so ive a few questions to ask me fellow growers.

the twins got there first nutes feed on the 8th , there 27 days old now an there ready for a next feed later on today.

so should i feed them with some more grow nutes, bloom nutes? or ace of buds nutes or just a water feed ?

also how often should i feed them nutes?


Well-Known Member
trust me brother to shoot out an leave a note saying gone to stay with mates for a week or 2 an leave me with twin patrol :S

so ive a few questions to ask me fellow growers.

the twins got there first nutes feed on the 8th , there 27 days old now an there ready for a next feed later on today.

so should i feed them with some more grow nutes, bloom nutes? or ace of buds nutes or just a water feed ?

also how often should i feed them nutes?

Hey curious :) I think it's awesome that you are your bro are growing them together and both being responsible for them. They are looking great.

I gave my plants ferts every other watering during veg. A lot of people don't know this, but it's actually good to mix a little bloom nutes in your fert / water mix. I am using Fox Farm...did 3 caps of veg ferts, then one cap of bloom. It might be a little different for your depending on your nutes, but try adding a small amount of bloom to the mix and see how they like it.


Active Member
Hey curious :) I think it's awesome that you are your bro are growing them together and both being responsible for them. They are looking great.

I gave my plants ferts every other watering during veg. A lot of people don't know this, but it's actually good to mix a little bloom nutes in your fert / water mix. I am using Fox Farm...did 3 caps of veg ferts, then one cap of bloom. It might be a little different for your depending on your nutes, but try adding a small amount of bloom to the mix and see how they like it.
it is nice when hes about but hes a sucker for any females who like short skirts an going commando an he picked up the scent of one an kapow hes out the door as fast as he can go :\ dam male alternate brains working over drive lol

posting update in new post as i gwet mixed up if i dont post each thing in new posty.


Active Member
twins been fed with a small dose of bloom to see how they handle it, since there 27 days today (wow first 4 weeks/first month nearly done, feels like i only germed them last week :S) im happy that they will handle the PM oldtimers organic blood nutes well. and there both standing tall at 11 inches each.

ive got a small 50ml bottle of Ace Of Buds solution i recieved ages ago but never used it, does anyone have any opinions about it? like worth using on autos? whens the best time to add as ive found nothing very helpful about anyone using Ace Of Buds anywhere which helps my curious mind.

me bros the library i normally ask about all this but hes buggered off to chase skirts.....typical males using there alternate brains lol so im asking an researching myself so my blonde minds as topped up with info as hes is. well trying to fill the blomde mind of me which is challenging at times to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Well as long as you both don't get scooped up by skirt wearing, commando loving females, I think these ladies have excellent chances :) lol


Active Member
ya i wouldnt mind that at all as it would feed my curious side, since im fluent in scaring guys away cause of my to to playful power :D then again i cant settle down with anyone until im sure me bros life aint leading into an early grave. anyway ive collage so toodles.

oh an ty for the bloom nute tip.


Active Member
miss runts pistel pics as promised

now miss bushys still slowly producing her pistels so nothing much to show on her at that point. last 2 pics are miss bushys roots which are slightly poking my curious spot about them snealing out of the pots bottoms :S they gonna have to stay in them pots as im all outta soil an dont wanna risk stressing them out since theres proberly a lot of root growth in them pots by now



Active Member
week 5 pic update.

week 5 has mainly been a session of bush expanding for miss runt(on the left) and miss bushy, as for miss bushy shes still growing them pistels an im slowly seeing more an more tiny pistels appearing where they should be. so i think by next week miss bushy will have caught up with miss runt an both will be on an even playing field.

day 24

day 25

day 26

day 27

day 28

day 29

day 30

yes today i barely fit them both into a side by side piccy, which shows how bushy auto NLs become after 1 month.

now i just need them to grow upwards, because im beginning to think i have a bunch of lessbians who just cant stop touching each other up at the moment. and the growing upwards part is needed an the more bushy they get the harder it is to get close up pics of the pistels they both have. and so the tops of each site ont hem gets enough lighting.

think thats enough typing as me pinkys need to copy an paste this all over the web for other kitty fans to see the updates. and to top off this week my bros said hes given up helping with the twins so now i have collage, flat life and 2 twins to deal with myself. so time to quickly post this weeks updayes on 4 fourms then fuck off to collage in a right royally fucked off mood.


Well-Known Member
They look gorgeous! You've been taking really good care of them....know it sucks that your bro isn't going to help out anymore but I have faith in you :)


Active Member
few pics of both plants.

an the best update is one of them at some point have a lovely snap half way up the main stem..just stuck some masking tape around it so if dies it dies.. an if it lives then it lives.
so its gonna be going bed with a big injury in about 5 minutes from now.



Active Member
week 6 updates

both got there feed yesterday an they both seem to be handling the slowly increasing nutes feed well since im slowly adding bloom to there feeds every 2 weeks. yes im aware nutes should be added with every 3rd feeding, but as you can see they both are coping well with being fed bloom nutes every 2 weeks instead of every 3rd feeding.

the stem of miss bush (right plant) has clearly affected her growing overal,since shes not as perky as the runt, but since doing a quick fix tape up to try an get her back into recovery an standing position she seems to be coping well. i cant really see much change is miss bushys growth overal since the bloom nutes feed yesterday but judging by the pictures since the stem snapping its clear shes a fighter.

i added a little computer fan which is wired upto an old nokia mobile charger an with the odd stop now an then is giving out a pretty decent breeze when the doors closed.

rootwise both plants roots seem seem to be growing faster as i see them showing there heads an slowly peeking outside of the bottom of both pots which im hoping will slow down because i cant risk repotting them so late into the grows and because im pretty much all out of extra soil and have no time to try to get them out an get more soil under them.

as for the pistels both plants have plenty of them growing all over the place. i have noticed theres a slight browing on a few pistels of miss b but i think that maybe down the the stress from her stem snapping. other than that all seems well to date

height stats
runt seems around 17 inches
bushy seems around 15 inches

according to the site were i purchased the seeds, they have 2 weeks left until they are done. since theres a few fellow auto nl growers diarys i can use compare mine to an from close inspections, im prety sure the bud sites are just beginning to develope so just like the case with PC growers auto nls, i to think the 8-10 weeks time frame is just a guess so looks like they have more than 2 more weeks of flowering/bud site building to go.









Well-Known Member
Damn girl, those plants are getting huge! Might even have to tie them down're right about them needing more time. I think when the company says 8 weeks, they mean 8 weeks from when the plant first starts showing signs of flowers. Can't even tell that you snapped the stem on one, they both look gorgeous to me.